The quality of education. Education Quality Assessment System

The Moscow Register of Education Quality is a specialized information and analytical base. It is designed to provide effective monitoring of the educational process at all levels. Let us further consider in detail how education quality is monitored, what activities are included in it, what information participants receive and how they use it.

the quality of education

Basic goals

The system for assessing the quality of education operates on the basis of the principles:

  1. Availability.
  2. Structuredness.
  3. Transparency.
  4. Flexibility.
  5. Objectivity.
  6. Modularity.

The goals of creating an information-analytical base are:

  1. Increasing accessibility and transparency of educational information for families.
  2. Implementation of an objective analysis of learning outcomes.
  3. Improving the quality of education.
  4. Ensuring the participation of parents and students in the control of the pedagogical process.
  5. Improving the transparency of education quality management at all levels, from a particular institution to the city system as a whole.


The Moscow Register of Education Quality is online. The base operates on the www portal. The users are:

  1. Parents of children brought up in DOW.
  2. Teachers of secondary educational institutions.
  3. Schoolchildren and their parents.
  4. Teachers working in DOW.
  5. Representatives of the administrations of kindergartens and schools.
  6. Professional experts.
  7. Department of Education.
  8. District offices.
  9. The capital's center of quality education.


Moscow quality education is available on the basis of cloud technology. The ability to work with data has an unlimited number of users. A personal account is formed for each of them. Monitoring the quality of education is carried out by:

  1. Access to the portal from any country in the world.
  2. Compliance with the draft quality standard of the educational process.
  3. Works on any software.
  4. Processing and availability of information 24/7.
  5. Continuity of development in accordance with all changes taking place in the pedagogical field, the needs of users, as well as taking into account the needs of parents.
    education quality assessment system

The register of education quality includes:

  1. Database.
  2. Services.
  3. Instruments.

The system for assessing the quality of education allows you to adjust the volume and content of incoming data using the settings of users' personal accounts within their powers and rights. Parents' personal pages are provided with toolkits and services. In their structure and content of information, they differ from personal accounts of other categories of users.

Getting access

For those wishing to control the quality of education at school or a preschool educational institution, an individual login and password is generated. Parents receive this information in the institution that their child visits. Anyone is provided with a username and password when contacting the teacher or class teacher. According to statistics, currently more than 185 thousand parents are registered in the database and have their own offices.


Parents registered in the database can analyze and control the quality of education in various areas. In particular, they gain access to the results:

  • An external indicator for each educational institution of the city.
  • School activities. Parents, among other things, get access to information about the winners of competitions, contests, competitions.
  • An external indicator of the quality of education specifically for your child.
  • Internal introspection of educational institutions.
  • Individual mastering by your child of the basic DOW program, taking into account its variability.
  • Studying the main general educational disciplines in elementary school.
  • The individual achievements of your child in the field of education, training, development.
  • Educational institution supervision and supervision measures carried out by the Department.
    Moscow Register of Education Quality

In addition, the education quality system provides methodological and analytical materials. Studying the latter allows you to participate in solving managerial problems at the level of an educational institution. Thanks to the availability of sets of services and tools, parents can not only analyze the quality of education, but also conduct independent work with the content of the educational process. The portal has created the conditions for introspection, participation in significant events, communication with other users.

Distinctive features

The capital register of education quality is a unified city information base. It is based not only on the results of statistics and the provision of information. The portal is formed in accordance with expert, objective assessments. It allows the user to work with the content of the educational process, analyze, determine at what level the quality of education is. It is also important that parents can manage the state of the educational process in accordance with the results. The system uses numerical indicators, conceptual apparatus, analytical data.

Internal analysis

It is carried out by an educational institution on its own throughout the academic year. This is necessary to ensure the control of the pedagogical process and the availability of the ability to make managerial decisions in accordance with the results. In school practice, this is expressed in the conduct of testing, a variety of verification and control works, sections of knowledge, including remotely. In the preschool educational institution, the implementation of these tasks is carried out through continuous monitoring of the development of the pupil. During monitoring, the register records all indicators and achievements of the child. These results are processed automatically. The system builds dynamics, indicates stable success, identifies and shows problem areas. As a result, parents receive complete information about the development of their child.

Register of education quality in the Tula region

External control

It is carried out by the Department of Education both planned and at the request of school leaders. Such control is necessary to objectify the indicators of children in accordance with the requirements of pedagogical standards. The register provides multi-factor automatic data analysis. This information is subsequently used by parents, civil servants, teams of teachers, managers. Through this external and internal analysis, comprehensive control is carried out, which allows timely and objective determination of the level at which the quality of education is.

Analysis Independence

The objectivity of the external evaluation is ensured by:

  • The use at all current levels of common materials for verification, formed in accordance with the base of standardized tasks. The latter undergo substantive and testological examination.
  • Comparisons of external and internal controls.
  • Using a standardized unified technology for conducting knowledge tests, computer processing of results using the methods of mathematical statistics.

Activities foreseen

It should be noted that the capital is not the only city in which such an assessment of the quality of education is carried out. Standards are developed for all regions of the country. So, the register of education quality in the Tula region was successfully introduced in the 2014/2015 academic year. Among the events included in the external control, it is worth noting:

  1. State certification using independent analysis mechanisms, the exam.
  2. Monitoring compliance with the preparation of graduates and students to the requirements of educational standards (GEF, FKGOS).
  3. Examination of the results of mastering the general curriculum as part of the accreditation of institutions.
  4. Diagnostics and monitoring of children's achievements.
    Moscow quality of education

The program also provides:

  • Determination of students' readiness to continue their education in the following stages.
  • Assessment of children's knowledge in subjects.
  • Supporting the implementation of GEF in primary and primary schools.
  • Interdisciplinary and meta-subject diagnosis of student achievement.
  • Organizational and methodological support of international research.

Usage levels

The operation of the system is based on three elements:

  1. Information field. At this level, the institution does not add any information to the database, but uses only the data that the Department of Education has entered into it.
  2. Statistical field. At this level, the institution can receive reports when introducing an internal assessment.
  3. Management field. If the institution uses the tools of internal and external analysis, the system provides detailed materials, which determine the quality of education in a preschool institution or educational institution.

Management field

At this level, one can see not only stable achievements, problem areas, detect the factors that influenced the child’s obtaining certain results, but also form a further direction of development or develop a program for operational assistance to a student / educational institution. It is impossible to manually and by any other traditional methods impossible to calculate and analyze the indicators achieved by all the children of the class or study group on existing topics, program elements, skills that are laid down in the pedagogical standard. The quality register will give an assessment in a few seconds automatically. This, in turn, allows the teacher to make operational adjustments to his work, to eliminate coaching, which is often ineffective. The teacher, based on the results obtained, develops a personality-oriented approach to learning. Parents, in turn, get a clear understanding of the situation. For them, the conditions are formed for competent participation in the control and management of the learning process, the creation of an individual plan and development direction for the child. Only if there is information about areas of stable success and problem areas, working to eliminate difficulties and improve skills can significantly improve the quality of personal results. With a simple calculation of grades, it is impossible to objectively analyze the situation and implement adequate process control.

quality of education at school


Since the 2012/2013 school year, parents have been using a unique online information service for Moscow and the whole country about the results of the child’s participation in independent external diagnostics. At the same time, adults will be able to see not only the indicators themselves, but also the focus of the events. In addition, parents gained access to a map of mastered or undeveloped controlled elements of education. They are also provided with recommendations and all explanations regarding external diagnostics of the quality of the pedagogical process. If these indicators are not available in your account, this means that the educational institution is not involved in external diagnostics.

Features of user personal pages

The tools present in the parents' offices are aimed at establishing interaction between the school and the family. Today, despite the relatively high development of mobile technologies, communication between an educational institution and parents can not always be considered productive, convenient and affordable. The main reason for this situation is the employment of adults. Parents often have an irregular day, frequent meetings, business trips, negotiations, and other official moments. The information base allows the school and family to interact in real time, without violating the schedule of rest or work of adults. In your personal account there is a service that allows parents to see and plan their participation in certain events related to the educational process or extracurricular activities.

Electronic portfolio

It allows you to take into account individual educational needs for each student. In addition, each parent can participate in creating a portfolio of their child. Adults, therefore, not only see it, but can also fill it. Such family involvement can enhance the child’s competitiveness. E-portfolio shows:

  1. All the abilities of the child.
  2. The dynamics of its development.
  3. Concrete successes.

This tool allows you to adjust the educational process, timely provide targeted support to the student. Parents, in turn, monitor the results, determine the quality of education. It is important that the range of achievements of the child can be unusually wide. It is sometimes simply impossible to collect all the student’s achievements on paper.

improving the quality of education

Register of education quality in Tula region

The database provides the ability to manage multidisciplinary educational institutions with several buildings, a large children's and pedagogical staff, and various resources. Portal www. provides:

  1. Internal independent audit of the educational institution.
  2. Uploading results, analytical models and saving parameters.
  3. Fixation of the content and course of the educational process.
  4. Accounting for teaching activities.
  5. Fixing professional achievements of teachers.
  6. Consideration of personal achievements of children in the development of general education programs at all levels.
  7. Compilation of multi-module, analytical and statistical reporting for different users.
  8. Interaction between subjects.

In the system, among other things, there are electronic diaries of teachers and students.

Analysis transparency and clarity

The results of the assessment of the quality of education are presented in the form:

  1. Forms with indicators of verification work. They contain information for each child and the entire class as a whole.
  2. A detailed map of the development by students of the tested components of the content of education, meta-subject and subject skills.
  3. The dynamics of educational achievements and individual development of children.
  4. Analytical materials formed in accordance with the diagnostic results of an educational institution. They allow you to compare the data of a particular institution with the average for the city or district.
  5. Recommendations for improvement, according to the factor analysis of the information received on the educational process.


Given the information above, the importance of introducing a register in the regions of the country becomes undeniable. The information-analytical base allows all interested users to see the results of the work of the teaching staff of the educational institution. In this case, a volumetric integral picture is formed, which is directly dependent on the achievements of each child individually. The register allows you to take into account all pupils and students. The information and analytical base is formed on the basis of continuity and taking into account personal dynamics, targeting of the approaches used. For example, an electronic portfolio has been created since three years. You can replenish it until the age of 18.

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