Louis Guzman: biography, films, actor's personal life

Louis Guzman is a famous Puerto Rican artist. It gained wide popularity through collaboration with such eminent Hollywood directors as Stephen Soderbergh and Paul Thomas Anderson. He became famous for performing numerous supporting roles, embodying on the screen the images of villains, crooks, policemen. Actor Louis Guzman is known for his talent for masterfully revealing the characters of dramatic and comedic characters.

early years

luis guzman

Luis Guzman was born in the Puerto Rican town of Kaye on August 28, 1956. Soon, the parents of our hero decided to immigrate to the United States. New home for the family has become one of the largest megacities - New York. All the conscious childhood of the future artist passed in the area of ​​the city under the name Greenwich Village. Mom guy worked in the hospital. My father provided for his family, repairing televisions.

After graduating from high school, the young Louis Guzman entered the City College of New York. Having received a good education, the young man became a social worker. In parallel with engaging in public initiatives, our hero was actively interested in acting. In particular, the aspiring artist began to take part in street theater productions. An interesting hobby allowed the guy to declare himself as a promising, diverse actor. Later, directors of independent low-budget cinema began to offer small roles to the young man.

Louis Guzman admits that he initially planned to continue to engage in social activities and did not seek to make acting his own profession. In the theater, the artist performed exclusively for an exciting pastime and communication with interesting personalities. For the most part, our hero played in theatrical productions for amusement. At first, the actor got only a few dollars for participating in the plays, but thanks to a successful combination of circumstances, innate talent and charisma, the young man managed to attract the attention of famous people from the world of big cinema.

Movie debut

louis guzman filmography

In 1977, Louis Guzman received an offer to play a movie for the first time. The debut work of the novice actor was the episodic role of a prisoner in the film "Myopia". Not surprisingly, the appearance of the artist on the screen was unnoticed. This was followed by an eight-year period of inactivity. Only in 1985, the filmography of Louis Guzman was finally replenished with the following tape. The actor was invited to play the role of the character of Miguel Revilles in the first episode of the second season of the popular television series Police Miami.

Participation in the famous project gave a good start to the development of an artist's career. Every year, the actor began to get several episodic and secondary roles in fairly promising films. Guzman was assigned mainly the images of bad guys. Among the most famous paintings at the start of an actor’s career, it is worth noting such films as Crocodile Dundee-2, Naprolom, Law and Order, Carlito’s Way, Cool Walker, and New York Police.

Actor's finest hour

louis guzman

In 1977, a real breakthrough in Guzman's career took place. The promising actor was noticed by the famous director Paul Thomas Anderson. The latter offered our hero a secondary role in the movie "Boogie Nights." Here, Louis was lucky to work on the same set with first-class Hollywood stars Julianne Moore and Mark Wahlberg. The tape started well at the box office and even won a nomination for the Golden Globe Award. Guzman became a recognizable actor and began to be popular.

A year later, the actor got another memorable role in the action-packed film of the famous director Stephen Soderbergh "Out of Sight". In the picture, Louis talentedly revealed the image of a prisoner named Chino, who helps the famous bank robber escape from prison. By the way, the role of the latter was played by the famous George Clooney.

Guzman then followed by shooting in a series of successful paintings. The actor appeared in the films “Power of Fear”, “Traffic”, “Count of Monte Cristo”, “The Adventures of Pluto Nesha”, “Anger Management”, “Lemony Snicket: 33 misfortunes”, “Dumb and Dumber and Dumber”, “Happy Holidays” nothing compares. ” One of the momentous moments in the actor’s career was the scoring of one of the central characters of the cult computer game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Riccardo Diaz.

Personal life

actor guzman

Louis is married to a woman named Angelita Galarsa-Guzman. The couple brings up their own daughter and four more adopted children. The family lives in the town of Sutton, in the state of Vermont. Here is the mansion and the actor’s private ranch.

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