Actor Jeremy Sisto: biography, personal life. Films

Jeremy Sisto is an actor who first made himself known thanks to the Thriller Asylum. In this tape, he brilliantly embodied the image of a hired killer. “White Flurry”, “Julius Caesar”, “More Than Love”, “Kings of Suicide”, “Stupid” - other famous films with his participation. Jeremy can also be seen in many rating series, for example, “Beyond the Boundary of the Possible,” “Twilight Zone”, “The Client is Always Dead,” “American Dad.” What else is known about the actor?

Jeremy Sisto: The Beginning of the Way

The master of reincarnation was born in California, it happened in October 1974. Jeremy Sisto was born into a family of a farmer and an actress. He was only six years old when his parents decided to break up. Soon, the boy’s mother married a second time, Jeremy had a great relationship with her stepfather.

sisto jeremy

Sisto first appeared on the set in 1991, then he was still at school. The young man made his debut in the film "Grand Canyon." Jeremy decided to continue his education at the University of California, which he successfully graduated from.

First roles

Novice actor Jeremy Sisto undertook any work. His first roles were mostly episodic, but the young man believed in his talent. To attract the attention of viewers and directors, he was helped by the action-packed picture “Shelter”, in which the killer became his hero. Then Jeremy created the image of the spoiled child of wealthy parents in the comedy “Stupid”.

jeremy sisto movies

To consolidate the success of Sisto helped the adventure tape "White Flurry" by Ridley Scott. In this picture, the actor got the role of a member of the brigantine team "Albatross", circumnavigating the world. Then the filmography of Jeremy got the drama “The Sixties”, which tells about the most significant events of that era. The main role the American received in the historical film "Jesus."

TV series

Jeremy Sisto is an actor who is actively starring in TV shows. The first sensational television project with his participation is Law and Order. He brilliantly coped with the role of detective Lupo, a corrosive and loving his work. The appearance of Jeremy in the TV series “Beyond the Possible,” in which he played Tom, turned out to be memorable.

jeremy sisto personal life

It should be noted and the teenage series "Dawson's Creek", in which Sisto also got a bright role. The television project tells the story of provincial friends who, together, enter adulthood, survive the first victories and defeats.

"The client is always dead" is another famous series in which you can see Jeremy. In this black comedy, the actor starred in the role of Brenda Billy's brother. In the youth television project Summer of Our Hopes, the American played a young man named Joey Potter.

New century

In the new century, Jeremy Sisto remained a sought-after actor, films with his participation are still often released. The list of paintings in which you can see the star of American cinema is given below.

  • "Dead dog."
  • "Now you know".
  • "Julius Caesar" (TV movie).
  • "Wrong turn".
  • "The state of the psyche."
  • "Death on the price list."
  • "Tiptoe".
  • "More than love".
  • "In memory of my father."
  • "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are resurrected."
  • "Crucial moment".
  • "Gallows".
  • "On the other side of the door."

Jeremy also continues to actively star in long-playing television projects. “Returned”, “Evil City”, “Long Road Home”, “Ice” - the newest series with the participation of the star.

Personal life

What happens in Jeremy Sisto’s personal life? Fortunately, the actor does not hide anything from journalists and fans. In 1990, he married actress Marisa Ryan, which can be seen in the series Sex and the City, Donnelly Brothers, Law and Order. Special Corps ”,“ Abandoned ”. The test of time this union could not stand, the couple broke up in 2002.

Currently, the actor is married to a woman named Eddie, who gave him two children. In his second marriage, Jeremy found happiness, he is happy to educate heirs.

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