In this article, Serov’s painting “Mika Morozov” will be considered. Let's get acquainted with the biography of the famous artist. We will take a closer look at the master’s canvas and share our impressions of the painting. So, let's begin.
Brief biography of the artist
Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov is a famous Russian artist, an outstanding master of the portrait genre. Born in 1865, January 19. The boy grew up in a family of creative people: his father was a famous composer, and his mother was a talented pianist. From childhood, the child showed talent in drawing, for which he was encouraged by his parents in every possible way. After the death of the father, the mother was engaged in the education of the son. The childhood of the future master passed in Munich, and then the family moved to Paris. In France, the boy met the famous artist Repin. In due time, Repin will become a mentor and teacher of a young man, and it is he who will introduce him to the circle of talented masters upon arrival in Russia.
The first picture of Serov was painted in 1885 and was called "Oxen". Two years later, “Girl with Peaches” was written, which glorified the artist.
Detailed description
In 1901, Serov’s famous painting “Mika Morozov” was painted. Description of the artist’s painting evokes a feeling of tenderness and purity. In the center of the composition, on the edge of the chair, sits a little boy of about four. This is Mika Morozov, the son of a well-known philanthropist M. A. Morozov in Russia. The boy is sweet and innocent. The round face of the child is framed by an air cap of reddish curls. Dark as ripe cherries, eyes are wide open, and express surprise and delight. The composition of the film "Mika Morozov" reveals the essence of the picture. The author wants to show us the moment of childhood captured by him, so sweet and gentle, and once again reminds us of the need to love and protect our children. The kid on the canvas sits on the very edge of the chair, he is eager to play and run, but he observes the work of the master. The viewer looks at the picture from the side and as if takes part in the creation of a masterpiece. The child gripped the armrests of the chair with his fingers. It seems that he looks like a little fluffy chick who is ready to fly out of his nest at any second.
The color palette of the canvas
In the essay on the painting "Mika Morozov" I would especially like to emphasize the color palette that the author uses in his work. The main emphasis is on the contrast of dark and light. The centerpiece is the boy’s white shirt. Also the leading role in color preference remains with the shock of wonderful curly hair. The armchair and the general background of the picture were painted by the artist in dark colors. Due to this, the fragility of the baby body is emphasized. The head seems a little larger than usual due to the curly curls of the child. All these details emphasize children's innocent beauty.
In the essay on the painting "Mika Morozov" I want to describe the face of the boy in more detail. The face is white with a bright healthy glow, lips are slightly parted, the whole image breathes childhood. And, it seems that at any moment you can hear his little voice and cheerful laughter.
The impression of the picture of the famous master
The impression of working for the viewer is huge, one might say powerful. First of all, the artist’s skill is striking, and the hero of the picture, a little boy, causes emotion. In the essay on the film "Mika Morozov" I want to touch on the theme of the author’s skill. In his short life, the artist painted many portraits, most of which are presented in the Tretyakov Gallery. There you can see the picture "Mika Morozov." Childhood itself is captured on the canvas, and looking at it, you involuntarily recall your own past, such a serene one, free from the hustle and bustle of life. And the very baby you once woke up in you is as cute, kind as the hero of this picture.