Review of films with Vladimir Menshov. Creative biography and not only

Menshov's favorite film is "Native Blood". According to him, he always weeps when he looks.

The renowned director and actor claims that he has not yet been able to see at least one good remake. He is sure that someday they will remove a remake of his film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears,” but he immediately distances himself from it.

Vladimir Menshov is much more interested in making films than sitting on the podiums. He calls himself a lazy person who is driven by work circumstances.

actor Vladimir Menshov

The first script, written by Vladimir Menshov, was called "Need to prove." It was based on one of the works of the revolutionary Vladimir Lenin. Describing his work, Menshov notes that “It is required to prove” - this is a thriller in which the question is asked: “Where does the betrayal begin and the compromise ends?”.

Our hero assures that all the development of life takes place according to one scenario and in the history of the party you can see the history of the world. He is proud of his people, who managed not to penetrate hatred in constant pressure. Let's talk about the best films with Vladimir Menshov. Imagine his biography, including a creative one.

Vladimir Menshov during work

general information

Vladimir Menshov - Russian actor and director. The track record of a native of Baku has 148 cinematographic works. Among films with Vladimir Menshov such famous films as “Liquidation”, “Legend No. 17”, “Where is Nofelet?”, “Shirley-myrli”. Has been working in the field of cinema since 1970. In 2019, he played Anton Ivanovich in the television project “The Scream of Silence”.

In 1981, Vladimir Menshov’s film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” received the main Oscar award. His picture was the first in the category "Best Foreign Language Film". In 2014, he won the Golden Eagle Award in the nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his work in the film Legend No. 17.

Was born on September 17, 1939. Virgo by the sign of the zodiac. Married to Vera Alentova - a famous actress. The father of one child.

Films and genres

Films with Vladimir Menshov belong to the following genres:

  • Biography: "Legend No. 17", "Trotsky".
  • Military: "Time to collect stones," "General," "If the enemy does not surrender," "Saboteur."
  • Documentary: "White Studio", "Islands", "To Remember", "Man in the Frame".
  • History: "Tsarevich Aleksey", "Ermak" (producer).
  • Short: "Happy Kukushkin" (screenwriter and actor), "Bad job", "Good work."
  • Melodrama: “Catherine”, “What Men Talk About”, “Under the Heel”, “Spartak and Kalashnikov”, “Freaks”, “Enchanted Land”, “Maroussia”, “Practical Joke”.
  • Cartoon: "Zootopolis" (voice acting).
  • Adventures: "High Security Vacations", "Apocalypse Code".
  • Family: "New Year's commotion", "Thunders: House of Hope".
  • Sports: "Shot", "Doll".
  • Thriller: Moebius, Day Watch.
  • Fiction: "City of Zero", "Ambullagjan, or Dedicated to Steven Spielberg."
  • Action: "07th changes course," "Ice Age", "To Survive," "If the Enemy Doesn’t Surrender," "Night Bazaar", "Depression," "Time of Cruelty," "Interception," "I Serve at the Border "(screenwriter).
  • Detective: "Actress", "Neighbor", "Lawyer", "Trial column", "Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky", "Liquidation", "Money".
  • Drama: “Nobody”, “Green Carriage”, “Man in His Place”, “My Dear”, “Under the Same Sky”, “Forgive”. “Dear Edison!”, “In that region of heaven”, “Composition for Victory Day”, “Brezhnev”, “Dialogues”, “Experiences”, “Good Work”, “After You”.
  • Comedy: "Salty Dog", "I'm Not Me", "Mom", "Christmas Tree-2", "Eight and a Half Dollars", "Chinese Service", "Year of the Calf", "Did the Snow Maiden Call?", "Plot".
  • Crime: "The time of cruel", "Personal circumstances."
  • Family: "New Year's commotion."
  • Fantasy: "Night Watch".

In 2020, the film with Menshov “Just One Life” was released. The military drama tells about the fate of two teenage brothers, Yegor and Ilya, who from modern times fall into the 1940s.


Roles of Vladimir Menshov in films of domestic production: professor, director of a film studio, chancellor, captain, party worker, director, deputy, zone head, marshal, president of the country, general, minister of the interior, merchant, governor, prosecutor, sailor, cabinetmaker, writer and other

In the films “Where is Nofelet?”, “Lawyer”, “Outlet”, “To Survive”, “Chinese Service”, “Fifth Corner”, “Ice Age” and others played the main characters.

Next, we will talk about the most famous films with Vladimir Menshov.

Frame with Menshov

At the dawn of a career

The film "The Tale of How Tsar Peter Arapa Married" (1976) is a musical melodrama directed by Alexander Mitta. In this cinematic project, Vladimir Menshov played an officer.

In the center of events of this story is a black prince. When he was little, he was presented to the Russian Tsar Peter I. The prince was educated in France. Returning to Russia, a charming young man conquered the heart of the daughter of a wealthy nobleman.

Famous projects

In 1995, Vladimir Menshov’s comedy “Shirley-Myrli” was released on the screens of Russia, in which he starred as the country's president. His wife Vera Alentova also played in the project of the comedy genre. The protagonists of this film are twin brothers separated at birth. One of them, a thief and a swindler, steals an incredibly expensive diamond, nicknamed "The Savior of Russia."

Menshov in the movie Chinese Service

In 1999, Vladimir Menshov in the movie "Chinese Service" played the merchant Satanovsky, whom fraudsters are trying to deceive during his trip along the Volga River on the ship "Saint Nicholas".

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