Loss of vehicle registration certificate: documents and procedure for recovery

Loss of vehicle registration certificate is an extremely unpleasant event in the life of every driver. The thing is that without this document it is forbidden to drive a car. And so you need to know what to do in this situation. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems initially. It is enough to simply restore the certificate of registration of the car. This service is provided by various authorities and services of the Russian Federation. Next, we will try to consider a similar process in full detail. Even a teenager will be able to remember all the nuances of restoring the STS if it was lost.

Riding without STS - is it possible to drive a car with a lost document

Short description

Replacing a certificate of registration of a vehicle in case of loss is a process that requires special attention. But what kind of document is this?

Certificate of registration of a vehicle - a certificate of the established form issued by the traffic police or the MFC. It indicates the registration of the car in authorized bodies.

STS has several executions - on paper and on plastic. The second type of document is more durable and reliable. It is he who, as a rule, is requested in authorized services.

Where to file a request?

Found a loss of vehicle registration certificate? What to do under such circumstances? You need to contact specialized services to restore the mentioned documentation.

Documents for issuing a restored certificate of registration of a car

The main problem is the choice of an authorized body. To date, you can request an STS in the MFC, and in the MREO traffic police. One-stop services, organizations like My Documents, as well as the State traffic inspectorate also issue certificates for registering a car.

Important: advanced Internet users can generate and send a corresponding request through the "State Services", but only if you have a verified account on the portal.

Quick start guide: apply for a new STS

If there is a loss of vehicle registration certificate, what should I do? Then you should restore this document as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have to abandon control of the machine for an indefinite period. Namely, until the STS is released again.

What to do if you lose the certificate of registration of the vehicle? Instructions for restoring this document are as follows:

  1. To prepare the certificates necessary for a citizen for further service. They may vary slightly depending on life circumstances.
  2. Fill out an application for issuing STS.
  3. To deposit money - the state fee for the provision of services.
  4. Submit a petition of the established form to the authorized body.
  5. Perform vehicle inspection if the traffic police inspector requires it.
  6. Wait a while.

That's all. At this stage, the applicantโ€™s actions are ending. After the actions taken, the person will be issued updated registration documents. True, in some cases, you have to try pretty hard to achieve the desired result. For example, if all documents for the car are lost. We will talk about this later.

Application for issuing STS

Before a visit to the traffic police

What is the danger of losing the certificate of registration of the vehicle? A citizen will not be able to drive a car legally, despite having ownership of movable property. But the attackers can move with the help of a fake or corrected STS.

It is worth noting that the loss of registration certificates for a car is an event that causes a lot of trouble and problems. Before contacting the MFC or the traffic police to restore them, you must first visit the local police station.

There, a person will have to write a statement about the loss of a certificate of registration of the vehicle. If other auto-help points have been lost, this also needs to be reported. After the actions taken, previously issued papers on the car are recognized as invalid.

Is it obligatory to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Some are interested in whether, when replacing a certificate of registration of a vehicle, in case of loss or theft, one should contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The thing is that this process takes a lot of time and effort. And people are simply looking for ways to legitimately speed up the paper recovery process.

If a person has lost only a certificate of registration of the car, you can not contact the police. Rather, it is desirable. Otherwise, you will have to declare the loss of documents. Without a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person cannot be given a duplicate of the TCP. This form is required for the re-production of STS.

The role of registration when contacting authorities

Need to restore the certificate of registration of the vehicle for loss or theft? Then you can be guided by the previously proposed instructions. It helps to cope with the task without using the Internet. It is this alignment that occurs most often in practice.

"Government services" and the restoration of STS

Does the registration of the applicant matter in our case? Yes, and not a little one! This is due to the fact that the registration of vehicles in MREO is carried out only at the place of residence of the owner of the car.

This means that you will have to apply for the restoration of the document in the same place where the car was registered. Namely - to the authorized body for registration of the owner of movable property.

Important: if you neglect this moment, you may encounter a refusal to provide the studied service.

Ordering a service via the Internet

The reasons for losing the certificate of registration of the vehicle may be different. They do not play any role. The main thing to remember is that the loss and theft of a document are different events. In the second case, car certificates will recover much longer.

As already mentioned, a request for re-issuance of a certificate of registration of a vehicle can be submitted remotely. More precisely, through the portal ESIA "State Services". To use this right, a person must register on the appropriate service, and then verify the account.

We assume that the activation of the profile on Gosuslugi is completed. Then, if you lose the certificate of registration of the vehicle, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the e-government website under your name.
  2. Switch to the electronic services archive.
  3. Find the block "STS Recovery" and click on it.
  4. Fill out the application in the established form in electronic form. To do this, follow the prompts.
  5. Choose a place in which I would like to pick up registration documents. Usually, at this step, the system suggests indicating the date / time of the upcoming visit.
  6. Agree to the terms of use of the e-government website, and then click on the "Submit Request" button.

Now the loss of a certificate of registration of the vehicle is not terrible. A citizen requested a service to restore it remotely. It remains to wait for the invitation to the authorized body, and then pick up the ready certificate.

Recovering a lost car registration certificate

About payment on "State services"

As already mentioned, in the implementation of the studied task, a state duty must be paid. A citizen will not have to pay a fine to lose a certificate of registration of a vehicle, but funds must be paid to the state treasury for the production of a new STS. It is best to do this with the help of State Services. For example, after submitting an electronic request through the e-government website.

To cope with this task, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the "State Services" and open the "My Account". You will have to do this after directly submitting an electronic request via the Internet.
  2. Choose from among the applications filed an application for a certificate of registration of a car.
  3. Click on the inscription "Go to payment".
  4. Make a choice of system and method for payment. For example, "Sberbank" - "Bank card."
  5. Register billing information. We are talking about the data of the payer and bank card / electronic wallet.
  6. Check the accuracy of the information, and then confirm the transaction. A check for payment is not necessary.

Now you can replace the certificate of registration of the vehicle. In case of loss, you must pay the state fee and fees. The application will be considered as soon as possible. In order not to encounter unnecessary problems, it is recommended to save and print a check on the payment of state duty for a certificate of registration.

Important: when depositing funds through the ESIA "State Services" a citizen receives a 30% discount on state duties.

Where to restore STS

About the cost of the document

Found a loss of vehicle registration certificate? There is no penalty for this. Nevertheless, a person will still have to pay - a state fee for the production of a new certificate on registration of transport.

How much does it cost? In 2018, it was necessary to pay 500 rubles for a paper copy of the certificate and 1,500 for its analogue on plastic. Such rates are valid to this day.

As already mentioned, the fee for issuing STS can be reduced by 30%. To do this, you just have to deposit money into the state treasury through the e-government service.

other expenses

Need to restore the certificate of registration of the vehicle for loss? Need to make changes to the STS for one reason or another? Then you will have to pay without fail not only for the production of a certificate of registration of vehicles in the traffic police, but also for the TCP.

Among other costs associated with the reissue of STS, the costs of TCP are identified. If we are talking about replacing a certificate of registration of a car, you can focus on the following duties:

  • adjustment of the data sheet - 350 rubles;
  • new TCP - 800 rubles;
  • production of state license plates for a car - 2,000 rubles;
  • issue of an electronic data sheet for a car - 600 rubles.

As already mentioned, when making payments through the ESIA "State Services", the payer will receive a discount. Very convenient, profitable, safe and reliable! And most importantly - officially. By the way, news has long flashed, which says that "beautiful" numbers will be sold at auctions independent of the traffic police. Whether it is true or not, we will soon find out. Opinions of citizens on this subject were divided - someone supports such an innovation, while someone opposes it.

Help for the operation

Now itโ€™s clear how to behave when you lose the certificate of registration of the vehicle. This is not the most difficult task of all that only owners of cars face.

What you need to restore a lost STS

To request a certificate of registration of the machine, in our case you need to bring:

  • Title
  • car insurance policy;
  • applicant's identity card;
  • title documents for the car;
  • extracts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (if any);
  • statement of the established form.

Nothing more is needed. If the documents for the car are lost, you can do just a police certificate, as well as title papers on the vehicle.

Important: if a citizen acts through a representative, you must additionally attach an officially issued power of attorney and a representative's passport.


Need to restore a vehicle registration certificate? There is no penalty for this operation, but an inattentive driver may be punished for driving a vehicle without documents.

The recovery period for STS and other automotive certificates is ambiguous. It varies from a few hours to a couple of days. The most accurate information will be reported to the selected authorized body. This is the only way to avoid unnecessary problems and troubles.

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