Do you know the real name of Vari Chernous?

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Few of our compatriots are unfamiliar with such a character as the intern girl from the TV series Interns. Varya Chernous, the name of this girl, is young and naive, she sincerely believes everything that others are telling her, and takes her personal relationship very seriously, for example, with Gleb Romanenko, played by the famous actor Ilya Glinnikov. All the viewers carefully watched how the relationship developed for this couple. It is worth saying that there was something to follow, because the relations of young people developed against the backdrop of comic problems caused by Varya’s desire to help people, but she constantly violated some rules. Not everyone knows the real name of Vari Chernous - Kristina Igorevna Myasnikova (Asmus is a pseudonym), which will be discussed below.

Varya Chernous real name


Kristina was born in the family of Igor and Rada Myasnikovs, in Korolev, near Moscow. 1988, when Kristina Myasnikova was born (that’s what the real name Vary Chernous sounds like), it was a difficult time for change. From early childhood, she was fascinated by films and television series, and already at that time she dreamed of becoming an actress, which she began to think more and more often after watching the series “Wild Angel”. But even as a child, Christine understood that achieving this goal was not so simple. Her family was not very well off, and her father’s small business was enough only for food and four children for education. Acting training in the late 80s and 90s required significant investments.

Not everyone can imagine that such a fragile-looking girl has a real athletic nature. However, this is so. Christina in childhood was engaged in professional gymnastics at a professional level. Hard work in training has borne fruit, the result of which was the title of candidate for master of sports.

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The beginning of the way

Having become older, the girl decided to return to her dream and informed her parents that she was giving up sports and was beginning to engage in a theater studio. Parents supported their daughter, the training was successful, and the girl without any problems and efforts entered the Moscow Art Theater, which is surprising if you remember what kind of competition was in this respected and popular institution. She was expelled in 2008, but this did not stop her, and soon Christina entered the Institute. Schepkina. Such perseverance and perseverance deserve respect, who knows, if the beginning actress did not possess these qualities, and the real name Varya Chernous would be completely different, but then this character would be loved by the audience - a big question.

In “Interns” Christina got, having passed the selection, which examined more than 1000 candidates. The directors liked her appearance, suitable for a naive and fragile girl. So there was Varya Chernous, whose real name is Kristina Myasnikova. On the set, Christina met many actors, of which she distinguishes Ivan Okhlobystin. She had long dreamed of meeting him in life, but until that time she was content with television and magazines. So, do not forget that the real name of Vari Chernous, who has long been loved by all viewers, is Christina Asmus.

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