Tomato Octopus F1: photos, reviews, description

Tomatoes in their suburban areas are grown by all summer residents, without exception. There are many varieties of these plants. At the same time, one of the most unusual is the Octopus F1, or tomato tree. Caring for the tomatoes of this variety is easy. However, they are still grown using a slightly different technology than ordinary tomatoes. Further in the article, we will deal with all the details of what, in fact, is an unusual tomato Octopus F1 - photos, reviews of gardeners, features of care will be presented in our review.

General description of the variety

Tomato Octopus F1 is therefore called a tree because it is grown for two seasons and reaches very large sizes. The trunk of such a perennial tomato is lignified, and the shoots form a sprawling crown, the area of ​​which can reach 40-50 m 2 . You can collect up to 1500 kg of fruits from such a tree alone. This variety has no growth restrictions. At the same time, he constantly gives new shoots. Therefore, in the greenhouse, when growing it, a special frame is arranged.

tomato octopus f1 photo reviews

The fruits of a plant like the tomato tree Octopus F1, reviews of which are good also for this reason, differ simply in excellent taste characteristics. This variety is also praised for the fact that its fruits are even, close to round in shape and not too large. In one brush there can be up to 6-7 tomatoes. The color of the fruits of such a tomato is red. The brushes themselves grow every 3-4 leaves.

Another reason for the extraordinary popularity of this variety and good reviews about it is that its fruits are characterized by increased keeping quality. Some summer residents manage to store tomatoes Octopus F1 until the New Year.

Care Features

How is this original tomato grown - Octopus F1? Photos, reviews of gardeners and gardeners make it possible to judge him as a really very original and at the same time fruitful plant. However, you can get a lot of tomatoes from this variety, of course, only with proper care. In addition to the actually unusual appearance and size, the Octopus F1 tomatoes differ from other varieties in their growing technology. They are planted exclusively in large greenhouses, which are necessarily heated. After all, as already mentioned, one bush can be grown for two seasons. In the warm season, the optimum temperature for these tomatoes is considered to be 24-26 degrees, in winter - at least 19 grams.

Many gardeners grow these tomatoes and simply in the open ground or in an unheated greenhouse - for one season. The tree in this case, of course, does not grow. But even being planted on the street, tomatoes of this variety reach quite impressive sizes (even more than De Barao).

When grown in soil for tomatoes, Octopus F1 uses the same fertilizers as for ordinary varieties. It can be both organic and mineral compounds. But more often these tomatoes are grown according to a special technology - on hydroponics. This allows you to fully control the process of consumption of nutrients by the plant and contributes to the maximum amount of oxygen entering the roots.

octopus f1 tomatoes reviews

Hydroponic cultivation

So, we gave a detailed description of a plant such as tomato Octopus F1. Reviews about him are just excellent, especially when using precisely hydroponic growing technology. In this case, professional farmers, and sometimes just summer residents, use special corks from a material that absorbs water well. The seeds are planted in them. A week later, each such cork is laid to one side and several pieces are combined on a tray. As a result, tomato stalks bend and become stronger. The cubes themselves are thoroughly saturated with water.

The seedlings are transferred to special containers filled with perlite and connected to drainage pipes. During irrigation, the rock collects a nutrient solution, the remains of which flow into special tanks. Tomatoes are planted Octopus F1 even if they do not want to get trees, at a considerable distance from each other (1-1.5 m).

Sometimes, instead of containers with perlite for plants, special plates are used (for example, Argo). Nutrient solutions for irrigation are prepared according to special recipes tables. In this case, use a variety of fertilizers and trace elements. When growing a tree during the first 7-8 months, these tomatoes are not allowed to bear fruit. At this time, the root system and the crown itself are actively formed in plants.

Recommendations for growing tomatoes Octopus F1

Seedlings of these tomatoes should be highlighted in the evening. If tomatoes are supposed to be grown according to the usual technology, in the soil, the seeds are planted not in boxes, but in larger containers. Many gardeners sow them in plastic bags filled with soil mixtures (several each). When transporting seedlings to the soil in tomatoes of this variety, the main root is necessarily cut off. This contributes to the rapid development of the root system. Trellis when growing these plants is also a prerequisite. After all, large sizes are what distinguishes the Octopus F1 tomato. Reviews (the photos presented on the page show the size of the bushes clearly) about these tomatoes are good mainly for those gardeners who, in the process of growing them, did not violate any recommendations and technologies.

tomato octopus f1 reviews photos

For example, tomato Octopus in no case should not be herded. Attempting such an artificial crown formation of tomatoes of this variety can lead to a significant decrease in yield. The gardener needs to be monitored only so that yellow leaves do not remain on the bushes or tree. Top dressing when grown in soil is applied under the root.

Types of Tomatoes Octopus F1

Tomato Octopus F1 (photos, reviews of gardeners allow us to judge it as one of the most productive and unpretentious varieties), thus, can be grown as a "tree" for two seasons. In addition to its main variety (actually F1), there are also F1 tomatoes Cream. This variety is also positioned by breeders as a tomato tree.

From the main variety, tomato Octopus Cream F1, reviews of which are also good, differs primarily in the shape of the fruit. Tomatoes in this variety are not round, but oval, but also have a red color. Moreover, they have a dense and quite juicy and tender flesh. This variety is called cream for its slightly oblong fruit shape. They, like the tomatoes of the main variety, are not too large in size and are collected in brushes of 6-7 pcs.

The great taste of the fruit is also what deserved this good Octopus tomato F1 reviews. In open ground or an unheated greenhouse, these tomatoes can reach a height of more than 1.5 meters (up to 2.2 m). Fruits of tomatoes ripen Sprut F1 Cream on 101-110 days after planting. Just like the fruits of the main variety, the Cream can be stored for a very long time. Even under normal conditions, mature tomatoes do not rot for almost 1.5 months.

tomato octopus f1 outdoor reviews

Benefits of Tomatoes Octopus F1

In addition to delicious fruits and intensive development, the advantages of this variety include:

  • Good branching.

  • Fruiting from July to September.

  • Uniform distribution of fruit taste. The tomatoes collected in the upper part of the bush are no different from the tomatoes picked below.

  • Adaptability to high humidity, cold and heat.

tomato octopus cream f1 reviews

Tomatoes Octopus F1: reviews of gardeners

As already mentioned, gardeners have a wonderful opinion about these tomatoes. Of course, only rare exotic exotic growers grow tomato trees on their plots. Mostly gardeners plant tomatoes of this variety in ordinary unheated greenhouses or in open ground. At the same time, many gardeners believe that in this case from the bushes you can get just an excellent harvest. On one plant, up to 10 kg of fruit usually ripens per season. This variety is popular with owners of summer cottages in almost all regions of our country.

In addition to yield and relative ease of care, good tomato varieties of Octopus F1 have earned reviews from gardeners and for their resistance to disease. For example, these tomatoes are practically not afraid of aphids and cicadas. In addition, the variety is resistant to such common diseases of tomatoes as tobacco mosaic and verticillin wilt.

tomato octopus f1 description reviews

Reviews of farmers and housewives

People cultivating these tomatoes for sale also praise them for being able to transport them at virtually any distance without loss. In addition, the Octopus F1 tomatoes, reviews of which are positive for housewives, are suitable for cooking summer salads, and for pickling or pickling.

What pests can infect

To diseases, Octopus F1 tomatoes are practically insensitive. However, sometimes bacteria, fungi, or common pests can infect these plants. Like most other tomatoes, this variety is afraid of infections such as root, white and gray rot, mosaic, late blight, phomosis, etc. Therefore, when growing tomato Octopus F1, a number of preventive measures should be taken to prevent infection. In addition to fungi and bacteria, insects such as a spider mite, a biting scoop or whiteflies can harm them.

tomato varieties octopus f1 reviews

Tomatoes Octopus F1 - an excellent choice for a summer cottage

Well, hopefully, now you are more or less clear on what the Octopus F1 tomato is. Photos, reviews considered in the article - all this serves as unconditional proof of its unusualness and high yielding capacity. Tomatoes Sprut F1 have earned their popularity with the owners of summer cottages for a reason. A variety is not only productive, but also very powerful and hardy. At the same time, it has unusually tasty and lying fruits. However, in any case, to grow a tomato tree on your plot or even just a few dozen healthy bushes, of course, you can only strictly observe all the established technologies for caring for plants.

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