How can an erect cinquefoil be useful to us?

The erect cinquefoil is a perennial herb that belongs to the family Rosaceae. This plant is not very famous, but still useful and necessary. In fact, there are many reasons why a person should know what an erect cinquefoil is. Kalgan, zavaznik, dubrovka, oak root, woodcock, whisper - this is what our ancestors called it. They knew very well what kind of plant this beneficial property has. In traditional medicine, it has been used for many centuries.

Finding a potentilla is not difficult. As a rule, it grows in wet places, especially a lot of it always in peat bogs. Often you can see it in the dense forests.

Potato rhizome is woody horizontal and very thick. Stems cinquefoil erect has, according to the name, straight. Ternary, sessile, they differ in two rather large stipules. Her leaves are large-serrated, and the flowers are small, solitary, their color is greenish-yellow. The described plant blooms from May to October.

For medical purposes, it is customary to use not only rhizomes, but also the aerial part of the plant. Collection can be carried out both in the spring, and in the fall.

The cinquefoil erect: application and useful properties

Traditional medicine knows very well that from this useful plant you can prepare a great remedy that has anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic, bactericidal action. The anti-inflammatory properties of this plant are explained by the fact that it contains tannins that can create a biological film that protects against mechanical, chemical and bacterial influences. Also, these substances reduce the permeability of capillaries and narrow vessels. It is also worth noting that the cinquefoil erect has a choleretic and expectorant effect.

In medicine, it is used for very, very different purposes. Her tincture in olive oil can be used in the treatment of skin cracks. The decoction of this plant is recommended for those who suffer from chronic or acute hepatitis or cirrhosis.

In general, a decoction or tincture of the rhizome of the cinquefoil should be used for diarrhea, internal bleeding and dysentery. The same tool can be used to rinse with tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis. In raw form, rhizomes are used in homeopathy.

Since drugs, which include upright cinquefoil, are able to stop blood, they are widely used in the treatment of wounds of any degree of complexity. The bottom line is that these drugs also perfectly disinfect the wound. For these properties, dentists appreciate it and very often use it in their practice.

Infusion on the rhizome of this plant helps with kidney diseases, juice - for various liver diseases, ointment helps to heal wounds, the powder is used for external bleeding.

In medicine, not only the rhizome is used, but also the aerial part of the cinquefoil erect. An infusion of it is an excellent remedy for hemorrhoidal bleeding, hemoptysis, as well as for laryngitis and gingivitis.

It is contraindicated for those who have hypertension, atonic constipation or individual intolerance. The cinquefoil is quite safe, but still a doctor’s consultation here will not hurt either.

An upright cinquefoil is also used in cooking. What is the use of it? It is mainly used as a seasoning for canned fish. For other purposes, it is rarely used here. It can also be an integral part in the preparation of aromatic alcoholic tinctures. In agriculture, she goes to livestock feed. Even on the basis of it, a dye can be prepared, which is used to treat the skin.

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