Evgeny Yurievich Steblov (actor): biography, film roles and personal life

Evgeny Yurievich Steblov is an actor with great talent and indefatigable creative energy. He has over 40 roles in TV shows and feature films. Are you interested in the details of the biography and personal life of the artist? Want to know the history of his career? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Steblov actor

E. Yu. Steblov, actor: biography, family

He was born on December 8, 1945 in Moscow. In what family was the future actor brought up? Eugene’s father, Yuri Viktorovich, graduated with a degree in radio engineering. In 2000, he passed away. And his mother, Marta Borisovna, worked for many years as a teacher at school. She is alive. The actor has no brothers and sisters.

The Steblov family lived in a communal apartment located in a gangster district. Every evening on the street there was a showdown between local bandits. Eugene was a frail and modest guy. If someone hit him, he would not be able to fight back. Fortunately, no one touched Steblov Jr.

Hobbies and abilities

At school, Zhenya studied well. His favorite subjects were literature, geography and history. Our hero from an early age had an interest in art. He painted beautifully, created various crafts. Parents always praised their son for the efforts and imagination.

At eight years old, the boy created a real puppet theater. For the manufacture of dolls, he used a variety of materials - rubber enemas, glass, champagne corks and so on. Later, Eugene began to arrange theatrical performances in the school assembly hall and the House of Pioneers. The kids carefully watched what was happening on the stage. Each performance of Steblov ended with loud applause.

Choice of profession

Parents understood and accepted the son’s hobby for the theater. However, they wanted Zhenya to receive a philological education. To prepare the guy for entering the university, mom and dad even hired him a literature tutor. But there was a misfire. The teacher turned out to be a passionate lover of the theater. It was he who brought Eugene to the youth studio, open at the Drama Theater. Stanislavsky.

Steblov actor photo

Our hero was happy to attend classes. Indeed, he often saw such famous actors as Nikita Mikhalkov, Inna Churikova and Alexander Pashutin there.

In 1962, Eugene graduated from high school. Almost immediately, he applied to the school. Schukin. A talented and confident guy managed to subdue the members of the selection committee.

Film career

Steblov is an actor who first appeared on the screens in 1963. He played Sasha Shatalova in the film "I Walk in Moscow." Our hero got this role by chance. Eugene with a friend went to the Mosfilm. There they were advised to contact the crew of the above film. Young people took advantage of the recommendation. Director George Danelia has already chosen an actor for the role of Shatalov. However, he changed his mind after he saw the film test of Eugene. Steblov is an actor who successfully got used to the image of Shatalov.

Steblov actor biography

In 1963-1964 two more pictures were released with his participation - “Goodbye, boys!” and First Trolleybus. In both cases, the directors were satisfied with the collaboration with him.


What contribution did Evgeni Yurievich Steblov make to the development of domestic cinema? The actor starred in more than 40 films. Below are listed his most vivid and interesting roles (for the period from 1965 to 2013):

  • “The Abduction” (1969) - Sasha;
  • "High rank" (1973) - Red Army soldier Korolkov;
  • “For family reasons” (1977) - Igor;
  • “You must live” (1980) - Dima Shchepov;
  • “I do not want to be an adult” (1982) - Pap Pavlik;
  • "Our Man in San Remo" (1990) - a famous composer;
  • The Siberian Barber (1988) - the Grand Duke;
  • “Conference of maniacs” (2001) - Krotkiy;
  • “Election Day” (2007) - San Sanych;
  • “Hello, Kinder” (2008) - head physician;
  • "Studio 17" (2013) - scientist Oleg Manokhin.

In December 1983, Evgeny Steblov was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR." That's not all. In 1993, he became a People’s Artist of the Russian Federation.

Actor Evgeny Steblov: personal life

Our hero cannot be called a womanizer and a conqueror of female hearts. Fleeting novels are not his option. From a young age, he strove for a serious relationship leading to marriage and the birth of children.

In the early 1970s, the actor met his future wife Tanya Osipova, a financier by profession. Steblov fell in love with her at first sight. The guy’s personal life shone with new colors. He set a goal - to achieve the location of the beauty. And he did it. Soon the lovers got married. Only the closest and dearest people were present at the celebration.

Stems personal life

In March 1973, Eugene and Tatiana became parents. Their son Sergey was born. Spouses have long dreamed of a daughter. But fate decreed in its own way. Their son grew up, graduated from VTU them. Schukin. After the death of his mother, he went to a man’s monastery.

The artist and his wife have been married for almost 38 years. Only death could separate them. In 2010, Tatiana was gone. Evgeny Yurievich was very upset by this loss.

Actor eugene stems personal life

New love

Mutual friends introduced the widower to a pleasant woman of age. Her name is Lyubov Glebova. The famous actor immediately liked her. And after talking with her, Eugene realized that he had fallen in love. In 2011, Glebova and Steblov formalized relations in the registry office. Lyubov Vladimirovna at one time worked as a financier, like the first wife of our hero. She has a daughter and two grandchildren.


Now you know where he was born, studied, in which films he starred and with whom E. Yu. Steblov (actor) is now in a relationship. Photos, biography, personal life and filmography - all this is contained in the article. We wish the beloved actor creative success and family happiness!

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