Can I wash my hair with cold water? Hair Cleansing Tips

Taking a contrast shower, according to doctors, has a positive effect on the skin condition and human health in general. But is ice water so useful for scalp hair? Can I wash my hair with cold water? Care rules, recommendations for washing hair are given below.

Can I wash my hair with cold water

The effect of water on the scalp and scalp

Clean hair and a normal PH level of the scalp are directly related to the quality of tap water. Heavy metals, chlorine and other harmful substances that make up the daily water used negatively affect the scalp and hair structure. Chemicals dry out strands and cause skin irritation. To improve water quality, use special filters or use bottled water.

The condition of the hair and the effectiveness of removing contaminants from it also depend on the temperature of the water when washing the head. Can I wash my hair with cold water? Using both very cold (below 10 ºC) and very hot (above 40 ºC) water will not benefit the hair and scalp.

Exposure to high temperatures to the head can cause loss of consciousness and severe migraines. Cold water cleans hair worse than a medium-temperature fluid, and also with prolonged exposure to the scalp provokes profuse secretion of sebum.

Why you can not wash your hair with cold water

Why not wash your hair with cold water?

This question is asked by those who once washed their hair with low temperature water and did not encounter negative consequences. There are many rumors about its benefits and harms, sometimes not confirmed by anything.

For example, there is an opinion that washing the head with cold water is harmful to the brain. This statement says that due to exposure to low temperatures spasm of cerebral vessels, stroke can occur. In addition, washing your head with cold water weakens the human immune system, provoking the development of otitis media, influenza, and meningitis. All of the above are grandmother's horror stories. From the use of plain cold water, no one has yet contracted a viral disease. The only thing that can happen during the application of a low-temperature liquid is the appearance of unpleasant sensations on the scalp.

However, people with vegetovascular dystonia, as well as those who are prone to strokes, are not recommended to use cold water for washing. Healthy people with good tolerance to low temperatures can wash their hair with cold water.

Reviews of the use of a liquid with a temperature below 20 ºC say that it does not harm the body, except for a little discomfort. Also, a low-temperature liquid does not wash shampoos and balms well from the hair, leaving particles of the chemical components of the products, so that the hair gets dirty faster.

Washing your head with cold water is harmful

What water to wash your hair - hot or cold?

The head needs to be washed with water of that temperature, which is comfortably perceived by the skin. That is, there is no specific regime for taking a bath or shower, for each person it is selected individually. Trichologists recommend using three temperature conditions for shampooing:

  • comfortable temperature (30-37 ºC);
  • temperature reduced by 3-4 degrees;
  • low temperature.

Can I wash my hair with cold water? Yes, but only at the end of the hair wash procedure. Before applying the shampoo, the hair is moistened with warm water, then washed with cool, and finally rinsed with water below 20 ºC. To avoid discomfort, the transition from one temperature to another is smooth.

What water to wash your hair hot or cold

Which shampoos in hair care should be preferred?

To restore hair and maintain its healthy shine, it is recommended to use products based on natural ingredients. The less parabens and silicones in the shampoo, the healthier the hair will be from the inside, and the scalp will not “choke” under the oil film that chemicals leave after washing off the hair.

Occasionally, silicone shampoos can be used to achieve visual smoothness. However, such funds do not bring benefits to either the hair or scalp.

What products help make your hair smooth and shiny?

Vitamin-fortified balms, as well as homemade nourishing masks made from fruits, vegetables and dairy products, help restore hair brightness and a healthy appearance. Is it possible to wash my hair with cold water if it is applied balm? No, otherwise the product will not wash off well from the hair and they will look dull and untidy. Cold water should be used only at the end of the shampooing process - so the locks will become shiny.

To better absorb the balm / mask into the hair and scalp, rinse the hair in warm water before application. Under the influence of high temperature, the scales of the hairs will open, which will help nutrients to penetrate the structure itself.

Wash your head with cold water reviews

How to dry your hair

Stylists recommend using hair styling devices with cold air. Hair dryers, irons, curling irons injure them, causing overdrying.

The best option is natural drying. To give the hairstyle a shape, it is recommended to comb the hair until completely dry with a frequent comb and, if desired, wind it onto curlers. So the hairstyle is voluminous, and the hair is practically not injured. If necessary, you can use a small amount of varnish, gel or mousse for styling.

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