Eddie Murphy (Eddie Murphy): filmography and actor show. Best Comedy Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy ... The mere mention of his name makes most moviegoers smile. A world favorite, "A Comedian for Ages," a brilliant actor in the colloquial genre, a tirelessly working machine of killer humor - as they just don't call him. It seems that Eddie was born in order to cheer up absolutely everyone, to make even inveterate pessimists smile. Murphy has almost one and a half hundred works. Although we all know him as an actor, Eddie also proved himself as a screenwriter, producer, and director. Every year, films with his participation are released, Murphy continues to plan to delight fans with her talent.

Actor's childhood

Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy was born in New York on April 3, 1961 in the family of a policeman. They were left without the main breadwinner when the boy was only 8 years old. After the death of the father, the children had a tight time, but soon the mother got married a second time. Eddie was lucky with his stepfather, because it was thanks to the observation of a man who managed to consider real talent behind the usual antics of a child, the young man managed to show his abilities, find a way in life.

Murphy was the most popular student at school, because he made fun of not only classmates and friends, but also teachers. The stepfather in every possible way encouraged his stepson's hobbies with theater and cinema. He also helped 15-year-old Eddie to get into a youth club, where he earned money by acting as an actor in the conversational genre. With his author's miniatures, the guy brought the audience to tears, some visitors crawled under the table with laughter.

First success

The fame of an immensely talented black guy gradually dispersed around the district. Once upon a time, the owners of the Comic Strip Club got into his speech. Robert Wox and Richard Tinken were initially surprised by the reaction of visitors. People with such enthusiasm began to greet the unknown young man that the men decided to see what he would do.

filmography eddie murphy
Murphy literally captivated Walks and Tinken, so they decided to help him get on Saturday Night Live. At one time, many talents passed through it, which later became celebrities. Eddie has been nominated for an Emmy twice; his popularity has grown exponentially. And this is not surprising, because his skits made the audience laugh to tears.

Successful movie debut

In the television show, Murphy achieved what he wanted, so he began to move on, tried his hand at the movies. The young man appeared on the big screen in 1982, the police action movie “48 Hours” became his debut film. Eddie captivated viewers and critics with his comedic skill, his hero constantly rolling his eyes, chatting, actively gesturing. The success of the action movie was ensured, and the young actor gained worldwide popularity.

In 1983, the filmography of Eddie Murphy replenished with another work. The actor discovered new facets of his talent in the film "Swap". His hero is a petty swindler who, by coincidence, switched places with a successful financier. Throughout the tape, the character ridiculed the powerful of this world, deceived them, showed how ridiculous their arrogance towards the poor is. The audience perceives the comedies with Eddie Murphy with enthusiasm, this work was no exception. And that was just the beginning.

Beloved policeman

comedy with eddie murphy list
The multimillion-dollar income of the debut films, as well as the admiring reviews of film critics and viewers, prompted the directors of the film “The Beverly Hills Police Officer” to give Eddie Murphy the main role. His character is a policeman who has lost a close friend. He is not allowed to investigate this murder, even the slightest participation is not allowed. However, the hero Eddie does not intend to stand aside, he begins to unravel this dark matter as a private person.

The image of a policeman is rather unusual, but at the same time he is not invented, but taken from life. Murphy, as always, focuses on social contrasts. The ingenious acting game did its job, the movie entered the top ten box office films of all time. No less success was expected and the second part of the tape "Beverly Hills Policeman-2", which was released in 1987. The film raised $ 153 million.

Black and white stripes in Murphy's life

movies with eddie murphy
At the beginning of his creative career, Eddie was lucky, the viewer took all his films with a bang. Multimillion-dollar fees opened up new horizons for the actor, so without hesitation he founded the company “Eddie Murphy Production”. The main goal of the company is to help beginner black cinematographers, who at that time was not so easy to break through. In 1988, the filmography of Eddie Murphy replenished with the comedy "A Trip to America", in which he played the African prince. The film was directed by a black director Landis and the actors were all also “color”. Murphy’s company also shot the film “Without Grinding”, and Townsend was involved in working on it.

Then Eddie began a streak of setbacks, in Harlem Nights, he tried himself as a director, but the film was a failure. “The Beverly Hills 3 Police Officer,” “Boomerang,” and “The Vampire in Brooklyn” also did not meet the high expectations of the creators, and viewers with film critics reacted very sluggishly to the appearance of films on large screens.

Return to the cinematic Olympus

Spectators are very enthusiastic and anticipated by the pleasure of watching comedies with Eddie Murphy. The list of the best films of this actor can not be imagined without the movie “Nutty Professor”. In his creative career, a noticeable decline continued until 1996, but then Eddie recalled himself, starring in the comedy not only as the main character, but also playing all the members of the professor's family. The film “The Nutty Professor” has become one of the best in the comedy genre and has collected an impressive fee.

Then came the films with Eddie Murphy, such as The Sanctuary, Doctor Dolittle, and the tragicomedy Lifetime. In the movie "Cool guy", the actor played a double role, which greatly surprised both critics and viewers. Eddie very convincingly played a simpleton and a star, many could not believe that it was one and the same person. Most of Murphy's works received praise and earned impressive amounts, although some films were still not up to par.

Best Movies with Eddie Murphy

comedy with eddie murphy
Without a twinge of conscience, you can recognize him as the best comedian, he has a lot of brilliant works, but we will dwell on those that aroused the greatest delight among the audience. The fourth film of the actor's film “Beverly Hills Cop” became iconic for Eddie. In 1984, he woke up famous and world-famous. His slightly eccentric, but such a simple and understandable hero immediately liked the multimillion-dollar audience. The second and third parts of the film were also excellent, but they cannot be compared with the first.

In 1996, Murphy blew everyone up with the comedy “Nutty Professor”, this film work perfectly reveals the versatility of his talent. In 2000, the second part of the film is released, and it is also perceived by the audience and critics as a “cheer”. In 2002, the filmography of Eddie Murphy was replenished with the movie "The Adventures of Pluto Nash", in 2003 - "On duty dad" and "The Haunted Mansion." The audience was also captivated by the voice acting of all parts of "Shrek", the restless Donkey spoke in Murphy's voice. Of the recent works, the comedy action movie How to Steal a Skyscraper, in which Eddie played the thief Slide, should be noted.

Eddie Murphy Show

What was the first landmark work that made Murphy famous and popular? It was not a film, but a concert television show, "Eddie Murphy: The Shit". The performance lasts 70 minutes, and all this time the viewer sees and listens to only one actor, but time flies by unnoticed, and at the end of the show there is no more strength to laugh. No comedies featuring Eddie Murphy can be compared in quantity and quality of humor with this ingenious work.

best movies with eddie murphy
At that time, the actor was only 22 years old, and he did not have enough experience, but the TV show blew up the Americans, and Eddie made the idol of millions. Murphy, not afraid, criticized the country's leadership, smashed celebrities such as Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, made fun of the rich, told comedy stories from his life and about his relatives. This show can be called one of his best works.

The personal life of the actor

Murphy’s personal life looks more like soap opera, it seems that you watch a serial series and watch the ups and downs of the life of his characters. He is a father with many children, and children from different mothers. For five years, Eddie met with model Nicole Mitchell, in 1993 the couple legalized their relationship. Unfortunately, the marriage broke up in 2006. Then there was a relationship with Spice Girls member Melanie Brown. Their romance was actively discussed by the yellow press, this time Murphy attracted attention by the fact that he left his pregnant girlfriend and flatly refused to acknowledge paternity. Be that as it may, a DNA test was performed that confirmed the fact that Angel Iris is Eddie's daughter.

comedy featuring eddie murphy
According to the latest information, the actor’s personal life began to improve, now he is dating singer Tony Braxton. Repeatedly in the press there were reports of lawsuits brought against Eddie on charges of plagiarism and even sexual harassment. And Murphy suffers from sudden attacks of black melancholy, so she is constantly under the supervision of a psychoanalyst.

Interesting facts from the biography

  • A good sense of humor made Eddie the most popular guy at school.
  • Murphy was offered to be the host of the Oscars in 2012, but he refused.
  • The actor likes professional wrestling with the Hulk Hogan.
  • Until he gained popularity, Murphy did not play secondary roles.
  • At 30, Eddie became a billionaire and received the title of "World Comedy Star."
  • Murphy announced his talent at the age of 15 from the stage of the youth club, acting as a stand-up comedian.
  • April 3, 2007, on the actor’s birthday, his daughter was born from Melanie Brown, Angel Iris.

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