Appointed duphaston. How to take it.

The use of most drugs is prohibited during pregnancy. However, some products were specially created for use in preparation for pregnancy or for the treatment of certain pregnancy complications (uterine hypertonicity, threatened abortion, etc.). Such drugs include Dufaston. These are pills that only a doctor has the right to prescribe in the presence of appropriate indications.

If the pregnancy appears quickly and easily proceeds, then this is wonderful. However, unfortunately, this situation is not always the case. In certain cases, the use of hormonal drugs is required to avoid problems. Duphaston is an analogue of natural progesterone formed in the corpus luteum in the ovaries. If the amount of your hormone is not enough, then there is a need for the use of this drug.

Thus, Duphaston refers to drugs designed to enhance the process of fertilization and conception. So, you were assigned duphaston. How to take it to get pregnant?

Only on the basis of laboratory tests of blood tests, the doctor will individually be able to choose the most suitable dosage, as well as the medication regimen, to achieve the best result. A woman who is planning a pregnancy and is taking this drug must adhere to the regimen established by her gynecologist very precisely, only in this case the desired effect will be achieved. Never exceed the prescribed dosage of this drug - be sure to remember that an excess of the hormone progesterone in the female body can also lead to the appearance of various, sometimes completely unpredictable complications.

Of course, many are interested in how long you can take duphaston.

Dufaston treatment can be carried out for a long enough time, since the desired effect is not achieved instantly. It should also be remembered that the medicine does not stimulate ovulation, it only creates the necessary conditions for a good menstrual cycle.

If you know how to take duphaston correctly during pregnancy, then this is absolutely harmless to the fetus. This is due to the fact that its structure is closest to progesterone, which is produced by the female body. In this case, the hormone has an exclusively positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

If you were prescribed Duphaston before pregnancy, how to take it during pregnancy, only the doctor decides, since with the onset of pregnancy you can not immediately stop taking this medicine. The lack of progesterone does not disappear at the beginning of pregnancy, but, on the contrary, can only increase. Abrupt withdrawal of this drug can provoke a miscarriage. As a rule, the drug continues to be taken in the same dosage as before pregnancy.

Sometimes Dufaston is recommended even during pregnancy, if there are the following indications:

1. The threat of miscarriage. It is accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen due to an increase in the tone of the uterus and bloody discharge from the genital tract of different intensities.

2. In the past there have been cases of non-developing pregnancy. Duphaston in such cases helps the normal development of the fetus.

3. Habitual miscarriage. This condition is determined in the presence of miscarriages more than three times.

The doctor should monitor the effectiveness of the drug, so if necessary, you should agree to hospitalization. As a rule, Dufaston therapy lasts up to 12-16 weeks of pregnancy, then progesterone is produced by the placenta in the right amount.

If you have been prescribed duphaston, how to take it during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe the dosage and treatment regimen, because it all depends on the main disease and all the nuances of the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes a dose adjustment is needed. Basal temperature should be measured, because on its basis it is possible to establish the failure of the corpus luteum. Sometimes it happens that the usual dosage of 10 mg twice a day cannot save the pregnancy. Then you can increase the dosage to four tablets per day. But only a specialist should prescribe such treatment.

If Duphaston was prescribed, the doctor will tell you how to take it, as a rule, it should be taken at equal time intervals. It is mandatory at the same time. When the required period has passed, the dosage is gradually reduced.

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