Diagnosis of diseases. Biochemical blood test: what will show?

From ancient times, people were interested in how the body is organized, why various diseases are overcome. It was very difficult to find out the cause of the disease, and sometimes only an autopsy gave an answer, but it was already too late. At that time, they could not even imagine how simple it would be to look inside a person without opening and make a diagnosis. The progressive development of mankind has gone so far that it is enough to take a blood test to determine the disease. Next, we will examine how diagnostics are being carried out at present and how much a biochemical blood test can tell us.

What is diagnostics?

Diagnosis of the disease is primarily a collection of detailed information, as well as various examination methods, thanks to which the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis, and as a result, a productive treatment is prescribed.

biochemical blood test that will show

Diagnosis begins with a patient examination. Next, blood and urine tests are prescribed. In the process of developing the latest technologies, the following diagnostic methods have become popular:

  • X-ray examination.
  • MRI and CT.
  • Ultrasound

Depending on the patient's complaints, the optimal diagnostic option or even a combination of several methods is chosen.

The first item in the diagnosis after examining the patient is a general blood test, but a biochemical blood test is often prescribed. What he will show will affect further examination and treatment.

Who needs this blood test?

Such an examination can be prescribed by a doctor to any patient. It is it that shows the presence of a hidden pathology, helps to find in which system the failure occurred. The doctor also prescribes biochemistry to monitor the treatment. The specialist decides for himself which data of indicators need verification.

There are diseases in which the first thing is prescribed a biochemical blood test. What he will show will affect the course of treatment. This is most often important in the following conditions:

  • Blood diseases.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Disruption of the organs of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    biochemical blood test that shows
  • Violations of the digestive tract.
  • Pathology in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Problems in the liver.

What a biochemical blood test shows

This analysis consists of a large number of indicators that allow you to evaluate the work of the body and its condition as a whole. It makes it possible to track the functioning of the following organs and systems of the body:

  • Assess the level of metabolism in the body.
  • Determine the deficiency or excess of trace elements.
  • The functioning of the liver.
  • Gallbladder.
  • Kidney.
  • Pancreas.

It is this analysis that enables the disease to be recognized at an early stage, to reveal its hidden causes, and also to prevent many problems. Only a doctor can correctly interpret a biochemical blood test (as he shows). You should not draw conclusions yourself.

How to donate blood for biochemistry

For analysis of biochemistry, blood is taken from a peripheral vein. The most popular site for blood sampling is at the elbow. If, as a result of an injury or for any other reason, it is not possible to take blood in this area, then you can take it from another place.

which shows a biochemical blood test from a vein

It is necessary to fulfill several conditions before passing a biochemical blood test. What he will show, how true the results will be, depends on your actions.

  1. Blood is donated to an empty stomach.
  2. After the last meal, at least 8 hours should pass, you canโ€™t drink drinks that contain sugar before analysis.
  3. Drinks containing alcohol should not be drunk at least 2 days prior to analysis. Also, do not eat too fatty foods.
  4. Before you go to the laboratory, it is better not to engage in heavy physical labor and not be nervous.
  5. A biochemical analysis is submitted before any other diagnostics and treatment measures.
  6. Taking medications can distort the results of the analysis, so it is better to abstain.

How to decrypt a blood test

After the blood sampling procedure is completed, after a while they will give out the result. The indicators will be in the graph next to the norm indicators. However, only a physician can analyze a biochemical blood test that shows. You may be assigned additional diagnostic methods to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Consider what indicators are indicated in the analysis and whether they can detect such terrible diseases as cancer, HIV or hepatitis.

What analysis metrics are important

Undoubtedly, everything that shows a biochemical analysis of blood from a vein is important, but consider the indicators that are most often determined for diagnosis.

  • Total protein. Comparing these indicators, you can determine in what condition the internal organs and blood. With increased protein, infectious diseases and oncological diseases can develop. It also rises with vomiting, diarrhea. With reduced indications, liver disease, various bleeding, thyrotoxicosis are possible. Low rates will be during fasting.
  • Bilirubin. This indicator helps diagnose diseases of the liver, biliary tract, and also shows anemia. Elevated bilirubin levels can indicate a variety of hepatitis, anemia, or tumors in the liver or cirrhosis.
    will a biochemical blood test show cancer
  • Enzymes. Their number and activity provide information on the condition of internal organs. With excessive activity, hepatitis, pathologies in the heart muscle, hypoxia, hemolysis, pulmonary embolism may develop.
  • Glucose level. A very important indicator for people with diabetes. No less important for monitoring sugar levels. If the indicator is underestimated, there may be an endocrine disease or a malfunction in the liver.
  • Cholesterol level. High cholesterol figures indicate the development of vascular atherosclerosis. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. Especially dangerous is the increase in "bad" cholesterol.
  • Amylase. An increase in this enzyme indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the pancreas.
  • Urea. High rates indicate poor functioning of the excretory system. They also talk about alcohol abuse, prolonged fasting, renal failure, an overdose of diuretics or salicylates.

If you have passed a biochemical blood test, which will show how to proceed, only the attending physician can determine.

Often, patients are concerned about whether a biochemical analysis can show cancer, or hepatitis, or HIV infection. Let's consider it further.

Blood cancer rates

Oncology is one of the serious diseases. Will a biochemical blood test show cancer? Of course, in such patients the blood counts will differ significantly from others, but to say with 100% certainty this is impossible, since additional examination methods are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Looking at a blood test of a cancer patient, we will see the following deviations:

  • The increase in white blood cells.
  • ESR increased.
  • Low hemoglobin.

biochemical blood test will show hepatitis
As a result of the progression of cancer cells in the body, specific antigen proteins are released. By identifying precisely such antigens, it is possible to determine in which organ the oncological process is beginning. These antigens are called tumor markers.

Currently popular tumor markers:

  • PSA is a condition of the prostate gland.
  • CA125 - condition of the ovarian endometrium.
  • CA 15-3 - the condition of the mammary glands.
  • CA 19โ€“9 - the state of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • CEA - the condition of the liver, lungs, pancreas, bladder, intestines.

If a biochemical blood test shows cancer, you can confirm this only by donating blood to tumor markers and conducting additional diagnostics.

Hepatitis Biochemistry

No less dangerous disease is hepatitis. In the process of diagnosing this disease, a biochemical blood test is required. He will show hepatitis with an increase in the following indicators:

  • A significant increase in ALT AST enzymes .
  • Increased direct and total bilirubin.
  • Increased triglycerides.
  • The increase in gamma globulins.
  • Decreased Albumin.

In addition, immunological tests and histological blood tests are carried out by PCR.

HIV infection and blood chemistry

Immunodeficiency virus, entering the human body, weakens its immune system. In this case, the body becomes more susceptible to infections and cancer. In HIV-infected people, blood counts will show anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Blood biochemistry is examined in order to see abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and glucose level.

biochemical blood test will show hiv

However, it cannot be said that a biochemical blood test will show HIV. He will indicate changes in the work of the body, the deviations that have arisen. To determine HIV, there is a special test that detects antibodies to the ELISA virus. The PCR method is also used, which allows to identify this pathology on the tenth day after infection.

Biochemical analysis in childhood

If we compare what a biochemical blood test shows in a child and in an adult, then the difference is only in the norm. Do not forget that the childโ€™s body is growing and the norms differ for different age categories. When assigning a biochemical blood test to a child, the doctor just wants to confirm his fears or dispel.

which shows a biochemical blood test in a child

When taking blood, the same rules should be followed as for adults, one difference is that it depends on the parents.

Remember: the correct preparation before passing the analysis will allow you to get a more accurate result. The diagnosis cannot be made, relying solely on the data of a biochemical blood test. A comprehensive examination will give accurate answers to all the questions posed.

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