Where can I code for alcoholism? Alcohol abuse coding methods: review, reviews

Alcoholism has become a real problem of the last century. In our country, there have always been problems with the culture of drinking, and economic upheavals and regime changes have negatively affected the psycho-emotional background of the population. After perestroika, in the 90s, many alcoholics in a state of acute delirium "flowed like a river" for hospitalization in the PND. Like mushrooms after rain, coding methods began to multiply. This is a special procedure, which implies the development of the patient’s resistance to ethyl alcohol - he must find the strength to refuse a fatal drink. From this article you will find out where you can code for alcoholism and how the procedure occurs.

Stages of alcoholism

Psychiatry (narcology) distinguishes the following stages of the disease, and the effectiveness of coding measures will depend on the patient being on one of them:

  1. In the first stage, a gag reflex is still present. Tolerance to ethyl alcohol is still at the level of a healthy person; more or less alcohol is not required to achieve intoxication. The internal organs have not yet received serious damage, the patient does not have chronic diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas. The psyche has not yet been damaged: there is no depressive disorder, anxiety and suspiciousness are not peculiar, there are no panic attacks. At this stage, coding from alcoholism for a year can bring better results: the patient may never return to alcohol abuse.
  2. At the second stage, tolerance to ethyl alcohol develops: if before the patient was already in himself after 250 ml of vodka, now to achieve a similar effect he needs to drink about half a liter. The gag reflex disappears. At this stage, diseases of the internal organs gradually begin to develop, which subsequently will lead to death. At the second stage, the condition for successful coding is the ardent desire of the patient himself to recover. If he does not understand his problem, and only relatives want his recovery, a positive encoding result can not be expected. Whatever method is chosen, the patient will break down after a month or two, which will extremely negatively affect his state of health.
  3. In the third stage, the patient is already starting to lose social appearance. From work, as a rule, he was already kicked out due to regular binges. The husband or wife of a person with an addiction, tired of enduring eternal promises, also retreats from the "battlefield." The patient is left alone, and even if at this moment he wants to recover from alcoholism, then pathological changes in the body will lead to death. In the third stage of addiction, almost every alcoholic has cirrhosis, micro-strokes, pancreatitis, alcoholic epilepsy, and mental problems.
alcohol treatment

Where can I code for alcoholism?

Therapy of chronic dependence on alcohol-containing drinks is handled by a branch of psychiatry called narcology. In addition to alcoholics, these doctors also treat drug addicts - it doesn’t matter, drugs, drug addicts, heroin, chemicals, etc. Any person’s addiction that harms his health can potentially lead to death. Therefore, it is important to stop it and prevent the development of diseases at both the physical and mental levels.

Where can I code for alcoholism? There are two ways on which one to go - the patient decides, since hospitalization can be exclusively voluntary. Forced hospitalization in our country is punishable by law and is possible only after receiving special documents from the court.

  1. Contact the state narcological clinic. They can be hospitalized for several months, or they can be treated in a day hospital (can be combined with work). Treatment will be free, but a person will be registered - this can cause difficulties with getting a job.
  2. Contact private addiction therapy clinics where you can encode alcoholism (in Moscow or other major cities). It can be rehabilitation centers or just institutions offering psychological assistance or services to remove from hard drinking. In any such institution, patients can be encoded (carry out a procedure after which drinking alcohol will be impossible). At a price, depending on the method used, you will have to pay from five to thirty thousand rubles.
encoding methods

Advantages of state drug treatment facilities

Where can I code for alcoholism for free? To do this, you will have to contact the IPA. In any major city there are several. There are specialized budget narcological clinics in Moscow. In such institutions, the patient will be helped for free, will be assisted with delirium and removed from hard drinking.

The advantages of such institutions:

  • free food;
  • free medication;
  • bed with bed linen;
  • free consultations with a psychologist.

Minus - registration. People in the third stage of alcoholism, as a rule, have already lost their jobs. They are talking about survival, so registration and related problems are of little concern to them.

Pluses of paid rehabilitation centers

If a person with an alcohol addiction has money, you should choose a paid institution. One day in the average Moscow rehabilitation center will cost about two thousand rubles. Prices for coding from alcoholism vary from five to thirty thousand rubles, depending on the method chosen.

In rehabilitation centers, specially trained psychotherapists and psychologists conduct conversations with patients. But the biggest plus is that in such institutions they are not registered, and therapy is carried out completely anonymously. Famous personalities and people who hold responsible posts can be treated. If complete anonymity is needed, this is discussed separately with the head of the rehabilitation center.

What problems the patient may face during rehabilitation

If the patient has a desire to recover, all the barriers will seem insignificant to him. If inside himself he admits the thought of the meaninglessness of the treatment, then it is likely that he will drink two or three months after leaving the clinic.

During the rehabilitation of the patient, a calm atmosphere and silence will surround. No stressful situations or shocks. Free coding from alcoholism or paid - it does not matter. This procedure is a kind of "crutch", which will help the patient to walk sober through life.

Of the problems associated with rehabilitation are complaints against wards, in some cases they are sent to the clinic in a state of delirium. Also, not all alcoholics are satisfied with hospital food. If the patient only wants to be encoded, there is no point in a long stay in the hospital, one day is enough.

alcohol coding tablets

What therapies for alcoholism exist

Modern addiction distinguishes three main ways:

  • blockade of absorption of ethyl alcohol;
  • hypnosis;
  • psychotherapy;
  • classes with a psychologist;
  • occupational therapy.

When it comes to blockade, one day is enough. All other methods are a great help to blockade. The patient should regularly attend classes with a psychologist, psychotherapist, occupational therapy - this is an ideal background for recovery. Doctors often warn that if the patient does not fulfill these conditions, remissions can not be expected.

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Tablet encoding

Which coding is better from alcoholism? Pills are the easiest option. Suitable only for patients in the first stage of alcoholism. A necessary condition is that the patient must be aware of his problem and want to recover.

List of self-coding tablets:

  • Teturam
  • Lidevin;
  • Esperal.

The danger of the method is that while a person drinks pills, he is insured against relapse of binge. It is worth stopping them to take - and there is a good chance that the patient will break again.

Vein injection coding

The most popular modern coding method. Almost all drug treatment clinics use it. The cost in Moscow rehabilitation centers is about ten thousand rubles per procedure.

How to code for alcoholism using an injection? Esperal special drug with a long period of decay is introduced into the blood. From this point on, taking any drink with ethanol can cause death. The main active substance of the drug "Esperal" - disulfiram, when combined with alcohol causes persistent poisoning, jumps in blood pressure, can trigger a stroke, heart attack. Before the introduction of the drug, the patient signs a paper in which he confirms that he is acquainted with the possible consequences of drinking alcoholic beverages after administration of the drug.

Muscle ampoule coding

Torpedo coding for alcoholism is a slightly obsolete but still popular method. The principle of action is similar to the injection method. The price of coding for alcoholism using a binder is about twenty thousand rubles. The main condition is the consent of the patient, he must be aware of the dangerous consequences.

How to code for alcoholism using binder? The so-called "torpedo" - an ampoule with a disulfiram-containing drug is sutured into the muscle. More often it is the buttock or the area under the shoulder blade on the back. These areas are chosen so that the patient does not independently extract the torpedo.

Reviews about this method are positive: people simply can not afford to drink, knowing that the antidote to ethyl alcohol is sewn into their bodies. However, there are cases of death associated with the fact of drinking after the procedure.

alcohol coding methods

Rozhnov coding (hypnotic effect)

Emotional stress hypnosis according to the method of V. E. Rozhnova has already proved its effectiveness. Many psychotherapists and narcologists receive special certificates and work in the regions according to this method. This is not the most effective coding for alcoholism, but it allows you to avoid the effects of disulfiram on the body. Patient reviews report that for some, Rozhnov’s method has helped maintain sobriety for many years.

A session lasting up to one and a half hours is carried out in a group of up to fifteen people. Course - up to twelve sessions. In an atmosphere of stress and psycho-emotional stress, a negative reaction to the appearance and smell of alcohol gradually develops. It manifests itself as the occurrence of severe nausea and vomiting. The result depends on the level of the psychotherapist and the expression of his voice.

Features of the encoding

Reviews on coding methods for alcoholism are different. Some patients were able to maintain sobriety for the rest of their lives - according to statistics, about 1.5% of the total mass who underwent the procedure. About 5% were able to achieve a five-year remission. About 10% were able to achieve a two-year remission.

Yes, these numbers are small. The reason for this is the widespread domestic drunkenness and the wrong alcoholic attitudes, which were introduced into the subconscious of each of us in childhood. It is to overcome them that the help of a psychotherapist is needed after the coding procedure.

psychotherapy and coding for alcoholism

Can relatives and friends help an alcoholic

A common mistake is to think that relatives and relatives can help an alcoholic achieve sobriety. Only his own decision to recover can help.

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Many cases have been recorded in narcological practice, when the patient is unable to resist dependence, cut out the filing from his flesh with a kitchen knife. In the end, he could get drunk before losing consciousness. Often such cases were fatal, since there were already disulfiram metabolites in the blood. This once again confirms the fact that alcoholism is a complex mental illness that leads to death due to indirect related reasons.

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