Pokrovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna: biography

Pokrovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna (synchronized swimming), whose biography can serve as an incentive for people who want to go in for sports, is the key coach of both the Soviet and the modern Russian synchronized swimming team.

General information about Pokrovskaya Tatyana

Pokrovskaya Tatyana

This man put his whole life to ensure that her students are the best in the world. Currently Pokrovskaya Tatyana is vice president of synchronized swimming in the Russian Federation, as well as an honored trainer of the RSFSR. During her work in the field of sports, the Russian team took home a lot of medals for first places in various competitions around the world.

Pokrovskaya’s main motto for training her athletes is the creation of motivation, which is caused by hatred of the coach. A strong influx of emotions, according to Tatiana, creates the necessary motivation and makes a person give all his best!

Childhood and adolescence

Tatyana Pokrovskaya was born on June 5, 1950 in the city of Arkhangelsk. Since childhood, she began to be interested in sports, namely rhythmic gymnastics. As a teenager, she graduated from the University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of Russia, formerly it was called GTsOLIFK. This man from childhood used to work in hard mode tirelessly and was always ready to go to the end.

Professional career

Pokrovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna synchronized swimming

We continue to talk about who Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya is. Synchronized swimming was her greatest achievement in big sport on the world stage. But before that, Tatyana Nikolaevna made a living as a trainer, teaching people rhythmic gymnastics for 10 years (1971-1981). However, after those 10 years, already in 1981, she stopped coaching in athletics and began to train the national team of Russia and the USSR in synchronized swimming.

In 1992, she was the state coach of the national team of her homeland for the only sport where men do not participate - synchronized swimming. Under the firm hand of Tatyana Nikolaevna in 1992, the Russian team of swimmers participated in the Olympic Games, which were held in the summer in Barcelona. From 1992 to 1996, she trained swimmers in Brazil and Spain as a trainer.

Pokrovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna synchronized swimming biography

Pokrovskaya Tatyana returned to her homeland in 1996, she does it as a coach, and two years later, in 1998, she became the head coach of Russia in the field of synchronized swimming. It was under her strict guidance that the composition of synchronized swimmers of the Russian Federation achieved the highest results, having won all kinds of the highest titles and awards.

Decree No. 257 in 2014 on April 20 was awarded the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. In addition to this achievement, there are other awards: the Order of Friendship, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, the Order of Honor and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree. There is also a Certificate of Merit of the President of the Russian Federation.

Achievements in the world of sports

Pokrovskaya Tatyana coached the Russian national team, making her the best of the best, and the list of achievements won during her leadership is quite long: all first places in both singles and duets. In addition, all kinds of gold medals in the world championships: 1998 and 2007 in Australia, 2001 in the city of Fukuoka, in the south-west of Japan, in Brazil, in the capital of Cataloni - Barcelona in 2003 and 2013, Montreal, formerly called Ville Marie, Canada became the next place of conquest of Russian swimmers in 2005, in 2009 the next first place was taken in the city of Rome, the capital of Italy, and 2 years later another gold was taken in 2011 in China.

The first places were also taken in world cups: in 1999 in Korea (doubles, group and solo categories), in Switzerland, in Zurich, the first place in doubles and group performances was won, as well as the second place in singles rank in 2002, the south-west of Japan - Fukuoku - gave in 2006 all the first places in all categories.

Five times the Russian team won first places at the Olympic Games in the year 2000 in the city of Sydney (Australia). 2004 was also marked by victory in Greek Athens (duet and group performance). China, Beijing, 2008 - again the first places in group and doubles. London, in the kingdom of England, in 2012 gave first places to the group and doubles. 2016, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - first places in the ranks of the group and duet.

Three first places in group and duet competitions are held by the Russian national synchronized swimming team, occupied in 2007 in Italy, in 2009 in Andor, and also in Sheffield (England) in 2011.

There are many first and second places in FINA Trophy competitions and in Universiades (student international competitions) around the world.

Personal life of Tatyana Pokrovskaya

Pokrovskaya tatyana Nikolaevna family

Pokrovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, whose family has always supported her, is a widow at the present time. 2015 was the date of the death of her husband Tatyana. Her daughter's name is Catherine, she moved to live in Brazil after she got married. She was a granddaughter, but died at the age of fifteen. A favorite pet is the Yorkshire Terrier dog Daniel. The same dog is the most important symbol of the Russian national synchronized swimming team, the pet did not miss a single training, since its presence is an important spiritual and motivational factor for the team.

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