Best Christmas Movies

On Christmas Eve, miracles happen. Hunks and egoists turn into selfless good-natured people. Lonely people make friends. This is the plot of almost all the best Christmas films shot by Western directors. In our country, the New Year has been the main holiday for many decades. And therefore, when it comes to Christmas films, Hollywood films are remembered first of all.


In the 1940s, Charles Dickens published The Christmas Song in Prose. After more than a hundred years, the director Ronald Nime filmed his work. Outside the United States, few today remember the plot of the film, which can be safely attributed to the best Christmas films. Nevertheless, it is easy to guess what this classic story is about.

Albert Finney, Scrooge

The main character is Ebenezer Scrooge. All his life he has only been doing that accumulates wealth. Scrooge has no relatives or friends. And since he is a vicious and lonely old man, the approaching Christmas does not please him at all. However, a miracle happens to him on Christmas Eve. To him is Jacob Marley - a companion who is no longer alive. He tells Scrooge how hard it is after death to people who, in life, knew how to love only money.

With Scrooge, a metamorphosis will occur. But first, three more spirits will appear to him, which will tell him both about the past and the future. The role of Ebenezer Scrooge was played by Albert Finney.

"Alone at home"

movie home alone

This is one of the first American movie hits to gain wide popularity in Russian-speaking countries. The plot of one of the most famous Christmas films is remembered by everyone. A large and friendly family goes to Paris. Parents only remember on the plane that they left their youngest son at home. In the soul of the hero of this comedy, changes are also taking place. If at the beginning of the film Kevin is a spoiled and pampered boy, then in the finale the audience sees an independent personality. The main role in the best Christmas film of the 90s was played by Macaulay Culkin.

"While you were Sleeping"

This Christmas film tells a moving love story. The main character is a young woman who dreams of a trip to Florence. Lucy works as a cashier, every day she sees Peter, a handsome young man who hurriedly walks past without noticing her. On the eve of Christmas, an event takes place that completely changes her life. Lucy becomes Peter's bride. However, it later turns out that he was not her β€œprince on a white horse” at all. The main roles in this Christmas melodrama were played by Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman.

"Family man"

This film is always present on every list of Christmas films. Its plot reminds the story of Scrooge. The protagonist is Jack Campbell, a successful businessman who has everything. Everything except love. On Christmas Eve, he suddenly recalls the girl with whom he broke up after graduating from university. A miracle happens with Jack Campbell. He finds himself in a parallel reality, where he has a beloved wife and children. A successful but lonely businessman was played by Nicolas Cage. His lover is Thea Leoni.

"This beautiful life"

Without this film classics, the list of Christmas films would be incomplete. The picture was released in 1946. The main character suffers from depression and on the eve of Christmas is thinking about suicide. Unlike the characters in the films described above, George Bailey is a kind, selfless person. However, in his life, failures follow one after another. George comes to the bridge, getting ready for the jump. Suddenly he meets his guardian angel, who reminds him of all his good deeds and talks about what role they played in the lives of other people. The main character was played by James Steward. Guardian Angel - Henry Travers.

Christmas story

"Christmas story"

The Finnish film was released in 2007. The protagonist - a boy named Nicholas - becomes an orphan. Parents and younger sister die, after which his neighbors take him up. From an early age, Nicholas enjoys carving. He makes gifts that he gives to village children for Christmas. Having matured, he does not forget his hobby, he becomes a joiner. But the true calling of Nicholas is to give joy to children. Once a carpenter puts on a red caftan, buys reindeer for himself and sets off for his native village. So he becomes Santa Claus.

movie christmas story

Christmas list

The picture can be attributed to the new Christmas films. The Christmas List was released in 2016. The main character is a woman who, as a child, like other children, loved to dress at home, sculpt a snowman and waited with awe for gifts from Santa Claus. But her mother did not like Christmas. There was no New Year's tinsel and a tree in the house. Isabelle never received gifts. But even having matured, she remained in her heart a child dreaming of Christmas. Isabelle's dreams came true. She not only received gifts that she had been waiting for her whole life, but also met love.

Other films on a Christmas theme:

  • "Get Santa."
  • β€œFor the sake of love.”
  • "A shop around the corner."
  • "New Years corporate party".
  • "Exchange Holidays."
  • Survive Christmas.
  • "Holiday of the heart."
  • "Four Christmases."
  • "Flemish dog."
  • "Season of miracles."
  • "Santa Claus".
  • "Christmas with the Losers."
  • "Christmas is on the next street."
  • "Just friends".
  • "Princess for Christmas."
  • "Real love".
  • "Christmas cottage."

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