How is prostatitis treated with folk remedies?

It is worth noting that at present, methods for treating prostatitis with folk remedies are often not inferior to various latest technologies. Even many modern doctors are often advised to try drugs that modern medicine and pills do not use. Such alternative treatment of prostatitis in 75% of cases allows in a few weeks to improve the general condition of the patient, and after a month completely cure the patient from the disease. Below in this article, the treatment of the prostate with folk remedies by the most effective methods will be given.

Treatment of the prostate with folk remedies:

1) Treatment by taking pumpkin seeds. This method is considered one of the oldest and most affordable folk remedies for the treatment of this disease. Scientists have found a lot of zinc in pumpkin seeds, which is one of the most necessary elements for men. Alternative medicine preachers believe that only 30 seeds every day before meals allow a man to saturate his body with a daily dose of zinc. At the same time, seeds are best eaten 3 times a day, after scrolling them in a meat grinder.

It is worth noting that the seeds do not have to be fried, otherwise they will not be of any use. Also, if you do not particularly like the taste of the seeds, then you can add 200 g of honey to the mass. This solution should be gradually mixed and rolled into small balls, which, after storage in the refrigerator during the day, can be enjoyed with pleasure. Pumpkin seeds are one of the most powerful types of treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies.

2) The use of hazel branches for the treatment of prostate adenoma. The main ingredient in this method is hazel branches. To prepare the medicinal mass, you must pick several branches of this plant with leaves, and immerse them in water, boiling. This solution should boil for 20 minutes, after which it is allowed to infuse and adjusted to a red-brown color. Using the resulting fluid, daily inhalation is performed. For the solution, only fresh branches of hazel should be used, since only from them the whole medicinal effect will pass into the prepared solution.

3) Alternative methods of treating prostatitis with exercise and tree bark. This recipe is the best method for treating prostate with folk remedies at home. To prepare this medicine, you will need a little aspen bark, which is best collected at the very beginning of the juice movement on the tree, and just before the buds open on the aspen. Most often, the width of the cortex taken for the solution is 3-5 mm.

After collecting and drying the aspen bark, it is slightly crushed and put in a jar with a total volume of 0.5 liters. 200 g of vodka is poured on top of the crushed bark until the bark is completely covered. The jar is immediately closed tightly with a lid, and put in a dark place for 2 weeks to settle. At the end of this period, the infusion must be well filtered and taken in accordance with the norm. They drink this remedy 3 times a day, in an approximate proportion of 20 drops of a solution per quarter glass of liquid. Reception of tinctures is carried out before meal.

4) Juice therapy as a method of treating prostatitis with folk remedies. Juices are one of the best treatments for prostatitis. With prostate adenoma , asparagus juice, which is mixed with beetroot, cucumber or carrot juice, from freshly squeezed vegetables, is most often used. Asparagus juice has unpleasant taste, which is why it should be used in a mixture with other vegetable juices. In order to get a quick result, you need to drink asparagus juice in about half a liter of solution per day. It is also recommended to use a juice solution, which will be made from black elderberry. Such a solution is taken in the morning, as soon as the patient got up. Applying this treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies, it can be treated for about 10-15 days.

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