Where do the Chukchi and Eskimos live?

Schoolchildren can easily answer the question "Where do the Chukchi live?". In the Far East there is Chukotka or the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. But if we complicate the question a little: β€œWhere do the Chukchi and Eskimos live?”, Difficulties arise. There is no area of ​​the same name, you need to find a more serious approach and understand the national subtleties.

Are there any differences between the Chukchi, Eskimos and Koryak

Of course there is. All these are different nationalities, once tribes having common roots and inhabiting similar territories.

The regions in Russia where the Chukchi or Luoletlan live, are concentrated in the north. These are the Republic of Sakha, Koryak Autonomous Okrug and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Since ancient times, their tribes inhabited the extreme regions of Eastern Siberia. At first they wandered, but after the deer were tamed, they began to adapt a little to a settled way of life. They speak the Chukchi language, which has several dialects. The Luoravellanes or the Chukchi (self-name) divided themselves into sea hunters living on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, and deer, tundra.

Where do the Chukchi live?

Some anthropologists attribute the Eskimos to the Mongoloid race, which is of Arctic origin. This nationality lives in Alaska (USA), in the northern regions of Canada, on the island of Greenland (Denmark) and very few (1,500 people) in Chukotka. In every country, the Eskimos speak their own language: Greenlandic, Alaskan Inuit, Canadian Eskimo. All of them are divided into various dialects.

Who are the Chukchi and Koryak? The Luoraveltans first pushed the Eskimo tribes, and then territorially separated from the Koryaks. Today, Koryaks (a common nationality with the Chukchi) make up the indigenous population of the autonomous region of the same name in the Kamchatka region in Russia. In total there are about 7000 people. Koryak language belongs to the Chukchi-Kamchatka group. The first mention of Koryak is found in documents of the 16th century. Describes people, some of whom were engaged in reindeer husbandry, and the other - in the marine industry.


Where do the Chukchi live and how do they look? The answer to the first part of the question is formulated above. More recently, scientists have proved the genetic relationship of the Chukchi and Indians. Indeed, their appearance has much in common. The Chukchi belong to the mixed Mongoloid race. They are similar to the inhabitants of Mongolia, China, Korea, but are somewhat different.

where do the Chukchi live in Russia

The section of the eyes of male Luoletlan is more horizontal than slanting. The cheekbones are not as wide as those of the Yakuts, but the skin color with a bronze tint. Women of this nationality in appearance have more similarities with the Mongoloids: wide cheekbones, blurry noses with large nostrils. The hair color of both sexes is black. Men cut their hair short, women braid two braids and decorate them with beads. Married - wear bangs.

Two-layer winter clothing of lourovelts is sewn most often from fawn fur. Summer clothing is a cape or jacket made of deer suede.

Character traits

Drawing a psychological portrait of this nation, they note the main feature - excessive nervous excitability. Luoravetlan is easy to get out of a state of spiritual balance, they are very hot-tempered. Against this background, they have a tendency to murder or suicide. For example, a relative can easily respond to the request of a seriously ill family member and kill him so that he does not suffer in agony. This nationality is extremely independent, distinctive. They show unprecedented persistence in any dispute or struggle.

At the same time, these people are very hospitable and good-natured, naive. Selflessly come to the aid of others and all who need it. Very easy to relate to the concept of marital fidelity. Wives are rarely jealous of their husbands.

Living conditions

Where the Chukchi live (pictured below), there is a short polar summer, and the rest of the time is winter. To indicate the weather, residents use only two expressions: "the weather is there" or "the weather is not." This designation is an indicator of hunting, that is, it will be successful or not. From time immemorial, the Chukchi continue their fishing traditions. They like seal meat very much. A happy hunter gets three in one go, then his family with children (usually 5-6) will be fed for several days.

Where do the Chukchi live photo

Places for family yarang are most often chosen surrounded by hills so that there is more calm. Inside it is very cold, although the house is lined along and across the skins. Usually in the middle of a small bonfire, lined with rounded boulders. There is a suspended pot with food on it. The wife is engaged in housekeeping, butchering carcasses, cooking, salting meat. Near her are the children. Together they collect plants in season. The husband is the earner. This way has been preserved for many centuries.

Sometimes such indigenous families do not go to villages for months. Some children do not even have a birth certificate. Parents then have to prove that this is their child.

Why is the Chukchi a hero of jokes?

There is an opinion that humorous stories about them were composed by Russians from fear and respect, a sense of superiority over themselves. Since the 18th century, when Cossack detachments moved across endless Siberia and met the Luoravellan tribes, there was talk of a warlike nation, which is very difficult to beat in battle.

The Chukchi taught their sons of cheating to fearlessness and dexterity, educating them in Spartan conditions. In the harsh area where the Chukchi live, the future hunter should be sensitive, be able to bear any discomfort, sleep while standing, not be afraid of pain. Favorite national wrestling takes place on a spread out slippery seal skin, with sharpened claws sticking out around its perimeter.

Militant Reindeer Herders

The Koryak population, which used to be part of the Russian Empire before the Chukchi, escaped from the battlefield if they saw at least a few dozen Luovellanes. Even in other countries, tales of militant reindeer herders, who are not afraid of arrows, get away from them, catch them and throw them into the enemy with their hands. Captured women with children killed themselves so as not to fall into slavery.

Where do the Chukchi country live

In battle, the Chukchi were merciless, they accurately fought the enemy with arrows, the tips of which were smeared with poison.

The government began to warn the Cossacks so that they did not engage in battles with the Chukchi. At the next stage, the population decided to bribe, persuade, then solder (more in Soviet times). And at the end of the XVIII century. a fortress was built near the Angarka river. Fairs were periodically arranged near her to trade with reindeer herders in an exchange way. Luovellanes were not allowed into their territory. Russian Cossacks have always been interested in where the Chukchi live and what they do.

Trading affairs

Reindeer herders paid tribute to the Russian Empire in the amount that they could afford. Often she was not paid at all. With the beginning of peace negotiations and cooperation, the Russians brought the Chukchi syphilis. They were now afraid of all the representatives of the Caucasian race. For example, they did not have trade relations with the French and British just because they were "white."

Business ties were established with Japan, a neighboring country. The Chukchi live where it is impossible to mine metal ore in the bowels of the earth. Therefore, they actively bought protective armor, shells, other military uniforms and equipment, and metal products from the Japanese.

Chukchi where they live and what they do

Luovellanes exchanged furs and other goods for tobacco with the Americans. The skins of blue fox, marten, and also a whalebone were very much appreciated.

Chukchi today

Most of the Luovellanes mixed with other nationalities. Purebred Chukchi now almost gone. The "ineradicable nationality," as they are often called, assimilated. At the same time, they preserve their occupation, culture, lifestyle.

Where do the Chukchi live and how do they look

Many scientists are convinced that the small indigenous ethnic group is threatened to a greater extent not by extinction, but by the social abyss in which they are located. Many children do not know how to read and write, do not go to school. The standard of living of Luoletlanians is far from civilization, and they do not strive for it. The Chukchi live in harsh environmental conditions and do not like it when they impose their own rules. But when they find the frozen Russians in the snow, they bring them to the yaranga. They say that then they put the guest under the skin together with his naked wife so that she warms him.

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