Friends, a cleansing enema at home for weight loss is an excellent aid in the fight against excess weight. However, there is some trick. In order for the effect to really be, as they say, on the face, the enema must be used in combination with a specialized low-calorie diet and exercises.
The most common cleansing enemas are carried out by washing the stomach with clean water, but today the so-called salt options are gaining more and more popularity. How to make an enema for yourself in order to lose weight is the topic of our article today.
Why add salt?
The fact is that saline solution will cleanse your intestines much better than just water, due to the stimulation of cleaning processes by salts. An alkaline environment is created. Salt begins to be absorbed much more slowly than pure water, remaining longer in the intestinal lumen and softening the accumulated feces. In addition, salt water “sucks” liquid from the intestinal wall, thereby facilitating purification.
How to do an enema for weight loss
If you still do not understand what is the connection between an enema and losing weight, I’m explaining: the large intestine, through the salt water introduced into it, quickly cleanses of long-term accumulated deposits, which makes your kilograms literally melt before our eyes. So, here are a few simple steps to make an enema on your own.
- Use a small pear-shaped douche or a professional Esmarch bowl. The second option is most convenient because it is suspended, which allows you to carry out this unpleasant, but necessary procedure without outside help.
- Lie on your side, squeeze your knees and slowly but surely insert the end of the enema lubricated with vegetable oil into the anus.
The concentration of salt enemas, depending on the goals
- The combination of salt with lemon juice. A large spoonful of salt and 0.25 cups of lemon juice are diluted with two liters of water.
- If you have constipation, then the following salt concentration is suitable for you: 1 liter of water and 2 large tablespoons of table salt. Water should be at room temperature.
- For quick absorption of fat deposits from the abdomen, you need to slightly increase the concentration of saline solution: 1.5 liters of water and 1 dessert spoon of table salt.
Be careful!
- Friends, do not forget that the knowledge and skill how to make an enema for yourself in order to lose weight can play a trick on you! The fact is that all cleansing enemas (including salt enemas) wash out various useful substances from the body.
- Do not put an enema more than 1 time per week!
- Do not forget about a low-calorie diet!
In no case do you need to know how to make an enema yourself if you have:
- persistent stomach problems;
- headaches with fever;
- problems with the large intestine are observed;
- renal colic;
- recent strokes and heart attacks;
- weakness, abdominal pain, nausea.
In addition, it is unacceptable to put cleansing enemas for weight loss and women who have begun menstruation, as well as expectant mothers.