In winter, for many animals living in the wild or in the city, but in street conditions, a difficult and hungry time begins. It often becomes difficult for them to get food, as a result they face death from starvation. How to help animals in winter? To survive the cold season will help regular feeding and care of people who are not indifferent to the beast.
Birds: how to help animals in winter?
Most of the winter, some species of birds that live in the city - next to us, suffer. If wild animals living in forests and fields usually make reserves for the winter (and they can also eat berries left on the branches, seeds in cones and tree bark), then the birds living in the city cannot eat properly.
For example, the same pigeons with sparrows, tits with bullfinches cannot feed in garbage cans. This food is not suitable for type, because they are not omnivorous, like crows. As a result, they die more often, especially when the attics are closed tightly (or at home without attics at all), they have nowhere to warm themselves. These animals have rapid heat transfer, and while they are full, they feel good. And as soon as they get hungry, they begin to lose their strength, freeze.
How to help animals in winter? The best help would be regular feeding of birds. You need to hang the feeders, but not on the trunks, but on the branches - not far from the windows. Since hungry birds are fond of food and do not notice the danger, they can become prey, for example, for the same cat. And it is better to feed them with seeds (raw, unsalted), dried berries, bread crumbs (only white), if funds permit, you can buy a grain mixture in the store.
Wild animals
It is necessary, speaking about how to help animals in winter, to tell that special hunting farms are created for wild animals, where foresters work according to plan, and hay, branches, even salt in stone are used to feed. Mammals cannot live without these products. Therefore, foresters feed them to the very heat, because in spring the snow is the most dense, and it is much more difficult to find food for animals under it.
In winter forests it becomes especially difficult to become a large animal when an crust - hard crust appears on melted snow. Their legs can fail, crust injures them, cuts with their sharp edge, and they can no longer run away from predators. Therefore, elk, deer and bison foresters feed bread, grain, sprinkling hemp salt for food.
How to help animals in winter: Grade 2
And there are also pets in need of human help. And it is very important to inquire about the fate of those pets who accidentally found themselves in difficult street conditions during this cold season. This is a completely lost home. They have to oh how hard it is, as they are most accustomed to heat and constant feeding.
In general, how to help animals in winter, they tell children in detail in the second grade in lessons around the world. And this is true, because only from childhood can one instill a reverent attitude towards nature in children.
So, students are advised, if they found, for example, a dog trembling from the cold, try to find its owner through the media, ads and the Internet, taking pictures and posting pictures of the animal with a detailed description of it. It will also be useful to feed and warm the poor fellow first thing.