The series "Pretty Little Liars" - a list of episodes

In this article we will talk about the American youth drama called "Pretty Little Liars." A list of episodes will be given below. The film is based on the eponymous series of novels by Sarah Shepard.


pretty little liars episode list
So, the film "Pretty Little Liars" was opened by the "pilot" series. We begin the list of episodes with its description. The plot tells how the best friend of the main characters, Alison, disappears. The girls begin to receive messages from a stranger with the name E. He wants to uncover the secrets of friends who so far are known only to Alison. The heroines initially believe that a girlfriend sends messages, but they soon realize that they were mistaken. Along the way, Aria meets a guy who turns out to be her teacher.

Jenna case

pretty little liars episode list
Next, we present the first season of the film "Pretty Little Liars." The episode continues with a second episode called The Jenna Affair. She tells about how Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields, Hannah Maryn and Aria Montgomery receive a number of emails, the notes indicate A.

The third episode is entitled "Kill a scoffing girl." In it, we see how messages from mysterious A become regular. The fourth episode is entitled "Now Can You Hear Me?" In it, the main characters begin to follow the instructions outlined in the letters received.

The fifth episode was titled "Reality Bites." In it, the heroines begin to haunt the girl’s laugh and visions of blonde curls. The sixth episode is entitled "There is Nothing Better Than Homecoming." In it, Emilia suggests that Eli is not dead. The seventh episode is titled "I Don't Brag, It's True." In it, the main characters go to the police to get rid of A. However, they get even more trouble as a result.

The eighth episode is called Friends Not Forever. He shows how, due to messages, the heroines are gradually moving away from each other. The ninth series is called "Pretty Dead Liars." It demonstrates how letters from a stranger A become violent.

The tenth episode is entitled "Hide Your Friends." It shows how the FBI arrives in the city after discovering new evidence related to the disappearance of Alison. The eleventh episode is titled Moments Later. It demonstrates how Hannu is hit by a car.

Episode 12 is entitled Salt on Wounds. He tells of the return of Hannah, which turns into a nightmare. Episode 13 is called "Know Your False Friends." It shows how Noel blackmails Ezra. Episode 14 is titled "Watch Out With Desires." She tells about how the school holds events before the start of the dance marathon, but the heroines are busy with another thing.

Next in turn is 15 episodes. It shows how the heroines are trying to establish life, but it all ends in quarrels. Episode 16 is titled "I Am a Friend." He tells of a meeting prepared for Spencer, Emily, Aria and Hannah, which will bring a lot of shocks. Episode 17 is titled New Normal. He tells about what will happen to Aria when her father is in the vicinity of a man who is the love of her life.

A further list of episodes of the first season is as follows: “Someone watching me”, “Monsters in the finale”, “For whom the bell tolls”.


episode list of the series Pretty Little Liars
We pass to the second season of the project “Pretty Little Liars”. The episode continues with a series of 23 under the title "Living." She talks about how girls' parents decide to send them for group therapy. A further list of episodes of the second season looks like this: “Imagine,” “Touch of an Angel-“ E, ”“ Unmasked. ”

It happened that night

Next in turn is the third season of the film "Pretty Little Liars." The episode list continues through episode 48, entitled "It Happened That Night." The plot tells about how the girls spend their summer in an attempt to forget the terrible events associated with the "E". A further list of episodes looks like: “Blood is back in fashion”, “Kingdom of the blind”, “Birds of the same flight”, “This girl is poison”, “Remains E”, “Mad”, “Stolen kisses”, “Kana's game”.

4 - 7 seasons

pretty little liars episodes
We continue the conversation about the unusual film "Pretty Little Liars." Episodes of the fourth season appeared on the screen in 2013-2014. The title episode 72 is called "Ehhhhh." In it, the liars are trying to unravel the affair “E”, turning to Monet for answers.

A further list of episodes of the series: “Pretty little liars” looks like this: “Uh, that means answers”, “Silence of E. Lamb”, “How Eh stole Christmas”, “Beginner”, “Acceptance of defeat”, “Warehouse with a surprise”, “ Get out of the cursed place ”,“ Sweetheart is not the main thing ”,“ Damn ”,“ To justify or not ”,“ The melody is still playing ”,“ Do not look now ”,“ Oh, brother, where is your dexterity ”,“ Falsely accused ” , “Charlotte’s Web”, “Gloves donned”, “Do not disturb”, “Where someone is waiting for me”, “Everyone has their secrets”, “After reading, burn”, “Bored”, “Tick-tock”, Bedlam, Tala resourceful Mr. Rollins ”,“ And Mary came ”,“ Wanted: dead or alive ”,“ Real G'A'ngsters ”,“ Former and unexpected turns ”,“ Rage of Kahn ”,“ Most Holy Knight ”,“ The Beginning of a Performance ”, “These shoes are made for persecution,” “Shut up,” “Demonstration of power,” “Madden crazy,” “Choose or lose,” “Goodbye, my dear.”

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