Many women dream of light hair color, some may be naturally brunettes or red, others, due to the variability of tastes and preferences, once dyed their hair in dark colors, others - light blond, but want to become even brighter. However, most still want to get out of the dark color, and they have a question - how to lighten dark hair?
There are two types of hair lightening: chemical and natural. The latter involves the use of natural substances or sunlight. There are facts from the story that Venetian beauties lightened hair, substituting them in direct sunlight. To do this, even wide-brimmed hats with an open top were used - a sort of sambrero without a top - so that the sun, brightening hair, did not affect the tan pale pallor of the face, neck and hands.
Lightening in beauty salons with chemicals can be costly, and chemical brighteners seriously harm both the hair and scalp. Professional tools can be used at home, but at the same time the color may turn out to be uneven or there will be even more harm than from the same procedure in the cabin. Some still resort to this method because of its speed. But with the help of folk remedies, it is most safe to lighten dark hair, even if the desired result can be achieved not so soon.
Dyed, especially repeatedly, dark hair is more difficult to lighten than natural. Before brightening black hair, it is better to use a wash several times, after consulting with a hairdresser. If you immediately begin to lighten such hair, there is a chance of occurrence after this of unexpected shades, up to green. If the hair was colored red or red, then when lightening it can acquire an orange or even yellow color, in which case you will have to use tinted balms.
If you use chemical brighteners at home, you must definitely follow the attached instructions. Before brightening dark hair on your own, you must first check on a separate strand the result of staining and on any area of ββthe skin the presence of allergic reactions to the brightener. Since compositions of this kind can damage the structure of the hair, it is recommended that you nourish your hair with various masks and balms for a week before lightening, and subsequently constantly resort to hair restoration products.
And yet, how to lighten dark hair with minimal or no consequences? Folk remedies can help. The most radical and effective of these means is hydrogen peroxide. If the hair is thin and absorbs moisture well, then the concentration of the peroxide solution should be less than for stiff and unruly hair, from 4 to 12%, respectively. Clarification occurs due to the oxidative reaction, and the degree of clarification depends on the concentration. It is not recommended to keep peroxide solution on the hair for a long time in order to avoid scalp burns.
Means proven by the experience of generations are very good as natural brighteners, such as chamomile, rhubarb root, nettle, honey, glycerin, lemon juice, kefir. Various masks, creams, infusions are prepared from various combinations of these components. The easiest recipe when you do not need to prepare any mixtures is to simply apply natural liquid honey (preferably acacia) to clean, dry hair along its entire length, wrap it with cellophane and leave it for 10 hours, best for the night. Before this, in the process of washing the hair, a quarter of a teaspoon of soda is added to the shampoo. Then you will need to rinse the honey with warm water. In addition to lightening, the hair becomes healthy and soft. On the other hand, some may be allergic to honey and then this method will not work for them.
On the Internet, you can also find many other, no less useful recipes and tips on how to lighten dark hair, and from this set you can only choose your favorite or combine several ways together.