Hair loss is a completely physiological and natural process for the human body. No matter how frightening it sounds, normally we lose up to a hundred hairs daily. This process is replenished, and new ones grow in place of those who have fallen. Thus, regeneration or renewal occurs.
When can we talk about hair loss?
But in some cases, hair loss becomes pathological. The following signs indicate the presence of an abnormal loss of density of hair:
- on the pillow, floor, interior items noticeably more lost hair;
- on the comb after the hygienic procedure, the number of hairs increased;
- patches of skin devoid of vegetation are visible on the head.
A few decades ago, a symptom of hair loss could confuse even the most cheerful person.
Conservative treatment and folk recipes are the whole arsenal of the fight against the loss of vegetation on the head that people had at that time. Someone was able to restore the hair, but the bulk accepted the irreparable loss and continued to go bald.
The amazing discovery of Soviet scientists
In recent decades, everything has changed radically. The merger of the cosmetics industry with high technology led to the creation of highly effective products that gave rise to the emergence of cosmeceuticals. Masks, sprays, creams and serums, enriched with the active components of a very fine structure, can act at the cellular level. It is this fact that makes them effective in solving the problem.
One such tool is Platinum V, reviews of which make even skeptics believe in miracles. The line includes a spray and a hair mask.
The history of the development of this domestic drug begins in 1983 in one of the medical laboratories of Leningrad. Scientists invented a tool to fight cancers and incidentally discovered that a certain group of substances surprisingly affects the growth and condition of hair. This has led to deeper research in this area. As a result, the idea of creating a spray and mask with increased effectiveness in the field of restoration of the hair structure appeared. The funds were patented and certified in 2011. The effectiveness of Platinum V funds was carefully checked and confirmed by independent research laboratories. Reviews trichologists about the spray and mask are also positive.
What is included in Platinum B funds?
High performance of this product is due to several factors. The Platinum B product line is completely natural and does not contain chemically aggressive components that can adversely affect weakened hair. The composition of the products includes unique natural substances:
- humic acid;
- extract of crown and wood of coniferous trees;
- VOM gel.
Each of these components showed amazing properties in strengthening and restoring hair, and their combination has a triple effect on hair. This is where the power of Platinum V lies, the reviews of which are impressive. Let us consider in more detail the features of the action of the main active components of the mask and spray.
Humic acid
Humic acid is a rather long structure that is released from coal or a particular layer of soil, it has great bioavailability. The composition of the acid includes a variety of biologically active substances with a wide spectrum of action: peptides, polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, ketones and polyphenols, sterols, catechins, isoflavones and other components.
Such a saturated polymorphic structure of humic acid determines its properties:
- Powerful antioxidant indicators. Humic acid can play the role of an acceptor and electron donor and bind free radicals. Thanks to this, a fragile chemical balance in the body is maintained.
- The ability to bind complex compounds gives the acid the properties of a detoxifier. It is able to remove various harmful substances from the body, including heavy metals.
- Improves the process of oxygen transfer by red blood cells.
- It has a pronounced antibacterial effect on a large group of microorganisms, accelerating their metabolism and destroying their cells. Along the way, removes microbial toxins from the human body.
- Tidies up the body's immune responses.
- It fights lipoproteins and cholesterol, removes them from the body. Thus, it copes with atherosclerosis and increases vascular patency.
- It helps with allergic reactions: binds and removes allergens, normalizes a person’s condition and eliminates the manifestation of disturbing symptoms.
- The anti-stress effect of humic acid is expressed in the blocking of the hormones norepinephrine and adrenaline.
Conifers crown and wood extracts
These agents, which have a wide spectrum of action, have long been used in traditional medicine. Modern science confirms the effectiveness of coniferous extracts.
The most valuable substance is dehydroquercin. It is to its presence that coniferous extracts owe their unusually useful properties:
- improve immunity;
- normalize cholesterol;
- relieve inflammatory processes in blood vessels, stimulate blood microcirculation;
- establish metabolism;
- enhance tissue regeneration;
- block free radicals, showing powerful antioxidant properties;
- facilitate allergic manifestations;
- have a strengthening and rejuvenating effect on the body.
VOM gel
This innovative product is a high-tech product containing modified-structured water, algae and silver particles. This gel is hypoallergenic, does not contain parabens, preservatives, flavorings and other chemical components. It has a neutral pH.
VOM gel acts at the cellular level, has a protective effect on membranes, enhances mitochondrial activity. Penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it. It controls the moisture content inside the cells and promotes their regeneration, normalizes the metabolism and synthesis of DNA, proteins and lipids. The effectiveness of the VOM gel is manifested in the following:
- Heals purulent wounds and cuts, trophic ulcers. Eliminates sepsis and necrosis, enhances tissue regeneration.
- With dermatological diseases, it removes external manifestations and fights with the causes. Eliminates pain, redness, itching, acts as an antiseptic.
- Helps with allergies.
- Eliminates the effects of sunburn, thermal and chemical burns.
- Eliminates any damage to the skin, restoring the skin without scarring.
Analyzing the composition of the spray and mask "Platinum B", reviews of which are mostly positive, conclusions should be drawn about their effectiveness. By bringing the three most useful and effective components together, the development scientists aimed at creating the most useful tool that will help people who are faced with the problem of hair loss on their heads.
Application of the Platinum B line gives the following effect:
- Hair loss on the head stops.
- Dandruff, itching is eliminated.
- Hair growth is noted on parts of the head, devoid of vegetation.
- The structure of damaged hair is restored.
- The density of hair is increasing.
- Hair acquires a healthy look: it becomes elastic, shiny, split ends disappear.
Why are we losing hair?
Let's take a closer look at what hair loss can cause, and how the Platinum B line products, reviews of which are on everyone’s lips, can help in a particular situation.
The causes of hair loss are divided into three main groups: external (exogenous) factors, internal (endogenous) conditions and dermatological diseases of the scalp.
External factors causing hair loss
Our hair is daily exposed to hazardous factors, which negatively affects their appearance. Some of them are natural, but many of us are able to prevent on our own. Here is a list of external factors harmful to the hair:
- Mechanical effects on the scalp can cause hair loss. Dangerous factors include wearing tight hats, exposure to elevated and low temperatures, prolonged exposure to the sun, incorrect hairdressing procedures, adverse environment, and frequent exposure to hair styling devices.
- Hair loss due to chemotherapy.
- Injuries to the scalp or cicatricial alopecia occur with thermal and chemical burns, scalped head injuries, and electric shocks. When a wound heals, a scar is formed that is devoid of hair follicles.
- Incorrectly selected shampoo can also negatively affect the condition of the hair and scalp. Professionals advise choosing hygiene products with a minimum content of surfactants, mineral oils, parabens, dyes and fragrances. You should also not abuse styling products.
Neutralize the effects of harmful factors, remove toxins and restore the structure will help hair product "Platinum B".
The unique components in its composition showed excellent results for weakened and damaged hair. Also, these substances are able to accelerate the restoration of the skin and hair after injuries and burns of various nature, to eliminate the effects of chemotherapy. "Platinum B" proved to be very effective for hair growth. Many consumers note that their hair began to grow faster.
Endogenous causes of hair loss
The condition of the hair is a kind of indicator of the presence of a pathological process in the body. The existence of such symptoms can indicate the presence of various diseases: from the hypovitaminous state of the body to the presence of a serious disease. In any case, only an experienced doctor can make a diagnosis after a comprehensive examination. Having established the cause of hair loss, the doctor will prescribe treatment with medications in combination with the use of local cosmeceuticals.
With certain diseases of the internal organs and systems, hair loss may occur. Here are the main of these internal causes:
- A lack of vitamins and minerals, which can be caused by an unbalanced diet or metabolic disorders in the human body. Usually, a condition of hair is reflected in a deficiency of vitamins A, B2, F, biotin, pantothenic and folic acids, calcium, silicon, selenium and zinc. It will be necessary to balance nutrition and include in the diet fruits and vegetables, cereals and whole grain bread, eggs, fish, seafood, dairy products, and liver.
- The period of pregnancy and lactation. During these stages, an increased intake of vitamins and minerals is necessary, and if this does not happen, a lack of nutrients affects the condition of the hair. In this case, you need to optimize nutrition, use vitamin and mineral complexes, use natural-based healing shampoos. The natural composition and the absence of aggressive chemical components that Platinum boasts for hair provides gentle effective care and is perfect for pregnant and lactating women.
- Stressful conditions often lead to hair loss along with the bulbs. In this circumstance, vasoconstriction occurs , hair nutrition is blocked, and they fall out. Usually, the situation normalizes after stress is relieved. A period of up to 2 months is required to restore the density of hair. Spray and cream "Platinum V" will help to cope with the effects of stress and accelerate remission of the hairline.
- Diseases of the digestive tract of a chronic or acute nature lead to a violation of the absorption of nutrients and affect the condition of the hair. In this case, consultation with a gastroenterologist and a dermatologist is required for further treatment.
- Decreased immunity, the presence of a chronic disease in the human body is primarily reflected in the appearance of the hair. As a result of the imbalance of metabolic and immune processes, the hair is deprived of the necessary substances, they weaken and fall out. In this case, a comprehensive examination of the body and special treatment by a specialized specialist will be necessary. Means of the Platinum B line, the reviews of which trichologists are positive, will help restore local immunity and significantly change the situation for the better.
- In children, the cause of hair loss is often a vitamin D deficiency called rickets. Usually this phenomenon is accompanied by increased sweating, decreased muscle tone, poor weight gain and nervousness. Pediatrician consultation and vitamin therapy are required.
- The puberty in adolescents is characterized by hormonal "explosions." This can lead to increased hair loss. This condition stabilizes upon reaching maturity. In especially alarming cases, an endocrinologist's consultation will be required. In such a difficult period, delicate care is needed that Platinum B can give for hair, consumer reviews confirm this.
- Androgenetic alopecia is a genetically determined hereditary condition. In this case, testosterone under the influence of enzymes is converted to dehydrotestosterone, which negatively affects the hair follicles and leads to baldness. Bald patches are formed in the forehead, which progress to the central part of the head, and complete loss of vegetation may develop. The mouths of the follicles are overgrown with connective tissue, and the restoration of hair growth becomes impossible. A similar phenomenon is found mainly in men, in women - quite rarely. Cases of complete baldness in the latter are rare.
- Alopecia areata is a phenomenon in which hair loss is not total, but local in nature. Scientists are not able to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Some experts are inclined to believe that this is due to autoimmune diseases or under the influence of adverse environmental factors. As practice has shown, the use of hormonal therapy in this case is ineffective.
With androgenetic and nested alopecia, the spray and cream “Platinum V” showed fairly good results. Consumers note the cessation of baldness, the appearance of vellus hair on the "bald" areas of the head, which then become tougher and thicker.
Diseases of the scalp dermatological nature
There are a number of diseases of a dermatological nature that can lead to loss of vegetation on the head. Such a diagnosis can be made by a dermatologist or trichologist after a thorough examination. These diseases include:
- Seborrheic dermatitis. It is an inflammatory process that occurs in the hair of the face and head, covering the ear external passages, neck, armpits and sternum, and the navel.The disease is caused by the activity of the microorganism Malasseria furfur. Affected areas become inflamed, flaky and itchy. On the head there is an abundant formation of white flakes. This condition is treated dermatologically.
- Psoriasis is a chronic disease with periods of exacerbation and remission. If it affects the scalp, it is accompanied by hair loss. Needs serious professional treatment.
- Microsporia, trichophytosis or favus are diseases of a fungal nature, called ringworm. In these cases, radical thinning and hair loss in the form of foci are observed. Concomitant symptoms: burning and itching of the scalp, the appearance of red spots of growing size. Trichophytosis can be accompanied by a purulent-inflammatory process with the formation of scars, on which hair restoration is impossible. Timely contacting a dermatologist and treatment in the early stages can restore the normal appearance of hair.
To cope with the causes and consequences of dermatological diseases of the scalp will help Platinum B funds, the composition of which is enriched with natural antibacterial and antifungal agents. The active components of the spray and cream mask will help alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of diseases, and as soon as possible to restore the growth and density of hair, restore their former shine and strength. Reviews about "Platinum V" among consumers indicate the effectiveness of these funds in the fight against various problems of the scalp. The products of the line are able to cope with the most difficult situations and regain self-confidence to any person.