How to speed up the metabolism in the body

Metabolism in the human body is the complete process of converting chemicals that are necessary for growth, development and activity. If it is slowed down, then the process of fat burning is inhibited.

In order to look good, it is necessary to bring the body into a state of optimal balance of the muscle, fat and water component. The more muscle mass compared to fat, the faster the calories entering the body will be consumed (about 20 times).

It is possible to speed up the metabolism in the body if you strictly dose food intake, avoiding overeating at a time. The permissible limits are easy to cross, so with a tendency to overeat, you need to plan your diet.

As negative as overeating, metabolic processes can be affected by a sharp reduction in calorie intake. Therefore, skipping meals does not lead to the desired loss of extra pounds, but to a slowdown in metabolism. The body tries to save energy, spending it more slowly. This also leads to a loss of muscle mass. When you try to dramatically lose weight, an imbalance of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (fat-preserving enzyme) is observed, which leads to the fact that it becomes simply impossible to actually lose weight.

You need to eat in small portions, quite often, in order to maintain the metabolism in the body at a stable level, as well as maintain a normal blood sugar. With this approach, fat burning processes will take a longer time. The same sugar level prevents hypoglycemia, leading to heaviness and fatigue. The optimal break between meals is 4 hours, with the last before going to bed - for 2-3 hours. A couple of hours before bedtime, it’s good to drink a glass of kefir.

There should be more protein in your diet than carbohydrates and fats. Protein-rich foods accelerate metabolism by 30%, maintaining its high speed for another twelve hours after eating.

Never skip a morning meal. That breakfast is the most important in the daily diet. It starts the launch of metabolic processes for the whole day. A low-fat, protein-rich breakfast will provide the body with the necessary energy for almost a day. If you skip it, then after a period of sleep, when food has not arrived at all, the body will be in a state of hunger and begin to put itself in a state of energy saving, slowing down all the processes taking place in it, including metabolic ones.

Metabolism in the body determines the figure, physique. With a decrease in metabolic intensity, fat deposits begin to appear actively, there are states of depression and apathy, immunity is reduced, a breakdown is observed, various diseases develop faster.

What foods help speed up metabolism? These are carbohydrates rich in fiber, calcium, iodine. And avoid stresses that like nothing else can ruin a good figure.

Metabolism in the body also accelerates normal normal sleep. During sleep, growth hormone is produced, on which metabolic processes depend.

It is very important to drink enough water throughout the day. She is directly involved in metabolic processes, since it is its basis. You need to drink two liters a day (minimum).

In the summer period, if possible, you need to provide yourself with the opportunity to be in the sun, because under its rays vitamin D is produced, which accelerates metabolism. The body also needs oxygen, which contributes to the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat.

Those who are wondering how to improve the metabolism in the body should focus on the fact that aerobic exercises are capable of maximally stimulating the metabolic processes. It is necessary to engage in physical warm-up systematically.

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