Almost everyone on Earth is a carrier of a viral infection. This is due to the fact that every minute we are in contact with many harmful microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria. Viruses that parasitize the body for a long time have a destructive effect on it. Moreover, the consequences may be such that harm to the body cannot be eliminated.
Viruses are parasitic microorganisms (particles of nucleic acids RNA, DNA). Parasitism is an image of their existence. They live and eat at the expense of the body within which they exist. Outside the body, viruses (outside) die, they simply have nothing to eat.
When a person has strong immunity, he resists the reproduction of viruses. But with weakened immunity, viruses are activated. Settled in a favorable environment, viruses multiply rapidly, quickly and unlimitedly.
Even when viruses “nap” in the human body, this also harms physical health. Inflammation of the mucous membranes, gynecological, urological, constant colds - this is not a complete list of the harmful effects of viruses, that is, there is a process of destruction of human health.
In women, viruses affect the genitourinary system, erosion, inflammation of the mucous membranes, urinary tract, and then infertility occur on this soil.
Viruses are extremely dangerous for pregnant women. They infect the fetus, a miscarriage may occur or a dead baby will be born.
Immunity - the enemy of viruses
Once in the body, viruses are attacked by human immunity. Viruses have many varieties, our immune defense is not able to fight some of them. Therefore, certain types of pathogens settle in the human body and live there, hiding. They awaken to action when the immune system weakens. That is, a person lives and does not suspect that he is infected with a viral infection, but a blood test for viruses reveals it. If the presence of viruses is established as a result, immediate and competent treatment will completely heal the body. It’s better not to take risks and monitor your physical condition, this is precisely what virus tests help in this person. You should never forget that a person who has a viral infection, even if not in an acute stage, is its carrier, that is, it poses a danger to others.
The most dangerous viruses
In the human body, viruses can be present against which immunity and medications are powerless. These are hepatitis, papillomavirus, herpes, rotavirus and the most dangerous for human life - AIDS. They may not manifest themselves for a long time, but from this they are no less dangerous. You can detect them only by passing tests for viruses and infections.
Methods for detecting viral infections
Material for analysis for viruses are: blood, urine, feces, saliva, scraping of the mucous membrane, smear.
It is possible to detect the presence of viruses by various medical diagnostic methods. To do this, do a blood test for viruses, use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Methods for the study of ELISA and PCR - this is a highly accurate modern methods for the study of blood for viruses. Such an accurate result will not give even a general blood test.
ELISA is an analysis of antibodies to viruses. The study reveals whether there are specific antibodies in the blood, the etiology and stage of the disease.
PCR is a molecular genetic diagnostic method that detects whether there are viruses in a person. The analysis shows the presence and nature of the virus before the onset of the disease. PCR never gives erroneous results. If there are no viruses, then the analysis for viruses will be negative.
An old way to detect viruses is microbiological culture (LHC sowing). Although the method is ancient, it is quite accurate. Material for the study are scrapings from the urethra, vagina. Scrapes are left in the nutrient and observe whether microorganisms will grow (and how quickly).
Only a qualified doctor, having examined the patient and having listened to his complaints, can decide which tests for viruses should be passed.
Virus Confirmation Data
A general blood test shows the development of the disease in the body if lymphocytes, monocytes, ESR exceed the norm, and neutrophils and leukocytes are below normal.
Human immunity produces immunoglobulins (IGM, IGA, IGG) in response to the introduction of foreign microorganisms (i.e. viruses) into it. Their presence in the blood reveals the ELISA method. If immunoglobulins have formed, then viruses are definitely present. This virus analysis determines the stage of the disease and the form of infection (acute, chronic, asymptomatic), the degree of productivity of the prescribed treatment. The disadvantage of this type of study is that it is not the virus itself that is being examined, but the body's response to it.
Each virus has unique DNA. From it you can determine what kind of alien microorganism it is. This study produces a PCR method. The research methodology is based on molecular biology. If the analysis showed the presence of the gene material belonging to the virus, it means that the person is infected with this virus. In addition to the type of virus, a similar analysis for viruses gives an idea of their quantity, vulnerability to certain medications. This makes it possible to choose effective methods and methods of treatment. The PCR method accurately detects all types of viruses.
How to pass tests?
In any clinic, the patient will be explained what tests are given for viruses. Blood donation for testing is possible in any hospital where there is a laboratory. Currently, there are paid medical diagnostic institutions, where they also do tests. Results will also be given here, but doctors must decipher the results. To confirm the diagnosis, sometimes not only test results are needed, but also other diagnostic methods.
It is important to properly prepare for blood donation for analysis. Otherwise, an erroneously positive or erroneously negative result may result.
Basic rules for preparing and passing virus tests:
- Blood sampling is carried out in the morning (from 7 to 10 hours).
- Blood sampling is carried out only on an empty stomach. Before the procedure, you can’t eat anything, you can only drink water (tea, coffee, juices, drinks are excluded).
- Do not take medicine for a week before giving blood for analysis. If you need to take medicine, then you need to tell the doctor who gives the direction for the study.
- Do not drink alcohol, alcohol-containing balms, tinctures a week before blood donation.
- Before testing (about a week), follow a diet, do not eat fatty, pickled, smoked, fried foods.
- Ideally, you should not smoke for several days before the procedure, but since passionate smokers will not adhere to this, at least do not smoke for 2 hours before taking the blood.
- A month before the analysis, stop using oral contraceptives, suppositories and ointments.
Very well, before giving blood to a patient, he is in a calm physical and emotional state. Increased irritability or physical activity is reflected in the structure of the blood.
The technique of blood sampling for analysis is simple, it is taken from the human ulnar vein.
Key Indications for Assignment
The appearance of a reddish rash of unknown origin on the body, irritation, itching, burning of the mucous membrane, soreness, discomfort in the lower abdomen and groin, unhealthy discharge from the genitals, poor appetite, constant fatigue, weight loss, regularly recurring colds are all indications for conducting analyzes.
If there are a lot of papillomas on the body, then it is necessary to do tests for viruses and to determine the type of virus. In some cases, everything can result in cancer.
Deciphering the results
The ELISA research method is based on the detection of antigens to different viruses. A new microorganism that settles in a person receives a response from his immune system from him. Each type of virus has its own antigen. The presence of the LGG antigen to the virus suggests that immunity to it has already been developed, since a person had this virus infection earlier. If there is an LGM antigen, then the virus has invaded the body for the first time, and the process of developing immunity to this virus is ongoing. In the acute phase of infection, both antigens are present in the blood.
The doctor can not decrypt the result of the study by PCR, if there is DNA of the virus, that is, the virus. In some cases, there are errors. The method itself is very accurate, errors can occur due to the fault of health workers who did the blood sampling.
What diseases do the tests detect?
Research results can detect: hepatitis B, C; herpes; Epstein-Barr virus; papillomavirus; immunodeficiency virus; adenovirus; rotavirus; genital infections (including syphilis).
In no case should a patient with a viral infection self-medicate. Treatment should be prescribed by a qualified doctor, a specialist in viral infections. Treatment should be supervised by this doctor.
The patient should limit his contacts with people, perform all the procedures prescribed by the doctor.
Taking tests for viruses is contraindicated for those who have sexually transmitted infections, HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, oncology, after vaccination.
Taking tests is contraindicated in women during the menstrual cycle. And also to people after tooth extraction - within 10 days; after piercing, tattoos, acupuncture - one year; Sick ARVI, tonsillitis, flu - one month; after childbirth - one year; after lactation - three months; six months after an abortion.