The short word "bar", as a rule, is associated in people with a catering establishment. And basically, it serves drinks. However, the word bar has many meanings. Some of them are rare in the media, spoken and written.
Different meanings of the word "bar"
This noun is used in a variety of contexts. For example, "go to a bar" means to go to a drinking establishment. But "replacing the bar" will mean replacing the working part of the digger.
In historical texts, the word Bar can be called numerous toponyms, mainly on the map of Europe, as well as the county in France, which in the middle of the XIV century became a duchy.
The abbreviation BAR can mean a Browning rifle or a team of the famous Formula 1. If you write it in Cyrillic ("BAR"), you get one of the names of psychosis.
In stock slang, a bar is called Β£ 1 million in the UK.
The term "bar" is used in music to denote a textual and musical form, and in geography is one of the names of the shallows off the coast.
Physics pressure is also measured in bars. In astronomy, this term is used to refer to jumpers in spiral galaxies.
Therefore, it is not easy to find synonyms for the word βbarβ, since you must first understand what exactly is meant. And this is sometimes difficult.
Bar in Montenegro
On the world map you can see many toponyms with such a concise name. The most worthy of visiting them is, perhaps, the city of Bar in Montenegro. Its short name comes from the Greek "Tivarion". Similarly called the soccer team and the local administrative unit.
It is easy for a resident of Russia to visit the Bar. First you need to fly to Belgrade by plane, and then by train or bus.
The bar is a typical tourist center on the Adriatic, it is suitable for a beach holiday, and for visiting historical and cultural attractions.
Bar in Switzerland and other countries
The Swiss Bar is not so interesting as a tourist center; it is a small industrial city among the Alps.
In addition, in the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine there is the city of Bar, which got its name from the Italian Bari, where one of the Polish queens of the 15th century was born.
Cities with the name Bar can be found on maps of Germany, Hungary and Italy.