What varnish glows in the dark? Description, application manual, photo

At a disco for many, manicure begins to glow brightly. But, when the light suddenly goes out or when going outside, in the car interior and other places without special lighting, the manicure behaves differently: for some it continues to glow, for others it stops. Why does one varnish glow in the dark and the other not? How to explain that in the light of advertising lights they behave the same? And most importantly: how to get the right glowing varnish?

In order to understand this, some physical phenomena should be considered. Everyone knows that phosphorus glows in the dark. In this case, the transition of the chemical form of energy into light occurs. But phosphorus compounds have long been banned for use in cosmetics. Why are some varnishes called phosphoric?

Why varnish glows in the dark

Some substances have the ability to absorb light, and then give it. This does not mean that they are sources of light. On the contrary, in order for them to shine, they need to be placed under sunlight or a lamp. This effect is called luminescence. Translated from Latin "faint glow." Luminescent varnishes glow in ultraviolet and neon lighting, which is used in discos and cafes.

Luminescence is divided into fluorescence and phosphorescence and is characterized by the duration of the glow in the dark. Fluorescent varnishes immediately cease to glow when the light source is turned off, while phosphorescent varnishes continue to glow in complete darkness. Gradually, the intensity of the glow fades, but the varnish glows in the dark all night.

Glowing Design Elements

In the manufacture of varnishes, cosmetics, fabrics, designer paints, not phosphorus is used, but organic phosphors. They are safe, non-toxic and are used even in the manufacture of children's toys. They accumulate light and give it in the dark, changing the wavelength to a shorter one.

Description of luminous pigments

Colored pigments appeared on sale, which are used for mixing with acrylic powders for nail extensions, topping in designs and adding to the top coatings, both lacquer and gel. Now there are dozens of phosphors that have a different origin and cost. Perhaps their industrial coloring in red, yellow, blue and green colors and shades.

Phosphor pigments

Most often in the manufacture of varnishes, glowing in the dark, the following substances are used:

  • Sodium isothiocyanate, which is added for light green glow. It has a short cycle and quickly stops glowing.
  • Rhodamine glowing in the dark in red. Also goes out quickly.
  • Strontium aluminate, giving a turquoise or yellow light. Lights up 16 hours after “charging”. Now it is the most popular ingredient in the composition of varnish.
  • Zinc sulfide - glows red-violet. A cheap component that is now being superseded by strontium aluminate.

The powder itself is opaque, its color is almost white with a greenish tint. In order for it to fix on the surface, it is mixed with transparent varnishes. Drying, the coating with phosphors becomes dull. If desired, it can be covered with a glossy top - this does not change the properties of phosphors in a transparent environment.

Why does the varnish stop glowing in the dark

Sooner or later, the varnish ceases to glow in the dark. When time passes, the luminescence of phosphors ceases, they go into a calm state. Fluorescent varnishes cease to glow immediately. In order for the phosphorescent varnish to begin to show its properties again, it must be “charged”: brought to a light source. Unfortunately, this is useless for fluorescent varnishes.

Luminous ombre

When purchasing varnish, you should first place the bottle in the area of ​​the light source - for example, under an incandescent lamp or energy-saving (only not under a fluorescent). Then the bottle is transferred to complete darkness or lowered into a box. Phosphorescent polish glows in the dark.

How to choose a suitable varnish

The composition will tell you a lot - how light the varnish glows, it can be seen by the pigment that enters it. There are a lot of names of pigments, but the following are most often used in varnishes:

  • TAT 33, which glows brighter than others and gives different colors when lit.
  • MHB-4E giving a turquoise glow.
  • MHP-6D giving a purple glow.

Non-certified varnishes with tritium are radioactive, their glow is dangerous. If the composition is not indicated on the label, most likely the manufacturer has something to hide. Therefore, it is better to opt for products of famous brands.

Phosphor Bottle

In daylight, phosphorescent varnishes have a dense texture and a matte surface. They are good for the office, but on vacation it is better to choose neon varnishes: they glow in the dark like other varnishes with phosphors, but in daylight they look much more advantageous. Phosphorescent pigment is added to the phosphors in them.

How to make lacquer glow

To make the manicure glow in the dark, you can apply a top with phosphor pigments on it. The light green pigment shines most brightly. Manufacturers' recommendations on the ratio of pigment to transparent varnish range from 1: 1 to 1:10. In the manufacture of paints, a proportion of 1: 3 is used, where three parts of the varnish are taken for one part of the pigment.

After adding the powder to the varnish, it must be well mixed until smooth. In a subsequent application to the nails, the operation is repeated by shaking the bottle. If the pigment is uneven, the glow will turn out ugly.

The video instruction will help you independently make a varnish that glows in the dark.

To make the manicure more accurate, the luminous varnish is applied to a white substrate. After it are followed by two layers of varnish with phosphors. Fasten the coating with a glossy top.

Glowing gel polish

In the dark, glowing nails with a colorful pattern look especially attractive. Regular varnish is difficult to carry out some types of design. Sometimes it’s easier to do it with gel polish. The phosphor and gel are mixed on a palette in a ratio of 1: 4 - four parts of gel polish are taken on one part of the pigment.

The advantage of the direct preparation of gel polish before application is that the pigment is well distributed over the entire surface. In the bottle, it settles at the bottom and has to be shaken for a long time. Gel varnishes have a dense texture, just shaking the bottle (as with ordinary varnishes) may not help.

So do many designs. One of them is ombre, a stretch of color and light. It looks interesting on a luminous background stamping and screen design. Some gel varnishes, in particular, El Corazon, have luminous design elements - stars.

Glowing turquoise manicure.

Names of brands of luminous varnishes

The most famous domestic brand of fluorescent varnishes, glowing in ultraviolet radiation, is "Dance of Legends." A lot of color options for the office and for the disco. The second popular brand is Neil Art. During the day, they look like ordinary varnishes with glitter, which glows green in the evening. Another good varnish is Jerden. Luminous varnishes are also produced by the brands "Patricia Nales", "Smart Enamel", "Masura" and others.

Green glow of varnish

Gel polish that glows in the dark is produced by Global Fashion, Patrisa Nail, Rio Profi. To cover the light, it is kept in the light for several minutes. The cost of all brands is different, everyone can choose a suitable bottle.


Nail polish that glows in the dark is very unusual. Some scare them at home when they do it for the first time. Of course, it is designed for a holiday, and not for everyday use. Therefore, it is chosen by young girls and participants in the show who want to attract attention.

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