Convention Defining the Rights and Duties of the Child: Key Points

The question of the need to document the rights and obligations of the child arose relatively recently. Society only in the twentieth century realized the importance of combating the exploitation of child labor, child slavery, prostitution of minors and the sale of children. And finally, in 1924 a document was adopted that most fully covers the existing problems. Prior to this, the rights and obligations of the child were considered only from a general perspective.

Work done

rights and obligations of the child

In 1924, the League of Nations adopted a declaration on children's issues.

In 1946, the UNICEF Foundation was established, which is based on a mechanism to help children around the world.

1959 was marked by the adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Children, which reflected the basic rights and obligations of the child of any country.

However, the Declaration did not describe the effective mechanisms for protecting the rights of the children's population of the planet, so the need arose to develop a new document - the Convention on the Rights of the Child. On November 20, 1989, the UN adopted it.

Key Points

parental responsibilities for raising children

The rights and obligations of the child arise immediately after his birth, but their implementation becomes possible only as he grows up. Every year, the child’s ability to exercise their rights and fulfill their responsibilities is growing. And by the age of 18, he becomes a fully capable member of society. At what age and what is the child entitled to do and what responsibility can bear?

From birth, the child has the rights: to citizenship, last name, first name and patronymic, to the family, to know their parents, to educate, care and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parents (if they are absent, the responsibilities of parents to raise children are assigned to persons replacing them), for comprehensive development, for respect, for expressing one’s opinion in resolving issues related to his interests, for contacting guardianship authorities.

At the age of one and a half years, the child has the right to attend a day nursery, and at the age of three - a kindergarten.

guardian duties

At the age of six, a citizen has the right to attend school, enter into small transactions at the household level, and also agree on the disposal of personal money with parents. It is the guardian's responsibility to completely replace the parents if they are absent.

At the age of eight, a child can already join children's social organizations.

A ten-year-old citizen has the following rights:

  • on their own opinion in resolving any issues in the family;

  • give consent to change their last name or first name, as well as to the adoption or restoration of parental rights of their parents;

  • decide which parent he wants to live with after a divorce, if they disagree;

  • to witness at any court hearing.

At the age of eleven, the child is already responsible for violating the rules of public order and can be placed in a special institution for re-education.

children's rights

A fourteen-year-old teenager can independently manage his earned money, has the right to change his citizenship, apply to the court, with the consent of his parents, make various kinds of transactions, as well as make financial contributions to financial institutions and dispose of them. A citizen at the age of 14 has the right to obtain a passport, in some cases to marry and find a simple job (up to 4 hours a day) with the consent of the parents. At this age, a teenager is criminally responsible for particularly serious crimes, and may also be expelled from school for offenses.

At the age of 16, a citizen can be a member of a joint-stock company or a cooperative, can independently conclude an employment contract (on preferential terms) or engage in entrepreneurial activity (in this case he is declared fully capable), is criminally responsible for all types of crimes, has the right to marry.

At the age of eighteen, a person becomes a full citizen.

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