The forms of organization of the educational process are different. But they are united by the fact that they are all aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of students. To better understand what is at stake, we begin the article with a definition of the educational process.
The concept
Before moving on to the forms of organization of the educational process, you need to find out what is meant by this concept.
So, the educational process is called a comprehensive and multifactorial impact on a person, which allows the person to socialize and develop.
As for the forms of organization of the educational process, this is a way to convey to a person this or that information through different organization of its presentation.
How to get an education
Not only in Russia, but also in the world, there are several ways to obtain knowledge.
The first and most common way will be to get an education in an educational institution. Students take the course or the entire program, and then pass the exams. You can study in both full-time and evening classes.
The externship is quite popular. A person studies at home, teachers come to him or he studies the program himself. Then the student takes an exam at the nearest educational institution of the appropriate level.
Now is the era of computer technology, and therefore young people are increasingly choosing distance learning or distance education. People study using computer programs and also pass exams.
For working people, the correspondence form is most suitable. The student may contact faculty members for advice and clarification. He must pass examinations, exams and tests in the agreed period.
What are the forms
There are many forms of organizing the educational process, which allows teachers to achieve good quality knowledge. They are selected depending on what goal the teacher pursues, how many people need to be trained, the place where the training takes place, and so on.
The main forms of organization are as follows:
- A lesson that lasts from 35 to 45 minutes. This is usually a school lesson.
- Seminar. This form is resorted to when you need to practice the entire group of students.
- Lecture. It lasts from one and a half to two hours, maybe with a break, or maybe without. Most often, a lecture is found in higher education.
- Laboratory workshop. A lesson in which students practice equipment, technology, perform experiments or conduct research.
- Individual or group consultation with the teacher. They are held on issues that the teacher would like to explain in depth or when students themselves ask for it. This form is available both in the school lesson and in the lecture.
- Excursion. It can be carried out outdoors, in some kind of public place or at the enterprise. The purpose of this lesson is to expand students' knowledge.
Educational process properties
The educational process not only helps to acquire knowledge, but also entrusts educational properties.
Among other things, the properties include:
- The interaction between student and teacher.
- Harmonious and comprehensive development of the student’s personality.
- Compliance with the technical and substantive aspects of the process.
- The relationship between the purpose of education and the result of the process.
- Training, development and education of the student.
If the educational process is built correctly, then the result will be the moral, intellectual and social development of students.
What is a form?
When it comes to the form of classes, it’s immediately clear, I mean the organization of educational activities, the construction of training sessions. Therefore, the forms of organization of the educational process at school or university are constantly changing. This is due to the fact that institutions are developing, the tasks of education are changing, or even this or that form simply ceases to be relevant for students.
You can give an example from the story when children studied at home. This led to the fact that only a small part of the country's population was literate. Society needed educated people, and therefore the system for acquiring knowledge has changed.
Classroom system
With the advent of the classroom educational system, the problem was completely resolved. The name of the system is this because classes are held in the classroom, with a certain number of students of the same age group. The second part of the name suggests that classes are held in the form of lessons that have a fixed time, and rest periods are arranged between them.
Today, it is the lesson that is considered the main form of the educational process. In the lesson, the teacher can consistently tell material, while students can work both independently and under the supervision of a teacher. The teacher can apply various teaching methods, which improves the quality of assimilation of the material, for example, a laboratory workshop during the lesson allows you to combine two teaching methods at once: independent and under the supervision of a teacher.
The lesson also allows you to solve educational problems. The structure of the lesson depends on what the teacher pursues. He may decide to test knowledge, or may provide new material for independent study.
Lesson requirements
The educational process is based on conducting lessons. For this reason, increased demands are placed on this form of training. Let's consider some of them:
- A lesson is a unit or link in the systematic work of a teacher. In the lesson, they not only learn something, but also solve educational issues and help personality develop. Complex tasks are solved only if the lesson is properly planned and thought out.
- Each lesson should have a clear goal. For example, a practical lesson should consolidate the material into practice. The objectives and goals of the lesson should be formulated briefly, but capaciously.
- A lesson is considered good when it is properly built. Training material must be submitted sequentially, practical activity should not go against theoretical material.
- The quality of the lesson depends not only on the teacher, but also on the students. The more they are ready to perceive the material, the more successful the result will be.
Lecture and seminar system
This educational system appeared along with the first universities. The basis of such a system are practical exercises, seminars, laboratory exercises and lectures. This also includes practical training and various consultations.
For the system to be successful, students need to have basic knowledge of the disciplines and be able to work independently. Since such an educational system has no alternative in higher educational institutions, there is an opinion that the forms of the educational process in these institutions do not develop. This is far from the case; it is just this type of training that brings maximum benefits.
Types of lectures
If a lesson is the main form of education at school, then a lecture is the main form of education at a university. Lectures come in several forms, each of which carries a specific set of tasks:
- Introductory. This is a lesson that introduces the student to the discipline and allows you to navigate the upcoming work. The lecturer explains what place the subject occupies in the future profession and what it represents. A brief overview of the entire course is also given, the names of the scientists who contributed to the area are called. The lecture allows you to explain the methodological features of training when exams are taken and what literature is worth reading.
- Informational. In this lesson, the teacher sets out information that is required to be studied. This is a standard lecture during which new material is presented.
- Sightseeing. Students gain general knowledge about the subject, the methods of study, and the scope of the discipline. At the same time, no one delves into detailed explanations.
- Problematic. The lesson is based on how to present the material through some kind of problem. During the lecture, a dialogue arises between the teacher and students, which helps to absorb the material.
- Visualization. A lesson in which the educational process consists in watching movies or listening to audio recordings. The lecturer only comments on what he saw.
- Binary The lecture is conducted by two teachers. It can be both representatives of one university, or several.
- Lecture with errors. It allows you to stimulate the attention of students. Thanks to this form of training, students focus on the subject of the lecture and better absorb the material. You can even call this lesson a kind of repetition of the material covered.
- Conference. This is a scientific and practical lesson during which students make presentations. Thanks to this approach, the topic of the lesson will be fully covered, and the information is safely assimilated by students. At the end of the lesson, the teacher summarizes all that has been said and supplements, if required, information.
- Consultation. There are several options for developing such an activity. The lecture can be held in the format of questions and answers, or maybe in a complicated version. Then the lecturer sets out the material, students immediately ask questions, a discussion takes place.
The disadvantages of the traditional system
As you already understood, to achieve the desired result, various forms and methods of organizing the educational process are used. But despite the fact that the disciplinary or classroom lesson system in our country has been used for several hundred years, today many people are unhappy with it. And indeed, there are many shortcomings. We will tell you more about them.
The main disadvantage is now called the mismatch of the educational base of a specialist and the requirements for working by profession. This is because the institution provides abstract knowledge of the subject. In production, it turns out that something completely different is needed. Remember the saying that as soon as you get a job, you should forget everything that you studied at the university. The educational process, which is structured in such a way as to divide knowledge into disciplines, interferes with the correct direction of knowledge.
It turns out that students can successfully apply their knowledge at work, it is necessary to reorganize the education system. If you change the forms and technologies of organizing the educational process, you get exactly what you need.
For example, it is worth giving students more time to independently study the material. A change in the forms of preparation for those that involve students' cooperation among themselves is also suitable. If teachers begin to conduct a dialogue with students, this will greatly help in mastering the material and increase interest in the subject.
Educational Organization Requirements
According to the GEF NOU and COO program, the educational process must meet the stated requirements. What are they?
- The presence of practical and theoretical studies, as well as laboratory work for students. At the same time, the goal of such classes is to focus students on knowledge and the assimilation of information. Practical exercises should be conducted in the form of workshops or seminars.
- Children should be able to independently work with the material and study it. Students need to be prepared for the fact that over time they will begin to engage in self-education. Explain to them how important this is.
- Consultations, both group and individual. They will help the child deal with the subject and build relationships with the teacher correctly. The student will know that he can ask for help, and it will be provided.
- Prepare children for exams. After completing the entire course, you will have to take exams. And children should learn the material so that there is no doubt that the exam will be passed. The result of such a check will be a decision in which it will be written whether the subject is mastered or not.
Styles and types of training
In order for knowledge to be acquired, attention needs to be paid not only to the forms of organization of the educational process in elementary schools according to the Federal State Educational Standard or secondary school, but also to styles and types of education. We highlight some of them:
- Educational. The purpose of such training is to teach children to independently seek the truth, learn knowledge, and also show independence. Students carry out activities in the zone of proximal development. The latter allows you to show character traits, the side of the psyche, and more. The teacher does not just transmit information, he organizes a search process that activates the imagination, makes memory and thinking work. This view implies the openness of the teacher to discuss the various points of view of students.
- Illustrative explanatory training. In this case, the teacher should not only transfer knowledge, but also consolidate their practice. That is, the teacher should not dryly present the material, but reinforce it with various illustrations and visual materials.
- Problematic. This style allows you to master knowledge through solving a problem. That is, students must find the answer to the question. For example: “How to solve this inequality?”, And the student is looking for solutions. Even with a lack of data, students themselves must look for where to get them. This stimulates brain activity and allows the child to learn to think outside the box. The challenge can only be a difficult question, to answer which you need to learn something new. The organization of this type of training is difficult, because you need to spend a lot of time searching for a solution. But thanks to this method, one can immediately see which of the students is able to work independently and who is not.
- Programmed. Training using a computer or other equipment. The teacher not only saves time on the theoretical part, but also gives each student the opportunity to study information at the pace he needs.
- Modular. Pupils and teacher work with information, divided into modules. Here the student’s more independent work is important. This also includes a study tour on the topic or a practical lesson.
As you already understood, the educational system in our country is imperfect, but this does not mean that it is worthless. Every year they introduce innovative forms of organization of the educational process that help improve the quality of education. A large number of teaching aids have appeared, even rural schools possess them.
Teachers improve their skills, the Federal State Educational Standard is being edited. All this leads to the fact that the quality of training is improving.
In the same GEF, all requirements for each educational institution are clearly spelled out. This approach allows you to give the most versatile education and develop children as individuals. If before children were not allowed to have their own opinions and speak out against what the teachers told them, now the point of view of each child is valuable, and it is listened carefully.
In general, the quality of education depends not only on the teaching staff and laws. To a greater extent, it is affected by the interest of students and their desire to gain knowledge. If the children are curious, then with any form of the educational process, they will extract everything that is most needed for themselves.
The school has always been considered a second home, often the child spends more time there than with parents. Naturally, the personality of the child is formed thanks to the information that he receives from teachers. If enthusiastic people work at the school, then the children learn smart and happy there.