Girl's memory: the meaning of expression

The expression “girlish memory” is hardly unfamiliar to anyone. But the fact that it really exists has been proved by scientists. Women's memory is selective, focused solely on the inner world of a woman's experiences. Therefore, they only remember those dates that are associated with vivid emotions, such as a first date, a wedding date or a trip to Paris. In today's publication, we will consider not only the meaning of phraseology “girl’s memory”, but also the question of its history of origin.

girlish memory the meaning of phraseology

Expression History

It came to us from ancient times. So in ancient times they talked about unmarried girls who easily forgot their promises of love to young people, finding new fans without a twinge of conscience. The expression "girlish memory", the meaning of which in the original context reflected the behavior of wind girls, has taken root firmly and firmly in the Russian language for centuries. But it has undergone some changes. Over time, the meaning of this expression has changed, today it is a synonym for poor memory, and the meaning of “girl’s memory” is already a characteristic of a forgetful and frivolous person. He quickly forgets what he promised to do.

And if you compare unmarried girls and women who have got a family, then a comparison of the memory of both categories will clearly be on the side of married ladies. And this is natural, because on their fragile shoulders lies responsibility for children and husbands. In contrast, young and unmarried girls have the right to feel more at ease and at ease, as they say, "seven on the benches" are not waiting for them at home.

girlish memory the meaning of phraseology in speech

Characteristic, synonyms and other features

When people use the expression “girlish memory” with respect to a person, the meaning of which implies that a person is extremely forgetful and frivolous, then only two words are quite capable of giving a far from flattering characterization. It becomes clear that he is unreliable and does not know how to draw conclusions from his mistakes. His mistakes are repeated with enviable regularity. The meaning of phraseology “girlish memory” in speech can refer not only to girls or women, but also to men, including. Moreover, there are no differences not only by gender, nor does it exist in the age framework.

There are a number of synonyms for this expression, such as “a hole in the head”. One cannot fail to mention such an expression as “chicken memory,” and, of course, “head like a sieve.” However, there is one important and significant difference between these synonyms: the expression "girl's memory" does not have a negative connotation. If such words are spoken about someone, then they always carry an ironic and kind subtext.

girlish memory meaning

The coin has two sides

Of course, the expression "girlish memory", the meaning of which characterizes the girl as frivolous and forgetful, that is, unreliable in a sense of the word, is negative. But, on the other hand, I would like to turn to the science of psychology, where there is such a thing as the phenomenon of “crowding out”, when a person forgets any wrong or awkward own actions and words. And, oddly enough, this characterizes him as a person who is quick-witted and not forgotten. It is such a "girl's memory" that is simply a find in situations of this kind. Indeed, sometimes it is common for each of us to speak out “in our hearts,” which we regret so much later. And our own memory "protects" a person, giving him the opportunity to reassure himself.

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