Pasta for dandruff "Sulsena": composition, instructions, reviews. Cheap dandruff remedies in a pharmacy

Each of us wants to be the owner of a thick and healthy head of hair, however, not everyone was lucky to have beautiful hair. Especially distressing is such a common problem as dandruff. Sulsen paste is specifically designed to treat seborrhea.

Consider how to properly and efficiently use it to restore strength to curls. We will also find out what other working tools exist to restore the health of the scalp.

Dandruff problem

Dandruff paste composition and properties

The main active ingredient of the drug is selenium disulfide. Also, the formula of the preparation contains glycerin, cetyl, stearyl, cinnamon alcohol, potassium cetetaret phosphate, DMDM ​​hydantoin, citric acid, perfume and purified water.

The product is produced in small tubes with a volume of 40 and 75 ml. Sulsen paste against dandruff has a pronounced antiseptic and antifungal effect.

It should highlight the main properties of this tool:

  • struggles with seborrhea, as well as itching, peeling and dryness;
  • normalizes the function of endocrine glands;
  • strengthens the bulbs and promotes the growth of new hair;
  • restores and nourishes the scalp;
  • cleanses the epidermis of exogenous toxins that act destructively on the hair roots;
  • gives curls strength, softness and healthy shine.

Indications for use

Many people suffer from serious dermatological diseases of the scalp. It is with such pathologies that the paste is called to fight.

A tool with selenium disulfide is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • dandruff;
  • psoriasis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • weakening of follicles and excessive hair loss;
  • fragility and dullness of strands;
  • rashes on the face.

Let's take a closer look at the Sulsen action.

Hair loss

Severe hair loss

The drug is most often used to strengthen curls. To achieve a good result, before applying the paste, you need to wash your hair. Sulsen is used only on clean scalp. The paste should be rubbed into the hair roots with gentle massage movements with your fingertips.

If the foci of prolapse are very pronounced, then it is necessary to use the drug in larger quantities. The product is washed off 15 minutes after application. This time is enough to act on the bulbs. After the procedure, the manufacturer recommends for some time to refrain from using balms, masks, conditioners and other cosmetics for care.


Sulsena is highly effective in the treatment of dandruff. The composition of the product gently affects the scalp, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates toxins and toxins that destructively affect the hair roots. After the use of the drug, the epidermis heals, peeling and itching disappear, the curls acquire strength and shine.

How to remove dandruff? Apply the product according to the same scheme as for strengthening hair. To achieve a sustainable result, repeat the procedure every day for at least a week.

The composition of the paste


This disease is quite common. Its main symptoms are itching, peeling and red rashes. The rich formula “Sulsen” helps to achieve positive results in treatment in 9 out of 10 cases.

In the treatment of psoriasis, paste should be used according to this scheme:

  1. Wash your hair with mild shampoo.
  2. Apply paste on the skin with a thick, even layer.
  3. Leave the mask on for 3 hours.
  4. Wash your hair to remove any residue.
  5. Take a wooden comb and gently peel the skin from the husk.
  6. Apply a nourishing agent to the head. It is best to use a baby cream.

If after the mask discomfort appears in the form of tightness of the skin, it is recommended to apply burdock oil.

Acne on the face

The drug also found application for the treatment of problem skin from rashes. The paste cleanses the epidermis well, renews cells, gives smoothness and softness.

Acne mask

Sulsen is applied to clean skin and left for 10 minutes. The mask is washed off with water at room temperature. It is recommended to resort to such treatment of acne after consulting with a dermatologist.

Instructions for use

The components of the dandruff paste have a specific effect. Therefore, you need to use the tool according to the instructions. In the pharmacy you can buy a drug with different concentrations of the active substance - 1 and 2%.

Depending on the amount of selenium disulfide, the purpose of the paste is selected:

  1. A composition with one percent active substance is used for prevention. It is applied to the skin 2 times a week. The course is 1 month. Repeating the procedure is recommended no earlier than six months later.
  2. Paste "Sulsena" 2 percent has a therapeutic effect. It should also be used twice a week, but for three months.
Instructions for use


The use of sulsen paste in some cases is strictly prohibited. The tool is contraindicated in the following groups of persons:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons with individual intolerance to the components of the composition.

Cost and Manufacturers

You can buy paste from dandruff "Sulsena" in a pharmacy at an affordable price. The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the tube. It ranges from 40 to 120 rubles.

In Russia, buyers can find a means of such manufacturers:

  • “Mirra” - “Sulsen Forte” (Sulsen Forte) with ketoconazole;
  • “Mirolla” - Pasta “Sulsena with Climbazole”;
  • LLC Amalgama Lux - pasta Sulsena.

Reviews about the drug

The network has many reviews of pasta "Sulsena" from dandruff. Buyers who share their observations on the site, note the following advantages:

  • relieves seborrhea, itching;
  • has an affordable price;
  • easy to apply and rinse off;
  • normalizes the water-lipid balance of the scalp;
  • makes hair soft and shiny.

Among the disadvantages of Sulsen Forte, buyers highlight:

  • specific sulfuric odor;
  • hard to find on sale.

Budget pharmacy anti-dandruff

In the distribution network, prices for goods belonging to the same category often vary. The remedies for dandruff in this case were no exception. But it’s not always worth overpaying for perfumes and supplements that are not beneficial. There are inexpensive dandruff remedies in pharmacies.

The choice of anti-dandruff

Medical shampoos cope well with seborrhea. They can be classified as follows:

  1. Antifungal. They are distinguished by a complex chemical composition, which prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. These potent drugs should be used only according to the instructions. After getting rid of dandruff, it is not recommended to use them.
  2. Scrubbing. Exfoliating shampoos are recommended for the diagnosis of oily seborrhea. Small particles conduct gentle peeling, gently cleansing the surface of the head. The composition of such a product often contains salicylic acid, so you should not use it with dry seborrhea.
  3. Tar. They have a simpler composition and are ideal for sensitive skin. Cope with dandruff, but to achieve a positive result, it will take more time.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo “Hair Strength” by “Biocon”

The effectiveness of the drug is due to the presence of ketoconazole in its composition. The component eliminates fungal microorganisms, reduces the severity of the epidermis. Tea tree essential oil in the formula of the drug has a healing and antiseptic effect. After applying the shampoo, dryness and itching of the skin are reduced.

With regular use, the product eliminates dandruff. Washing your hair with the product is recommended up to 4 times a week. After the disappearance of seborrhea, the drug can be used for prophylaxis - 1 time per week.

Shampoo from the Biokon brand costs about 100 rubles per 150 ml bottle.

Tar shampoo from Golden-Farm

Particularly noteworthy is this therapeutic agent. Tar shampoo eliminates the symptoms and causes of dandruff. It should be used regularly until complete recovery.

Shampoo is based on natural birch tar. This natural component has an antimicrobial and exfoliating effect. The product also contains zinc oxide, salicylic acid, calendula oil, vitamins A and E. The drug cleanses the scalp, eliminates itching, tightness and peeling.

Tar shampoo

With constant use, the hair becomes healthy and strong. The cost of the drug from the brand from Golden-Pharm is 100 rubles per 250 ml. Also in the pharmacy you can buy the balm of this company, its price is 150 rubles per 50 ml.

What will help you from dandruff can only be determined empirically. Choosing a remedy, you need to be patient and use it regularly. Only in this case can we count on positive results.

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