How to pluck eyebrows

Not only the eyes can give a woman's face a pretty expression or vice versa a predatory look. They are, of course, important. But another part of our face copes with this task - eyebrows. If they are overgrown or groomed, you can spoil any, even the most beautiful face.

And if you pluck them wrong, it will only attract a lot of puzzled looks. Therefore, it is very important to always monitor the shape and condition of your eyebrows.

How to pluck eyebrows: to select a tool

Probably, today no one wonders whether it is possible to pluck eyebrows. Therefore, to make it convenient to do this, you need to carefully organize your place to work and, of course, choose the right tools.

The first thing you should always pay attention to is the junction of the tweezers. This line should be without cracks and even. If you find tweezers that have rings, like scissors, get them. After all, working with them is much simpler and easier. Armed with tweezers with wide lips, you can make the correction faster.

Another very important point is the mirror. Famous makeup artists believe that you should not use a pocket little one. It’s better to buy a larger one, desktop or even pluck eyebrows, standing in front of a wall mirror. It will be much more convenient, because you will free your hands and you will see both eyes at once. And this eliminates the possibility of making eyebrows asymmetrical.

In addition, lotion and cotton pads will come in handy. You don’t want to get an infection?

If you do not know how to pluck your eyebrows, or want to significantly change their shape, you will need a white pencil. It is to them that you will draw the shape you want on top of your own eyebrows. This is very convenient, since it will be clearly visible under the white pencil which hairs to leave and which not.

How to pluck eyebrows : about soreness

It doesn't even make sense to talk about how painful it is to pluck eyebrows. But, to our happiness, you can slightly reduce the sensitivity of the skin. To do this, use a hot compress: it expands the pores and the hairs are easier to pull out.

Or the opposite is freezing. Before plucking eyebrows, move them with a cube of ice. The cold causes a slight numbness of the skin and the pain is not felt so much.

How to pluck eyebrows

In itself, plucking is a fairly simple procedure that does not require much experience. But there are some subtleties in it.

Eyebrow correction is necessary only in daylight. This is how you can see the finest hairs. Therefore, the best place to pluck eyebrows is the table in front of the window.

Before proceeding with the correction, wash your hands well, clean the eyebrows and the face as a whole with lotion and be sure to wipe the tweezers with alcohol.

To make the pain less, pull the skin with one hand, grasp the tweezers by the hair as close to the root as possible and pull it out sharply. Do not pull out two or three hairs at once. Thus, it is not difficult to make a few bald spots for yourself.

It’s better not to pluck out completely one eyebrow first, and then the second. Do everything at the same time, so you can control their symmetry. After plucking the eyebrows, wipe the skin with lotion. If she is too irritated, apply swabs moistened with cold water to her. This will relieve redness a little.

Some secrets

Want your eyebrow correction to be as neat as possible? Then use not an ordinary, but a magnifying mirror.

Do not use cream to soften the skin, it only complicates plucking. After all, the hairs begin to slide and the process becomes even more painful.

Do you want but don’t know how to pluck a man’s eyebrows? Follow exactly the same tips and everything will work out.

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