Otitis in medicine is called inflammatory disease of the ear. There are several varieties of otitis media, depending on the location of the inflammatory process.
Otitis media is a disease that most often affects adolescents and children. As a rule, this disease develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza or infectious diseases such as scarlet fever and measles. At risk are children who have chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.
Otitis media of the middle ear develops, most often, as a result of the transfer of infection from the nasopharynx through the mouth of the auditory tube to the mucous membrane of the middle ear. However, there are other ways in which pathogenic bacteria enter the tympanic cavity. This can happen as a result of injury with damage to the eardrum. Also, there are cases of meningogenous or hematogenous pathways of infection.
Acute otitis media, as noted above, in most cases develops against an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Patients note severe pain in the ear, hearing loss, body temperature rises to around 38-39 degrees. Normally, the cavity of the middle ear is sterile, but as a result of infection there, pus forms in the tympanic cavity , which puts pressure on the walls of the middle ear, causing pain.
Not only bacteria, but also viruses can provoke otitis media . This form of the disease often develops against the background of the flu. It is extremely important to identify the nature of the development of inflammation, since the selection of an effective treatment depends on this.
Acute purulent otitis media of the middle ear lasts for several days and proceeds, passing through several stages. First, the patient has a feeling of stuffiness in the ear, there is a noise in the ears. Then, as the mucous membrane is inflamed, the condition worsens, severe pain appears, and the temperature rises. As pus accumulates in the tympanic cavity, the pain continues to intensify, giving back to the head and neck. At this stage, patients have a marked decrease in hearing acuity, the temperature remains high.
After a hole is formed in the eardrum (perforated stage), pus flows out of the ear and the general condition of the patient becomes better. The temperature decreases, pain decreases, but tinnitus remains. In the last stage of the disease, a scar forms at the site of perforation in the tympanic membrane, and inflammatory processes cease.
Otitis in acute form, as a rule, responds well to treatment. However, if the treatment was not sucking or it was incorrect, complications may develop. Among the most common effects of otitis media is hearing loss. Perforation of the tympanic membrane is possible , as a result of which otitis media acquires a chronic course. In severe cases, the development of meningitis is possible.
Chronic otitis media is manifested by a feeling of congestion, periodically occurring pains and pus. Perhaps progressive hearing loss.
The treatment is performed by an otolaryngologist. Patients in the acute stage of the disease are prescribed bed rest, to relieve the general condition, painkillers and antipyretics are prescribed. If necessary, sulfonamides or antibiotics can be prescribed. Before the onset of the perforated stage of the disease, warming compresses can be used, and to reduce the swelling of the nasopharynx - vasoconstrictor drops. As a rule, treatment of acute otitis media lasts 8-10 days.
In the event that conservative treatment is ineffective, paracentesis can be prescribed - piercing the eardrum, as a result of which pus is released from the cavity, which facilitates the patient's condition and reduces the risk of complications.
Preventive measures to prevent otitis media are to strengthen the immune system and timely treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases.