Hyaluronic Acid Biorevitalization

Many women have long realized that the most effective skin care cannot consist only of care products, no matter how expensive they are. Dehydrated and aging skin needs something more effective. Hyaluronic acid biorevitalization is a method of quick restoration of the skin without surgical intervention.

Hyaluronic acid facial biorevitalization of the face not only supports good skin condition, it stimulates the body's independent struggle with dehydration and aging of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is an absolutely natural substance reproduced by the human body. It is aimed at maintaining water balance in the skin. When the body reproduces the optimal amount of hyaluronic acid, the skin is in an elastic and elastic state, it is less prone to wrinkles and other age-related changes.

In addition, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the most important processes in the skin. The procedure indirectly affects the improvement of skin regeneration.

Why is biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid needed if the body itself releases this important substance? Over time, the production of hyaluronic acid is significantly reduced, after which the skin tone worsens, wrinkles appear. The body may simply not be able to cope with the hydration of highly dehydrated skin. Hyaluronic acid biorevitalization is simply necessary for women who abuse tanning beds, saunas and other things that negatively affect the condition of the skin. This procedure can also be advised to owners of dry skin, and replenishment of hyaluronic acid is necessary not so much to improve the current condition of the skin, but to prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging, because age-related changes appear on dry and dehydrated skin very early.

Unlike expensive anti-aging creams, which are used only to correct changes that have already occurred (their early use leads to skin habituation, which in the future can simply stop responding to active substances), hyaluronic acid replenishment can also be used for prevention. It is optimal to start such procedures at the age of 25, when the production of hyaluronic acid is already on the decline, but age-related changes are not yet visible on the skin.

Biorevitalization is carried out for about an hour, the exact time depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor performing the procedure. The face is thoroughly cleaned, then an anesthetic cream is applied, which will make the injections almost painless. Hyaluronic acid is injected with a syringe. The procedure has practically no contraindications, because hyaluronic acid has absolute compatibility with human skin. Biorevitalization for the best result should be performed every 3-4 months.

Laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is an innovative method that is gaining popularity every day. Compared with the injection procedure, the laser has many advantages. Laser radiation in itself improves the condition of the skin, and after the procedure there is no edema or redness. In addition, the laser distributes hyaluronic acid more evenly over the selected area. Laser biorevitalization is safer and easier than an injection method.

The procedure is performed quickly and painlessly. The face is thoroughly cleaned, after which a gel with a high content of hyaluronic acid is applied to it. In order for the substance to penetrate deep into the skin, laser treatment is performed. After the procedure, the person does not require special care, except that the patient should drink a lot of water (about 2-3 liters per day) during the entire course. The course of procedures takes 5-7 sessions at intervals of 4-8 days.

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