Filmography of Tatyana Vasilyeva. Biography and best actress roles

The filmography of Tatyana Vasilieva is replete with bright works, and on the theater stage she has been shining for many years and does not cease to amaze the audience. However, the image of a tough woman, which is inherent in the actress on the screen, is just an image. In life, Tatyana is different from her heroines, and even very much.

Biography and filmography of Tatyana Vasilyeva. early years

Tatyana Vasilyeva admits that her desire to become an actress comes from a notorious childhood. It is not known why, but little Tanya grew up as a sad child and was constantly tormented by depression. At school, the girl was sitting at the last desk and she was never called to the blackboard and was not asked in class.

filmography Tatiana Vasilyeva

When Vasilyeva grew up a little, she swore to herself that she would become a real actress. Tanya knew that her parents would be against this undertaking, so she did not say anything when she went to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. Parents found out later, when Tatyana was enrolled in the course to V. Bogomolova.

After graduation, Vasiliev was invited to the troupe of the Moscow Theater of Satire. The filmography of Tatyana Vasilyeva was replenished with the first film in 1971. It was the musical comedy "Convent", which, incidentally, was played by young Andrei Mironov, as well as Spartak Mishulin.

Tatyana Vasilyeva: filmography of the 70s

Tatyana Vasilyeva in her youth was high and had a non-standard appearance. That is why the actress for a long time was looking for the most winning images for herself and her place in the cinema in principle.

Filmography of Tatyana Vasilyeva of the 70s. consists mainly of films-performances in which the actress was far from the main roles: “Notes of the Pickwick Club”, “Dombey and Son”, “Through the Pages of the Satyricon,” “Return”.

There were also supporting roles in the films “Look at this Face”, “Right to Jump”, “Fourth”, “Mark Twain Against”.

Tatyana Vasilyeva filmography

But there were very successful roles. For example, the actress could not be forgotten by the role of Annie from the immortal comedy "Hello, I am your aunt!" Vasilyeva played Charlie's beloved, and her image cut into the memory of the viewer, not only because of the naivety of the heroine of the actress, but also thanks to the playful freckles painted all over her face.

80s paintings

In the 80s, the finest hour for the actress comes, and the filmography of Tatyana Vasilyeva begins to dazzle with vivid roles. Tatyana’s characters become decisive, experienced, sometimes even cynical, which conquers the audience.

filmography of the actress Tatyana Vasilyeva

The piggy bank of the actress’s charming characters included the eccentric secretary Eleanor from the comedy “The Evening Maze”, Freken Rosenblum from the children's fairy tale “Pippi Longstocking” and, of course, Anya from the melodrama “Before Parting”. It was the last heroine who gave the viewer a winged expression: “Right now! I’ll stroke the laces! ”

But most of all, the actress was remembered by the audience for her role as the psychologist and sociologist Susanna from the melodramatic comedy “The Most Charming and Attractive” with the participation of Irina Muravyeva. Tatyana Vasilyeva, through the lips of her heroine, speaks of her basic life principles: “The first commandment is not to be born beautiful, be born active!” Perhaps that is why the role of Susanna is one of the best in the career of the artist.

Also in the 85th, Vasilyeva embodied on the screens the role of the crook-psychic Anna Kalyazina in the crime film “To Break the Line”.

Subsequent Creativity

Tatyana Vasilieva, whose filmography in the 80s was replenished with many worthy paintings, in the 90s, like many other actors, she was forced to act in everything in order to earn a living. That is why some particularly noteworthy works cannot be called, although Tatyana played the main roles in such films as The White King, The Red Queen, Our American Borya, etc.

biography and filmography of Tatyana Vasilyeva

The filmography of the actress Tatyana Vasilyeva again began to replenish with charismatic characters since about 2005: just then, the actress played a tough and cynical music producer in the film "Pops", exposing all the ins and outs of show business. In the same year, Tatyana embodied the image of Faina Ranevskaya in the drama Star of the Epoch. She also played in the melodramas Three Half Graces, Waiting for a Miracle, Zemsky Doctor, as well as in the comedy Tariff of the New Year.

Today, the actress still remains in demand: in 2015 she appeared in the melodrama "The Perfect Victim", and in 2016 the premiere of the historical detective "The Secret of the Idol" with the participation of Vasilyeva.

Personal life

Tatyana Vasilyeva admits that with the decisive and cynical screen heroines, the actress herself has little in common, except for failures in her personal life. For the first time, Tatyana married her colleague, actor Anatoly Vasiliev, in 1973. In this marriage, the actress had a son.

But already in 1983, the couple broke up, as Tatyana left for another man - actor Georgy Martirosyan. In the second marriage, Vasilyeva gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, but this did not save the family - in 1995, the couple separated. Tatyana commented on the gap, reporting in an interview that she was not treated like a woman, and this eventually bothered the actress. Tatyana did not make any more attempts to put a wedding ring on her finger and completely focused on work.

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