Probably, each of us experienced what inflammation is, whether it is a wound or a pathological process in any organ. Such a response of the body can be very dangerous and at the same time it is necessary as a defense. We will talk about what forms and types of inflammation are next. And also consider how this process proceeds, and try to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Do not forget about treatment methods.
Inflammation - what is it?
It is generally accepted that this is a response of the body to the action of various pathogens and foreign agents. Tissue damage often also ends with this pathology. This is a protective reaction of the body in the form of a process that aims to concentrate, destroy the agent that caused tissue damage.
Inflammation can develop in organs, tissues. How it will proceed depends on the general condition of the person, and this process has an effect on the whole organism, regardless of where or where it occurs.
Regulation of this process is carried out through the central nervous system. Pathogenic microbes aggressively affect an organ or tissue, causing an inflammatory process in the affected area. It aims to repair damage and cure the disease.
Even local pathology cannot be considered without assessing the state of the whole organism.
Inflammation is present in many diseases. In the names of some it is even customary to add the ending “um” if there is a given pathological process in the organs. So, for example: bronchitis, pleurisy, gastritis. But diseases such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, empyema have retained their name.
Stages of inflammation
Any disease in its development goes through several stages. In the inflammatory process, there are three of them:
- Damage.
- Exudation.
- Productive stage.
Next, we consider them in more detail.
Essence of damage
The first step is damage. This is the basis from which any process begins. It appears as a result of the influence of an external or internal pathogenic factor, and then disorders in neighboring tissues and throughout the whole organism will join. At this stage, two points must be considered:
- Primary tissue damage.
- Local reactions and general changes in the body. They can influence both positively and negatively on damage.
It is customary to distinguish primary and secondary damage. Primary arises under the influence of pathogenic factors, develops in the center of inflammation. It is characterized by a pronounced violation of the functions and structure of cells. Secondary damage is characterized by the influence of the same factors and the response of adjacent tissues and the body as a whole. It is characterized by changes in the structure and function of cells, blood vessels, as well as changes around the focus of inflammation.
When damaged, cells die and proteo-, glyco-, lipolytic enzymes are released, and they contribute to the destruction of membranes. In the affected area, acidic products accumulate and redox processes are disrupted. At this stage, the process goes into the exudation stage.
At the initial stage of exudation, the reflex expansion of capillaries occurs. Blood rushes to the inflamed area, it blushes noticeably. The walls of blood vessels become very permeable, and protein and blood enzymes penetrate into the adjacent tissue. As a result, an inflammatory effusion is formed - exudate. At this point, the swelling of the damaged area becomes noticeable.
Phagocytes also absorb bodies of living or non-living origin, this is a process of phagocytosis. It can be completed or incomplete. In the first case, the absorbed particles are digested inside the cells. If the process is not completed, the cells are not digested, but stored and multiplied for a long time.
At the final stage, cellular elements accumulate in the tissues with an admixture of blood and lymph. Then the process goes into the third stage of inflammation.
Productive stage
This stage begins after exudation, when the process of phagocytosis is incomplete. Macrophages in the focus of inflammation actively multiply and secrete monokines, which contribute to their reproduction and the formation of new blood vessels. At this point, lymphocytes and plasmocytes predominate. Gradually, they are destroyed and fibroblasts predominate.
As a result, a new connective tissue is formed.
We classify inflammation
In order to classify the types of inflammation, the following should be considered:
- The nature of the process.
- The phase of inflammation.
The nature of the course may be:
- Sharp, it lasts no more than 4-6 weeks.
- Subacute.
- Chronic.
Phases of the inflammatory process:
Next, we consider what types exist, what are the causes of inflammation.
Types, causes of pathology
In order to find out the type of inflammation and its cause, to prescribe an effective treatment, you need to know what stage it is in, namely in exudation or in the productive stage.
There are such types of acute inflammation:
- Serous. The cause of development are chemical factors, toxins, poisons. It can develop on the skin, in connective tissues, mucous membranes and serous membranes.
- Fibrinous The cause of development may be coccal flora, mycobacteria, some viruses, diphtheria bacillus, corynebacteria, toxic factors. The process can be localized on the skin, in the pharynx, on the mucous membranes, in wounds, in the bladder, intestines, uterus, vagina, stomach.
- Purulent. Provocateurs are pyogenic microbes that can settle in any organ or tissue. May be acute or chronic. There are such types of purulent inflammation :
- Abscess.
- Phlegmon.
- Empyema.
- Purulent wound.
4. Putrid. The cause of development is putrefactive microflora, which can fall into the focus of inflammation. Such a process can easily develop in a weakened person, with chronic inflammation, non-healing abscesses.
5. Hemorrhagic. The reason is the high vascular permeability due to the development of serous or purulent inflammation. Often develops against a background of viral infection.
6. Mixed. It develops against the background of any infection, allergic reaction, chemical and thermal damage.
On the skin, any variety from the above list can develop, but these types of skin inflammations mainly develop:
- Inflammation with eczema.
- The inflammatory process with dermatitis.
- Pyoderma, or purulent inflammation.
- Erysipelas.
Types of inflammation are different in that they can have a different pathogen. But there are signs that are characteristic of any form of this process in the body. Here are some of them.
Local signs:
- The damaged area takes on a red tint.
- Swelling and swelling appear.
- Body temperature rises. The site of inflammation becomes hot.
- There is pain.
- The functions of damaged tissues are impaired.
Common signs:
- The level of leukocytes in the blood is increased.
- Increased body temperature.
- The quantity and quality of the composition of blood plasma proteins is changing.
- ESR is increasing.
- The amount of hormones in the blood changes.
These signs will have any kind of inflammation. Pathology of organs and tissues occurs during the course of long chronic inflammatory processes. About it further.
Features of chronic inflammation
Depending on what are the reasons for the development of this process, there are different types of chronic inflammation. They are completely dependent on the agent who called them.
The cause of development may be:
- The presence of microbes and fungi that have good survival in the human body.
- Prolonged exposure to organs or tissues of damaging factors, alien organisms.
- Chronic increase in blood levels of glucocorticoids and catecholamines in chronic stress.
- Immune autoaggression. These are diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis.
- The inability of cells that absorb foreign and harmful particles, viruses and bacteria to perform their functions. Perhaps due to congenital pathology acquired or due to hereditary genesis.
Chronic inflammation can occur in the form of repeated acute processes.
There is a so-called primary chronic inflammation, which proceeds sluggishly, since weakened immunity does not respond to foreign bacteria.
A feature of the pathology of a chronic nature is that it becomes the basis for the development of diseases that lead to disability and the appearance of very serious complications.
Treatment principles
There are various types of inflammation, we found out earlier. But the principle of treatment, which is used for different cases, is the same.
So, consider the principles of therapy:
- Initially, it is necessary to influence the damaging factor in order to stop the cell destruction process. To do this, use antibiotics, immune serums.
- Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out locally or with an effect on the whole body. This is vaccine therapy, autohemotherapy.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
- Antagonists and inhibitors of biologically active substances are used.
- With local inflammation, vasoconstrictor drugs are used.
- Also locally affect the foci of the inflammatory process. For example, they apply cold.
- Compliance with a diet, a healthy lifestyle is necessary to increase the body's defenses.
Take care of yourself, strengthen your immune system and lead a healthy lifestyle, then there will be no chance for development of any inflammation. But at the first manifestations of the symptoms of this pathology, it is necessary to consult a doctor without waiting for complications.