MRI of the pelvis, which shows? Pelvic MRI: preparation and cost

Women have to go through various studies in their entire lives. For a long time, ultrasound became a popular way to diagnose diseases. However, there is no limit to the development of medicine. Recently, MRI of the pelvic organs has become increasingly popular. This is what will be discussed in this article. We will tell you what preparation is needed before an MRI of the pelvic organs, and the cost of the procedure will also be announced. But first of all, find out what the study can show.

MRI of the pelvis that shows

Pelvic MRI

To begin with, it is worth saying a little about the procedure itself. It is carried out not only for women, but also for men. There are no age limits for diagnosis, however, children under 18 years of age should undergo such a study only as directed by a specialist.

This method allows you to examine the small pelvis without harm to health. Magnetic resonance imaging is performed using powerful magnets and small sensors. In this case, several pictures of the examined area are taken. No x-rays are used during the procedure. It is worth noting that some women may even be prescribed this procedure even during pregnancy. Moreover, the examination does not affect the health and life of the fetus.

pelvic MRI

What shows pelvic MRI in women?

Tomography can reveal many diseases that cannot be detected during routine gynecological examinations or ultrasound diagnostics. It is worth noting that the more images were taken during the procedure, the more accurate the diagnosis will be. Let's try to understand the MRI of the pelvis, what exactly does this procedure show in individual organs?


During the study, the genital organ is examined. Here, fibroids of a different nature, cysts and polyps can be detected. Also, inflammation of the internal mucous membrane can show an examination.

Various congenital malformations of the uterus are detected by magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. The shape of the genital organ and the condition of the endometrium are always determined.

Fallopian tubes

This organ is so small in size that it is not detected even with ultrasound diagnostics. In this case, magnetic resonance imaging can give a detailed assessment of the condition of the fallopian tubes.

Here inflammations or adhesions can be detected. Also, MRI shows various pathologies of the fallopian tubes: cysts, polyps, hydrosalpinx, as well as an ectopic pregnancy.

pelvis magnetic resonance imaging


Pelvic MRI that shows when examining the ovaries? Research can identify defects in their development. The position of this body is always determined. Magnetic resonance imaging can reveal benign or malignant neoplasms - cysts and polyps. Also in the pictures you can see adhesions of the ovaries or a dense capsule of this organ. Endometriosis is always well defined with such an examination.

Side space

Pelvic MRI that shows in this area? It would seem, what can be the pathology of the supply space? However, this research method may reveal excessive fluid accumulation in this area. This may indicate a possible inflammation or internal bleeding. Also, a hormonal disease such as endometriosis can be detected in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the adjacent space. Various polyps and tumors are detected by this examination.

which shows an MRI of the pelvis in women


In this area, inflammatory processes, polyps, malignant neoplasms and other pathologies can be detected. In this case, MRI can accurately show the location of the tumor. Also, bowel obstruction, inflammation of the appendix can be detected during this examination.

pelvic MRI preparation and cost


The bladder is another organ that is examined during an MRI of the pelvis. What does research in this area show?

In the bladder, inflammatory processes, stones that come out of the kidneys, and other pathologies can be detected. Urinary canals are also always examined.

magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs

Procedure cost

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvic organs can be performed absolutely free. However, such a study is prescribed quite rarely. In this case, the examination is carried out within the walls of a state medical institution.

Also, the procedure can be done in a private clinic. In this case, it is not necessary to have a referral from a doctor. If you wish, you can be diagnosed in any area of โ€‹โ€‹your body. The cost of the procedure depends on the region in which the study is conducted, as well as on the level and popularity of the clinic.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis will cost you about 5000-10000 rubles. In this case, often in clinics, actions are held during which a discount is given for examination of neighboring organs.

Preparation for the procedure

MTR of the pelvic organs and other areas is always carried out after careful preparation. Preliminary instructions are always given to you by your doctor. You can also get them from a specialist who will conduct the diagnosis. The preparation procedure includes several stages. In this case, it is imperative to comply with these conditions.

Diet before the procedure

A few days before the examination, you need to slightly adjust your diet. Refuse to consume a large number of legumes, sugary drinks, pastries and other gas-forming substances. Otherwise, the diagnosis may be difficult, and the result is somewhat distorted.

Also, before magnetic resonance imaging can not be eaten tightly. You should have only a light breakfast on the day of the procedure. Give preference to carbohydrates: various cereals or pasta hard varieties. Refrain from dairy products.

how is pelvic MRI performed

Drinking mode

A few days before the test, try to drink more. Pure water will help free the intestines from feces. Otherwise, before the examination, it will be necessary to use a cleansing enema.

4-6 hours before the examination, try to completely abandon any fluid. Otherwise, an overflowing bladder will create discomfort and discomfort during diagnosis.

Patient's clothes

Preparation for the procedure includes the correct selection of clothes. Prefer a tracksuit or loose pants and a t-shirt. Please note that clothing should not have metal fasteners or buttons. It is also forbidden to use wardrobe items with zippers.

In private clinics during the examination, disposable clothing is given: pants and a shirt. Perhaps in the place where you will go through this procedure, there are the same rules. However, it is better to play it safe and prepare your own clothes in advance.

Jewelry and dentures

Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove all jewelry: jewelry, gold or silver can be affected by a powerful magnet. It is also necessary to inform the doctor that there are dentures in your body. All removable dentures must be removed before the examination.

A direct contraindication to such a diagnosis is the use of metal intrauterine contraceptives and plates, which are temporarily inserted into your body.

If there are seals and clamps that are used during surgery on the vessels, the procedure can be allowed. However, it is necessary to take into account the size of such foreign bodies.

magnetic resonance imaging of an MRI of the pelvic organs

Summary and brief conclusion

Examination of the pelvis using magnetic resonance imaging makes it possible to accurately diagnose. An alternative to such a study is diagnostic laparoscopy. However, during the last procedure, a person should go to hospital and be exposed to general anesthesia.

MRI is performed within one hour. Within a few minutes after the diagnosis, you can pick up the pictures and the expert opinion. It is worth noting that this method is becoming more widespread every year. If possible, to examine your body on an MRI machine, you should definitely take this opportunity and check your health.

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