The film "I want to go to jail." Actors, plot of the comedy Alla Surikova "I want to go to jail"

Alla Surikova - Russian director. Unlike most female filmmakers, she prefers a comedy genre. One of Surikova’s most popular films is “I Want to Go to Jail”. Actors and roles, as well as the plot of the picture - the topic of the article.

want to jail actors

Movie Summary

The film was released in 1998. It reflects events of a difficult period in Russia. The main character - Semyon Lyamkin - is a talented, unusual person. He works as a mechanic, but unlike his colleagues, he has extraordinary abilities, can repair and assemble anything.

Outside the dashing nineties. The country is unstable, banditry is flourishing. Lyamkin worked for many years at the factory, but once, like his other colleagues, he was unemployed. The hero of the film Surikova is the head of a large family. To feed the children, Semyon takes a risky step: he accepts the offer from the head of the criminal group. So Lyamkin becomes a criminal himself.

What happens next with the hero of the comedy “I want to go to jail”? The actors of this film, which will be named a little later, are the stars of Soviet and Russian cinema. Thanks to them, as well as sparkling humor, typical of Surikova’s films, this picture gained popular love in the late nineties. Lyamkin makes a rather original decision. Having learned by chance from a television program that Dutch prisoners live an order of magnitude better than Russian, he goes abroad. The name of the film “I want to go to jail!” Speaks of Semen’s further aspirations.

Actors and roles (main characters)

The hapless criminal was played by Vladimir Ilyin. His wife is Natalya Gundareva. About the actors of the movie "I want to go to jail" can talk endlessly. These are outstanding artists, winners of numerous awards.

Vladimir Ilyin received the title of "People's Artist" in 1999. For many years he played on the stage of the theater. Mayakovsky. There are more than a hundred works in the filmography of Ilyin. Before filming in Surikov’s comedy, he was already known for the films “Accident - the daughter of the cop”, “Bitch children”, “Anchor, another anchor!”. He played in the film adaptation of the Pushkin novel Dubrovsky and many other films. In 1998, Ilyin was awarded the Nika Prize for his leading role in the film I Want to Prison. The actors who played minor characters are described below. But first, a few words should be given to the performer of the main female role.

film actors want to go to jail

Natalia Gundareva in this comedy played the mother and wife. Once, in the seventies, the audience saw the actress on the screen exclusively in the image of a simple village woman. Later, she moved away from this role. Gundareva began to reveal complex psychological images. The actress was extremely in demand. Only in the nineties, she played in the movie about twenty roles. However, due to a serious illness in the early 2000s, Natalia Gundareva stopped acting and going on the stage. After the film "I want to go to jail," she played in only four scenes.

Alla Kluka

This actress played a resident of Holland, whom the hero of Ilyin met during his misadventures. Alla Kluka was born in Minsk, but spent many years in the United States. She starred in such series as Law and Order, Clan Soprano. In the late nineties, she came to Russia, then she received an offer from Alla Surikova to play in the film "I want to go to prison."

want to jail actors and roles

Actors (supporting roles)

The head of the bandit group was played by Boris Shcherbakov. Other criminal authorities - Sergey Batalov, Oleg Bocharov. Of course, foreign actors were also involved in the film, because most of the events take place in the Netherlands. So, in the comedy of Alla Surikova played Tayce Ruvers, Michael Crassus, Jean-Marie Roos. Russian actors who performed episodic roles: Alexander Kuznetsov, Zoya Buryak, Georgy Shtil, Rudolf Furmanov.

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