Rehabilitation center "Three Sisters": reviews, address, opening hours

Complicated head injuries, spinal injuries, strokes - all these pathologies require timely treatment. Even if you manage to save a person’s life, in the future he will have to go through a long and difficult path of rehabilitation. It is important to choose the right institution in which assistance will be provided. The “Three Sisters” rehabilitation center is popular. Reviews about this institution can be heard for the most part positive.

Center Details

The address of the Three Sisters Rehabilitation Center is familiar to many people who had to deal with pathologies of a neurological nature. The medical institution operates in the Schelkovo district of Moscow, on Chekhovskaya street, house 1. You can easily get here by public transport. Patients are accepted around the clock.

Rehabilitation after injuries

The main objective of the center is to improve the physical and emotional state of a patient who has experienced a serious illness. Over 1,500 people undergo rehabilitation treatment here annually. These are not only adults, but also children. The medical facility has 98 comfortable rooms. Patients can feel at home here at any time of the year. Tasty restaurant food is also pleasing. Restoring strength after an illness is impossible without a good diet.

The Three Sisters Rehabilitation Center is fully adapted for people with disabilities. Testimonials indicate that all houses have panic buttons. Bathrooms are equipped with everything necessary so that patients can service themselves.

Stroke rehabilitation

Acute cerebrovascular accident is a pathology that most often leads to the death of the patient. But even if it was possible to save life, it is possible that a person will remain disabled for life. The sooner qualified specialists take up the patient, the more likely they are to fully recover. The Three Sisters Rehabilitation Center in Moscow has the necessary resources to work with the most difficult patients.

Doctor and patient

The sooner the patient enters the center, the greater the chance of restoring the basic functions of the body. The first three months after a stroke are crucial. To get inpatient treatment at the center, if you believe the reviews, you can already ten days after a stroke. Speech therapists and psychologists begin to work with the patient almost immediately. It is important to restore the emotional state of the victim, to direct him to recovery.

According to international standards, the Three Sisters rehabilitation center operates. Reviews of specialists show that intensive classes with the patient take place for 4-6 hours daily. The course of therapy is determined individually.

Almost always manages to get a good result. It is no accident that many seek to get into a rehabilitation center after a stroke. “Three Sisters” is a chance to return to normal life.

Spinal injury

Damage to certain parts of the spine can lead to a complete loss of motor activity. The sooner proper rehabilitation is started, the more chances there are to return to a full life. The Three Sisters rehabilitation center has everything necessary for the treatment of various spinal injuries. Patients are accepted at any age.

Post-injury rehabilitation

The most dangerous are spinal injuries with dislocations and subluxations. In this case, there remains a huge risk that the patient will not be able to walk. Work on the restoration of lost functions must begin as soon as possible. Moreover, all classes should be supervised by qualified specialists.

Under the supervision of the attending physician, a whole team of specialists works with the patient. These are massage therapists, physiotherapists. The patient goes through many hours of training daily. The result largely depends on the persistence of the patient.

Head injuries

Such injuries also often lead to mortality as well as disability. The problem is that negative symptoms may not appear immediately. Within a month after the injury, the patient begins to complain of severe headaches. Then memory worsens, epileptic seizures may develop. Therefore, after a complex injury, do not postpone the examination. You can take the necessary tests and undergo an examination with a specialist at the Three Sisters rehabilitation center in Shchelkovo.

Rehabilitation center

Recovery from traumatic brain injury can take place in several stages. Initially, the patient is prescribed drug therapy, which allows you to remove inflammation of the cerebral membrane, reduce pain. A psychotherapist must work with the patient.

Pain treatment

Old injuries of the spine, hernia, pathology of the musculoskeletal system - all this can lead to the development of a pain syndrome that cannot be removed with simple anesthetics. “Three Sisters” is a rehabilitation center in the Moscow Region, which uses modern minimally invasive methods of treating pain of any intensity. In Russia, such treatment methods are practically not used. The technique has a huge number of advantages. This is an insignificant recovery period, minimal risk of complications, and a high rate of effectiveness.

Doctor and patient

The indication for the intervention is a hernia of the spinal disc. In a rehabilitation center, a pathological formation is removed. Then, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed for the patient, allowing to restore the basic motor functions in the shortest possible time.


Cancer is a dangerous disease with a high mortality rate. Moreover, it is not enough to defeat the disease itself. To combat pathological cells, aggressive drugs are used that also destroy healthy body cells. The correct rehabilitation process after chemotherapy is of great importance.

Rehab Hall

All necessary resources for cancer survivors are provided by the Three Sisters Rehabilitation Center. Reviews say that in just a few months of being here, people are literally transformed. Many return to their usual lives, begin to go to work.

Rehabilitation includes intensive physical exercises, individual selection of a diet, a course of therapy with a psychotherapist. Throughout the course of therapy, close to the patient may be close.

Cerebral palsy

Pathology is congenital and develops as a result of damage to the brain during fetal development. In rare cases, the disease can be acquired in the infant period as a result of a dangerous infection in the body. Pathology is not hereditary. If the child is paid attention, engaged with him, he will be able to lead a full-fledged lifestyle. All the necessary resources for such patients are provided by the Three Sisters Rehabilitation Center. Reviews confirm that they find a special approach to small patients.

Activities with a child

A program called Intensive Vacations is popular. Families with special children have the opportunity to spend several days in comfortable conditions near a pine forest. Patients, as well as their parents, are taught to solve everyday tasks. After a rehabilitation course, children with cerebral palsy can serve themselves. Many of them attend regular educational institutions.

In the conditions of the rehabilitation center, group classes are held with a psychologist, endocrinologist, physiotherapist. Young patients find friends among children with a similar diagnosis, and parents share parenting experiences.

Work with children

It is much more difficult to recover children who were previously completely healthy and, due to circumstances, fell into a difficult life situation. The Three Sisters Rehabilitation Center has everything for the recovery of small patients after fractures, craniocerebral injuries, chemotherapy, etc.

In the conditions of a medical institution, chambers for mother and child function, where patients can be with their parents around the clock. For children, a special children's menu is provided, developed taking into account the diagnosis.

Reviews about the center

The Three Sisters Rehabilitation Center is a medical institution, thanks to which many patients managed to return to a full life. Comfortable rooms, delicious food, friendly staff - all this can not but rejoice. It is no coincidence that reviews about the center can be heard mostly positive.

The only downside is the cost of maintenance. For a simple course of therapy you will have to pay at least 10 thousand rubles. However, the result is worth it. Many are willing to pay any money for the opportunity to walk again, talk and self-serve.

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