Removal of the uterus and ovaries is carried out in an extreme case, when all methods of treatment have been tried, but have not yielded positive results. Causes such as uterine fibroids, prolapse , cancer of the uterus, cervix or ovary, vaginal bleeding, endometriosis, adenomyosis can lead to surgery. In many women, after removal of the uterus, depression occurs, the risk of heart disease increases, early ovarian function may fade, sexual dysfunction occurs, especially if the woman had sexual problems before surgery. Removal of the uterus and ovaries can lead to complete loss of sex drive, weight gain, and increased fatigue. There may also be problems with the genitourinary system.
The ovaries are the main organ that produces sex hormones. When they are removed, forced menopause occurs, and in order to at least partially restore the body, hormone replacement therapy with estrogen is prescribed , which is carried out for life. But of course, it is inferior to the natural production of hormones.
The consequence of this removal is equivalent to the effects of removal of the testicles in men.
Of course, the removal of the uterus and ovaries adversely affects the body. Even in an elderly person, the ovaries continue to produce the necessary hormones, so for any woman they were and will remain a vital organ. If a woman has removed the cervix, the consequences also cause significant damage to her body.
However, a positive result can be drawn from all this. In women who underwent surgery, pain and bleeding, constant prolonged menstruation disappear. Previously, when curettage of the uterine mucosa, the effect was enough for two to three months, and this provided that it should be done three to four times. And this for a woman did not pass without a trace. Most patients fear that removal of the uterus and ovaries can significantly affect weight gain. This can happen, but in rare cases. Many women are constantly tormented by the thought of an unwanted pregnancy. Now, after the operation, sexual life will become more relaxed, and the partner will not feel much difference. Excites women and the question of orgasm after surgery. It should be noted that the sensations during intercourse will not be the same as before, but they will still be, just the perception of an orgasm will become a little different. But in any case, doctors warn that not all women experience positive changes. The consequences after surgery may be different. There are women whose uterus is prone to the formation of polyps.
They consist of a body and legs and arise as a result of hormonal disorders or as a result of inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Most of them are benign, however, malignant formations are not excluded.
Many women have no symptoms associated with polyps. But there are times when the menstrual cycle is violated because of them. It can be long, with small interruptions. Polyps are best seen on the fifth day after menstruation. In most cases, doctors immediately recommend the removal of uterine polyps. However, there is another method, when blindly curettage of the uterine mucosa and mucous membrane of the cervical canal. But success as a result of such an intervention occurs only in seventy percent of patients. And the remaining thirty percent have a part of the polyp - the leg. It then gives rise to the growth of a new polyp, which over time will need to be removed.
The modern technique allows the removal of the polyp using a resectoscope. In this case, it is completely removed. Its design is quite complicated. The presence of the so-called “loop” and electric current at its end allows to cut off the formation under the root, capturing in addition to the mucous membrane and the muscular membrane of the uterus. At the place of removal, the polyp will never grow.