Program "School of Russia": reviews. Program "School of Russia": concept, work programs, textbooks

Today's school is undergoing various kinds of changes. A new state standard has been introduced, a new law on education has been adopted. The time has long passed when all educational institutions worked according to a single program, and the same textbooks could be seen in each settlement of our country. Today, schools are given freedom of choice. A variety of educational complexes allows you to choose the most suitable for a particular institution, teacher and child. In this article, we will consider the features of the School of Russia program. Today it is one of the most common and most developed both from a scientific and a practical point of view. Information will be useful to teachers and parents.

The combination of tradition and modernity

Among the many programs offered for implementation in elementary schools, the School of Russia program, which has been operating in our country since 2001, is noticeably distinguished. GEF demanded some refinement of the educational complex, thereby updating it and bringing it in line with the latest regulatory requirements. Some educators claim that, in fact, it resembles a traditional development, which was formed back in Soviet elementary school. This is partly true, but recent changes have made it quite modern. Keeping the best of what was before, the authors added innovative elements that have been tested in action.

All materials that the School of Russia includes — curriculum, textbooks, workbooks, teaching aids and methodological recommendations — were prepared by the Enlightenment publishing house, which for many years has traditionally been accompanying the domestic education system. A large number of materials accompanying the program allows the teacher to easily create a modern lesson and spend much less time on preparation. The presence of didactic, reference materials and collections containing verification and control work allows not only the teacher, but also the parent to be aware of the level of preparation of the child in a particular subject and throughout the program as a whole.

The program of the elementary school “School of Russia” immediately became quite widespread. According to some reports, approximately half of all teachers working in grades 1–4 use it, and, according to reviews, all of them are happy with it.

reviews school Russia program

Compliance with state standard

The long-term existence of the program can be considered in two ways. It may seem to some that this indicates a lack of development and commitment to traditional learning. On the other hand, the program has passed the test of time, and this inspires teachers with confidence in the results more than a new experimental set. These doubts and arguments are often cited by its supporters and critics, leaving their feedback in the discussion. The School of Russia program is confidently continuing to exist and has once again proved its own viability by passing an examination at the Russian Academy of Education and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Their conclusions on the results of a study of the textbooks of this complex indicate full compliance with all the requirements of the federal state standard. This allows us to consider the project viable and quite modern.

The School of Russia program, which received such well-deserved positive reviews, may well contribute to the successful development of the first (primary) level of education by schoolchildren.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation annually issues a list of manuals that are recommended or approved for use in educational institutions. One of the first places in this list is the “School of Russia” program. GEF makes special demands on modern textbooks, and these manuals fully correspond to them. In addition, it can be noted that the electronic applications available in the complex teach children to work with different media and find information in various ways, which is a very important skill for a modern person.

school of Russia

Especially for the Russian Federation

The program of the elementary school "School of Russia" was created by domestic developers and is intended for implementation within our state. The presence of the name of the country’s naming, the authors wanted to note its special national orientation. It is also noted that priority in this program is given to the spiritual and moral development of students.

The official website of the program notes a focus on civic, personality-developing, global, eco-friendly education for schoolchildren.

The training program “School of Russia” is the closest to the traditional one, the use of time-tested tasks and working methods leads to the fact that most of the children achieve the expected results without any problems.

Parenting is a priority

The authors' team of program developers positions education as the most important function of primary school, therefore, it sets the teacher the task of developing the child’s goodwill, ability to empathize, tolerance, willingness to help.

work programs school of Russia

Principles are essential

Among the basic principles on which the training under the School of Russia program is based, the authors single out:

  • the education of a citizen is realized through the content of all subjects, aimed at spiritual and moral development;
  • value guidelines are formed using educational material for each of the subjects;
  • training is carried out in activities through the formation in children of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative, universal educational actions;
  • the synthesis of traditions and innovations consists in a reasonable combination of the time-tested elements of traditional education preserved in the domestic school with innovative developments;
  • the eco-adequate nature of education develops environmental needs in children, fosters love and respect for nature, the desire to preserve and protect it, treat it as the greatest value;
  • the global orientation of education provides for the formation in children of holistic concepts about the world, of which their native country is a part, as well as self-awareness as part of all humanity, a representative of the planet Earth;
  • the work is result-oriented and involves such an active inclusion of students in activities in which there is a movement towards personal, meta-subject and subject results that show the level of development of the program of the initial level of training.

program school of russia

There are a lot of objects, one basis

The authors created an educational-methodical complex, using the advanced achievements of pedagogical science in combination with the concepts of the new time and relying on practical developments. Therefore, this teaching materials is a system where uniform methodological elements are identified that are part of the work programs developed for each educational field. "School of Russia" is a complete comprehensive set of all necessary materials.

Teachers working on the program note that the textbooks help the child easily and without much difficulty acquire and accumulate the knowledge, skills and abilities required for successful school education, master the universal learning activities that are set forth in the Federal State Standard as the basis for primary school education.

According to the feedback of teachers, another advantage of education under this program is the possibility of implementing a system-activity approach and taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

The “School of Russia” allows you to create problem situations during the lesson, solving which the children make assumptions and check them, look for evidence, draw conclusions, compare what happened, what should have happened, and evaluate the results of their work.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Andrei Anatolyevich Pleshakov became the supervisor of the team of authors, it was under his editorship that the School of Russia work program appeared. GEF made updates to its content, while making it a popular and sought-after mechanism for translating second-generation standards into practice.

literacy program school of russia

The training kit consists of a series of manuals in all major educational areas.

To learn the native language

The literacy program “School of Russia” is presented by the textbook “Russian Alphabet”, sponsored by V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin, L.A. Vinogradskaya and others. This manual consists of two parts and is supplemented with four copybooks. A teacher’s manual with tutorials on literacy was created for the teacher. The complete set is the electronic application “Russian Alphabet”, four “Miracle-prescriptions” V.A. Ilyukhina and the didactic manual “The Reading Room” (Abramov A.V., Samoilova M.I.)

Primary school program Russian school

The work programs of the “School of Russia” in the Russian language are presented in two versions.

Literacy and mother tongue education: option one

One group of textbooks is called the "completed subject line." The authors of this work program for the Russian language in grades 1-4 are Kanakina V.P., Goretsky V.G., Boykina M.V. Among the manuals that implement this program are the ABCs we have already mentioned above, followed by the Russian Language textbooks for the first, second, third, and fourth grades. For each of them, the authors have created an electronic application.

Textbooks supplement workbooks, collections of dictations, independent and creative works, manuals “I write correctly: spelling dictionary”, “Work dictionary” for each class, “Working with difficult words in elementary school”.

The teacher will be assisted by methodological recommendations with tutorials. They are composed by V.P. Kanakina for the first, second, third and fourth grades. An interesting highlight in the work can be the “Notebook of educational achievements”, thanks to which it is convenient to track the movement to the planned results, as well as carry out current and final control.

In addition, the School of Russia literacy program is provided with handouts and sets of demo tables. This makes the lessons interesting for children.

Literacy and mother tongue education: option two

This line is represented by work programs in the Russian language for the first and fourth grades, compiled by V.G. Goretsky, L.M. Zelenina and T.E. Khokhlova. The educational and methodological complex developed to the smallest detail contains Russian language textbooks for each class, workbooks, collections of test papers, didactic materials and recommendations for the teacher.

Like the first line described by us above, this CMD uses the manual “I am writing correctly: spelling dictionary” (A. Bondarenko, I. Gurkova) and “Working Dictionary” for each class, developed by A. A. Bondarenko.

The requirements for knowledge and skills that children should master in the process of learning in primary school, contains a work program (4th grade). The “School of Russia” also developed criteria and norms for assessing students. They are quite detailed and understandable. This will allow the teacher to evaluate students, and children - to understand the grade.

Moro's mathematics is arithmetic, geometry, and algebra

Let us turn to other educational areas that the School of Russia program contains.

FSES “Mathematics” is represented in it by the author’s development, on which the creative team worked as part of M.I. Moreau, M.A. Baytova, Yu.M. Kalyagina, S.I. Volkova, G.V. Beltyukova, S.V. Stepanova.

Children involved in this program meet with educational material, which includes tasks from arithmetic, algebra and geometry. They master four arithmetic operations, learn to make calculations verbally and in writing, get acquainted with various quantities and units of measurement, with various geometric shapes and their features, learn to handle simple drawing and measuring tools.

The authors suggest that as a result of this course, children will be able to learn the basics of mathematical knowledge, develop their imaginative and logical thinking, imagination, they will have an interest in mathematics and a desire to apply mathematical knowledge in real life. This work program allows you to organize the educational process so that the teacher easily takes into account the age and individual characteristics of students and applies a differentiated approach to work.

The educational and methodological complex that accompanies the teaching of mathematics includes not only manuals and electronic supplements to them, but also workbooks, collections of tests and verifications, oral exercises, sets of didactic, counting, and sectional materials, demonstration tables, and a manual for those who loves mathematics ”with non-standard tasks for the development of imagination, observation, logical thinking.

For the teacher, detailed guidelines for each class have been developed. The amount of material is more than enough to conduct a modern mathematics lesson in elementary school, this is what teachers working on the program note, leaving their feedback. The program "School of Russia" ensures that the passed mathematical material will become a solid foundation for further assimilation of knowledge in this school subject. The long-term results of work on this program also prove this. Schoolchildren, passing into the fifth grade, easily cope with new tasks, relying on the skills acquired in elementary school.

Russian school program textbooks

To know the world in which we live

Consider the following area, which contains the program "School of Russia". The world is studied in the textbooks and manuals of A.A. Pleshakov, who is the supervisor of the entire project. Textbooks, electronic applications, workbooks, atlases, scientific diaries and other books and manuals on this subject are developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and are aimed at creating a holistic view of the world surrounding the child and understanding of their place in it. The implementation of this course sets itself the task of fostering a respectful attitude to the family, small homeland, nature, culture and history, introducing the child to universal values, the basics of safe behavior in alleged dangerous and emergency situations.

The program "The world around us" includes knowledge from the field of natural sciences, social studies, history and other sciences. All this allows you to teach the student to see the world as an integrated system with its own relationships.

You can’t master UUD without labor

Another section, which includes the “School of Russia”, is the Technology program, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Public Educational Institutions. The peculiarity of this course is that among the applications there are recommendations that will help the teacher organize extracurricular work on the subject, as well as material that reveals the use of the project activities of students within the subject, and there are even sample project topics. The authors of technology manuals were E.A. Luttseva and T.P. Zueva.

A modern student needs to master many elements of educational activity - learn to plan, evaluate, set goals, seek solutions, achieve results. It is very important if the educational process is based on visual material that allows you to implement all this in an activity. This is the technological program “School of Russia”. The explanatory note reveals the possibilities of the subject and notes that it forms a system of universal educational actions for the student.

In conclusion, we note once again the positive aspects of the program considered by us. Firstly, huge educational opportunities. They are indicated not only in the target settings, but also in the content of the educational material for each of the subjects. Secondly, a clear structuring of the content, which allows the systematic inclusion of primary school students in educational activities. Thirdly, the creation of conditions for implementing a system-activity approach and taking into account the individual characteristics of children. Fourth, the creation of problem-search situations. Fifth, the presence of creative tasks, opportunities for the implementation of project activities. Sixth, the application of life experience of students in the development of new knowledge. Seventh, the use of various forms of training.

Teachers, parents and children themselves note the availability, comprehensibility of the material, the strength of the knowledge gained and their seamless assimilation. For all this, the School of Russia program receives well-deserved positive reviews.

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