Extension in primary school: regulatory framework, program

Time flies at lightning speed. Yesterday, we were thinking what kind of stroller to buy for a child, and today he is a future first grader. There is very little time left before school, and parents begin to think about how to properly organize the educational process of their child, how to help him or her in this complex science of mastering knowledge. Choosing a school is not an easy task. But with this, more or less everything is clear. But where to attach the child if the parents work, and grandparents can not help in this matter? An extension in elementary school will come to the rescue. Is compulsory or not the organization of children's time after school? The answer to this question parents must give individually.

extension in elementary school
Lessons in elementary school end early enough, and problems such as picking up a child, taking them home and helping them do their homework become sometimes an insurmountable task for parents. In solving this issue, an extension at school comes to the rescue. Of course, here each parent decides for himself what is best for his child. It is very important to consider the individual characteristics of the child. In addition, children often attend additional classes, sections and circles.

The provision on the extension in elementary school suggests that children from first to fourth grade can remain in the educational institution after school. And it is very convenient for parents. The extension program in elementary school includes homework, a mandatory walk in the fresh air, games and relaxation. Many schools provide hot meals for children.

Should there be an extension in the elementary school of each educational institution? Let's try to figure it out.

What good is the extension and how can it help?

There are many advantages of extended day groups . The main advantage is that the child is supervised until the parents come home from work. Educators take care of him, who will supervise and help if something happens. An important factor is the socialization of a young member of society, who attends extension in elementary school. In a group of peers, a child gains communication experience that is useful to him in adulthood.

renewal clause in elementary school
Extension in elementary school can also provide children with interest groups and sections. This is important for the harmonious development of personality. A child psychologist also works in schools. If a child has problems, a psychologist will always help to understand the relationship with peers and adults.

What are the benefits of extending elementary school?

The downside may be the catering of primary schoolchildren. If the school cannot provide a full and varied hot nutrition for children, this is fraught with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and then extension in elementary school becomes a big minus, not a plus. The law on extended day groups also provides for the organization of recreation areas for younger students. Children at the age of six still cannot bear the full school load and need a short day's rest. To do this, the school should allocate a room equipped with cots so that the child can take a nap for a bit.

An important factor is the number of children in the extended day group, as well as the extension program in primary school. If a teacher in a class has more than 20-30 children, then it is impossible to talk about a full-fledged individual approach. This factor should be considered by parents. It is important to be based on the individual characteristics of the child. What should be the extension in elementary school? How to conduct classes? A small number of people in groups is the path to success.

elementary school extension program
In large groups, homework is done superficially. Expect help from a teacher for each specific child is not necessary. Often the noise in the classroom prevents the child from resting or concentrating. If, nevertheless, a decision on the extension is made, it is better for parents to check their homework at home and help, in which case, the child will deal with incomprehensible questions.

The need for a new concept of education

This situation in extended-day groups provides the basis for reflection that reform is needed. The provision on the extension at school regulates the educational process, as well as the norms of payment for food and stay of the child in the extended day group. The discontent of the parents is clear. The program, which entered into force on September 1, 2011, defined new norms and standards for sanitary and epidemiological requirements. This rule obliges schools to have sleeping rooms in day-care groups. The bedroom should be separate for boys and girls. All new schools that are at the design and construction stage will also come from these requirements.

why there is no extension in elementary school
Old-school schools that do not have enough space to create separate bedrooms have encountered a problem. Also, educational institutions are forced to reduce the duration of the extension, so that children can already relax at home. This is especially true for first graders. Also one of the requirements of the new provision is the equipment of hygiene rooms with the necessary number of toilets, bidets and urinals.

Need for funding

Why is there no extension in elementary school in many institutions? School principals faced an almost insoluble problem, and, accordingly, parents. Not every educational institution can organize an extension in primary school. The law says that the school should strictly monitor the nutrition of children in extended-day groups. It is necessary to provide children with good nutrition, consisting of lunch and afternoon tea. In many schools, funding does not meet budget requirements. Therefore, they resort to the help of parents in this matter. They have to pay for the nutrition of children from their own pockets.

Thus, parents and schools faced serious problems. Most likely, schools will shift the solution to these issues on the shoulders of moms and dads. If parents can finance a visit to the extension - it should be. Otherwise, moms and dads will have to look for an alternative to extended-day groups.

Alternative renewal

Some schools offer parents a new form of extension. The duration of the school day is proposed to stretch to 16-18 hours. In this case, the children are in school longer, and the whole load is redistributed, lessons are interspersed with longer pauses, except for study, children can do something interesting inside the school. But not all parents liked this option. It is believed that children of primary school age in the afternoon are already tired and can not concentrate on classes. In addition, the learning process of the day turns out to be prolonged. Most likely, it is easier for a child to unlearn, finish with lessons and already enjoy plenty of rest.

should there be an extension in elementary school
Of course, this form of education also has the right to life, as children are quickly drawn in and adapt to the new regime. You need to think about how difficult it will be to further transition the child to high school after primary. Will the child be able to quickly adapt to another form of the learning process? All this should be at the discretion of the parents.

Private day care schools

Many private schools organize day care groups. These groups are not numerous. Children can change into home clothes, play, relax. That is, the situation in such groups is very similar to the home environment. Children without undue stress can begin homework under the supervision of experienced teachers. Good food is also organized. Of course, the cost of staying in such groups is almost always high, and not every parent can afford such a pleasure.

extension in elementary school how to conduct
Thus, today the problem of finding children after school falls entirely on the shoulders of parents. The state provides very little support in this matter.

Nanny and mom unification

Some parents resort to finding nannies or governesses. Of course, this is very comfortable and a good way out. Personal nanny and exercise, and feed. But the child often loses social contacts, which are so necessary at this age. And what can I say, not everyone can afford babysitting services.

A good alternative to a nanny can be small parent associations. That is, today one mother picks up children from school and looks after after school, tomorrow another. This option is suitable if the children live close to each other and there are parents who can devote one day a week to such work.

So should there be an extension at school or not?

The opinion of many parents is as follows: there should be an extension. All working parents must be eligible for an extension. Paid or free - this is another question. But children must be supervised, provided with food and training.

extension in elementary school is required or not
If there is a payment, then it should be lifting for parents. Or the payment can be divided between the local budget and parents. Perhaps parents could, for example, pay for meals and groups, and the rest would be taken over by local budgets.

Foreign experience

Let's see how things are with extended-day groups, for example, in Germany. There, day care groups are very popular. But only the child whose parents work can get into them. Itโ€™s not very easy to find a place in such a group. But if you work, you can be sure that the child will not be left without a place.

Renewals in Germany are private and public. But all of them are paid for working parents. The cost of the extension is differentiated and depends on the salary of the parents. That is, the less you earn, the less you will pay. In extended-day groups, children can be up to 16 and up to 18 hours. Groups, as a rule, have large rooms and playgrounds.

Children have no bedrooms, but there are so-called quiet rooms in which the child, if tired, can rest and even sleep. Childrenโ€™s meals at school are also well organized. As a rule, the extension is located in a building separate from the school. The teacher from the extension takes the children after the end of the lessons and takes them to another room where the groups of the extended day are.

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