Gulf of Finland fishing on the dam. June fishing

It is easiest for fishermen from St. Petersburg and the surrounding area to go for their favorite hobby to the Gulf of Finland. It is part of the Baltic Sea, but it is much more fresh. This fact makes the fishing process as close as possible to the river and lake. Fishing on the Gulf of Finland on the dam is a wonderful vacation and beautiful places.

fishing in the gulf of Finland on the dam

Perfect place

There is a special place in the bay - the Marquise Lawn. It attracts many fishermen from small to large. At this place you can have a good weekend or even stop by for a few hours after a working day. It is an ideal place for fishing. You can catch fish in your ear already in the first hours spent by the pond.

In winter, when the bay is chained with ice, roach bites very well. In this case, the timing of fishing is important. Roach is better to take the bait at night. Knowing the characteristics of fish behavior will play into your hands. In fishing, all the nuances are important, such as the habits of the fish and the preferred bait. A flock of fish located in a large school is better caught. In this case, for a good bite you just need to feed it.

The Gulf of Finland extends beyond Russia. Part of it is located in Finland. Fishermen who are going to profit from fish on the other side must have a foreign passport. But it is verified that we are pecking no worse than abroad. Rest in the Leningrad region on the Gulf of Finland will be remembered by everyone.

Fishing without bait

Experienced anglers can not do without bait when fishing. But there is a way to do without it. This tool is not often resorted to, but be aware that even without bait you can provide yourself with a certain catch. Fishing in the Gulf of Finland on the dam will bring its trophies.

With a nozzle, you will catch more fish, but for comparison you can try without it. The ability to catch without bait will be useful to any fisherman. There are cases when the fish completely does not notice the bait, behaves strangely. And then it’s worth using the acquired skill.

On the Marquise Lawn, this method of fishing can be practiced. First, choose a suitable place for fishing. This is especially important if the bait will not be used. A fishing place here can be seen from afar: there is already a crowd of fishermen. As a rule, if a fisherman went biting, then they try to join him. Therefore, you don’t need to worry if at some point a bunch of like-minded people gather around you. Everyone will get the fish, especially if it gathers in schools. This bay is worth a visit to everyone who gets used to fishing. You need to choose a fishing place depending on the time of year.

Gulf of Finland on the map

Features of fishing and biting places

For many, the bay will look like a large lake. Natural conditions created it shallow with a large influx of fresh water. The water here is slightly salted - from 0.2 to 9.4%. The resulting water spaces are fond of many species of fish. They also like fishermen, who are always many in this pond. The water surface totals almost 30 thousand square kilometers. The Gulf of Finland Dam is a special place.

The size of the bay is as follows: length 420 kilometers, and width 70-130 kilometers. In the deepest place, 121 meters to the bottom, and the average gluin is about 38 meters. In winter, the water temperature is about zero, and in summer it rises to 17ºC. In the area of ​​the bottom of the bay, it is unchanged and amounts to 2-3ºC.

The pond is covered with ice in the last days of November, and is released from it only in April. There are winters without severe frosts, and then ice does not form on the surface of the bay. The east of the bay is the most shallow and fenced off by a dam. It is worth knowing that at the bottom there are places that were buried by man.

The sandy beaches of the north of the bay have become a haven for many tourist resorts and boarding houses with all amenities. At the same time, fishermen also fell in love with them, because here are the best fishing spots in the whole pond. In the northwest of the reservoir - the greatest depths and steep banks. Most preferably fishing in June.

rest in the Leningrad region on the Gulf of Finland

Popular fishing spots

  • Only on the dam can you profit from white fish (bream, bream or roach). Bottom and float rods, a feeder are used for capture. Bloodworms, earthworms and maggot are suitable as bait. Fish goes worse on vegetable bait, so you need to use bread, soaked grains or semolina for this purpose only as a last resort.
  • In winter, fishing in the Gulf of Finland on the dam will be remembered for smelt fishing. For this purpose, people come here as soon as the ice rises. Smelt loves the resulting habitat conditions. Its local appearance will be unique in catches until spring. With the arrival of sunny days, the Baltic smelt enters the Gulf of Finland. It has a large size and a slightly different taste.
  • The Dudergovsky Canal has good beaches, plenty of fish and a convenient entrance. All this attracts amateur fishermen and professionals from all over the northern capital. They catch roach, carp, perch and pike on the canal.
  • The Strelna yacht club has not only yachts and athletes. On its territory there are a lot of fish and, of course, fishermen. Fish are caught all year round. On the hook you can see bream, perch, pike perch and roach. Everyone catches them in the way that is more like it.
  • The Lakhtinsky spill is famous for its huge fish, which are not so easy to catch. Tricky fish can be caught on vibro-tails, spinner or spinner. Here you can catch perch, pike or pike perch.
  • Bream are found in Lakhta, Olgino, the mouth of the Neva, near the Vasilyevsky and Krestovsky islands and the coal harbor. Many anglers like to fish bream and roach on mormyshka. In these places the perch with zander also lives. It is also convenient to catch bream because it will certainly be in catchy places. Experienced anglers know all the dates of the mass presence of fish in different places and seasons. For example, the scavenger will be caught all winter in Olgino. The most experienced are able to catch tens of kilograms of fish in one sitting. In spring, at the mouth of the Malaya Neva and Nevka there are flocks of bream.
  • Find your own bite place will help you depth maps. They have been updated and contain a lot of relevant and useful data. With their help, you can navigate, correctly select the right bait and gear. Have a wonderful time, chat in nature and enjoy a good catch! Go for a rest on the Gulf of Finland, its most attractive places are clearly visible on the map.

June fishing

Winter fishing

In the winter months they catch smelt. This activity is very popular. The smell of cucumbers characteristic of this fish spreads throughout the Gulf of Finland.

All kinds of smelt can be caught in mormyshka using a winter fishing rod. To the place of fishing on an ice shell you need to stomp for forty minutes on foot. Therefore, it is worth taking a tent with you in order to spend the night calmly after feeding. Rest in the Leningrad region on the Gulf of Finland in winter will appeal only to special connoisseurs.

dam on the gulf of finland

Spring fishing

In the spring months, fishing can be divided into two intervals: before the ice melts and after. The ice crust begins to lose ground, but experienced fishermen use winter fishing methods and tools almost until the ice disappears at the end of April. By this time, perches approach the shore for spawning and peck at the bait of skilled fishermen. Catching lead on a spinning rod.

Popular and good places for winter fishing are Repino, Zelenogorsk and Komarovo. In the spring months, Chekhon takes them well. They are also noteworthy in that a large company can come to the shore without any problems. Fishing on the Gulf of Finland on the dam is also possible at this time.

The Gulf of Finland is steeply deep in the area of ​​the village. Sands. In a kilometer from the coast, the bottom is at a distance of 25 meters from the surface. The bottom relief is likable to smelt; it dwells here in large numbers. Fishermen quickly get fishing rods with this fish out of the water. You can get here by bus or train from Zelenogorsk.

Gulf of Finland in summer

In the villages of Vysotsk and Manola near the coastline, the bottom was deliberately deepened. This contributes to convenient and safe smelt fishing. There are times when flocks of “black-backed” appear here, causing genuine interest of fishers. Fishing in June is special.

Summer fishing

In the north of the bay, zander begin to be caught in the second half of June. Nibble goes on white nights and at all depths: from the surface to the bottom. Recently, wobblers have become very popular, but the occurrence among fishermen of jig bait does not decrease. The best catches will be away from the coastline, so you should take an echo sounder with you. It will help to find a suitable bottom topography that zander loves.

The Gulf of Finland is famous for special fish species in the summer. Along with zander, perch also comes for bait. They have similar habitats. In the north-west of the Gulf of Finland, there were cases when a pikeperch attempted an attack on mormyshka instead of smelt. And in winter, small zander was caught on vertical spinners, less often balancers. Everyone can find the Gulf of Finland on the map.

Gulf of Finland how to get

Autumn fishing

You can test yourself and test the level of skill in the fall on a pike. For this purpose, take a spinning 210-240 centimeters with a reliable coil, put the friction clutch almost tightly. Pike loves those places where water lilies, reeds and reeds grow . If you look carefully, you can notice the passages between them. In these places it is worth catching a pike.

Prepare a strong fishing cord that can easily pass the pike directly through the thickets of coastal vegetation. Light spinners will not help, it is better to pay attention to the “unhooked” from 22 grams and 8 centimeters.

fishing fishing place

Get to the bay

All possible habitats should be closely examined and passages found in which the pike hunts. It may take more than one day, but it's worth it. For diligence and zeal, you are provided with a rich catch. Do not despair if the first bite was unsuccessful. After some time, the pike will return again for the bait.

Beautiful Gulf of Finland! How to get to it, now we will tell. Suburban trains go there, following from Finland or Baltic stations. To do this, you need to choose the trains that follow in Strelna or Peterhof - they move just along the bay. You can get out at the stations Solnechnoe, Kalische, Komarovo, Krasnoflotsk, Repino and others. Local buses and taxis run from the stations to the bay.

Gulf of Finland in summer

The Gulf of Finland is very rich in fish, and experienced fishermen know this. There are a lot of fishing spots at any time of the year. Join them by going fishing in this wonderful place!

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