Areas of application of noise protection. Noise screens on highways

There is probably no place on earth where there are no roads. At the same time, completely different vehicles ride on them: from bicycles to heavy multi-ton trucks. Naturally, each car makes a lot of noise. This is especially unpleasant in those places where the highway runs along residential streets, cities, towns. To eliminate this drawback, the use of a noise shield was proposed.

What is a design?

noise screen

These are specialized panels, with the help of which it is possible to protect residential buildings from excessive loud sounds. They can be used everywhere, regardless of the type of settlement and type of road. Such screens are made by special technology, which ensures the integrity of the product after installation.

Such designs are made from almost any material. Here it is only necessary to take into account the conditions in which they will be operated. If they are heavy, more durable materials should be preferred. Naturally, the installation of a noise shield has certain advantages and disadvantages that should be considered.

Fields of application

noise screens on roads

Now you should consider where the installation of noise screens is made. So, the product is used in such cases:

  • On the railroad tracks.
  • Near restaurants or cafes that are near a parking lot or with a busy highway.
  • Bridge structures.

Erect noise screens on roads in those places where it is necessary for reasons of comfort of people living nearby. In addition, you can use the presented facilities even in private construction. Naturally, in this case it will be necessary to pay attention to the properties of the fence and its cost.

Design Advantages

noise screen on the road

Among them are the following:

  • Ensuring silence, and regardless of what happens behind the screen (machine noise, construction).
  • Nice appearance.
  • The opportunity to get a reliable fence that will last a long period of time.
  • Protection not only from noise, but also from exhaust gases.
  • Strength, resistance to mechanical damage.
  • The possibility of applying such a coating to the surface that will prevent the appearance of graffiti on the screens.
  • Resistance to decay, damage by insects or animals, burning.
  • A wide variety, which allows you to choose exactly this type of design, which will best meet the functional and design requirements.

Product disadvantages

installation of noise screens

When deciding to install a noise shield, you should definitely find out some of the disadvantages of the presented design:

  1. For some drivers, the design is unpleasant, as it creates a feeling of closure or limited space.
  2. Often at bends, screens can impair visibility.
  3. I must say that the designs presented, depending on the material used, are quite expensive. Moreover, the product must have a sufficiently large height to effectively perform its functions.

Construction structure

Installing a noise shield should only be done after its type has been selected. As for the construction of the structure, it can be like this:

  • Straight.
  • Arc.
  • Broken.

The choice depends on where the structure will be installed. In addition, these screens can be optionally equipped with a visor. And the structure can be classified as follows:

  1. Designs that absorb noise. For their manufacture, acoustic panels and perforations are used. That is, the sound penetrates into the plate and does not return back.
  2. Noise reflectors. The disadvantage of this product is that the sound source lends itself to a serious load. For the manufacture of such panels, cellular polycarbonate or metal plates are often used. Sometimes, monolithic glass is used for manufacturing.
  3. Combined screens. For example, such a product may consist of acoustic panels and transparent polycarbonate sheets. Their advantage is that they do not impair visibility and lighting on the road.

Noise screens on highways are constructions that will help to make life of people in a roadside village more comfortable and calmer.

Product Classification

noise screens Price

Now you should consider what types you can divide the presented designs. So, the screens are:

1. On a natural basis:

  • Mounds. Constructed from soil or stone. Their disadvantage is that they take up a lot of space. In addition, such a design must be equipped with a drainage system.
  • Panels between racks. This is probably the most common type of building of such a plan. However, a foundation is required for their installation. They are mounted already in place.
  • Monolithic buildings.
  • Products built from blocks and stones.

2. On an artificial basis:

  • The noise screen on the roads can be mounted on parapets. They are fastened with very strong bolts. In addition, the elements can be inserted into the parapet.
  • Unsupported structures.
  • Products that are made of stones together with the parapet wall are mounted on an additional structure.
  • Structures that are made stable with a support wall located anywhere.

Soundproof screens, the price of which depends on the selected material and amounts to 20 or more dollars per flight, can be installed independently or contact road services.

Mounting Features

installation of noise screens

Now consider the installation process of this design. So, the installation of noise screens consists of several stages:

  1. First, prepare the foundation for the construction. The type of base depends on what kind of screen you have chosen.
  2. Now you need to install the supporting structures of metal (beams or frames). Either concrete, or very strong bolts, or chemical anchors are used for fasteners.
  3. Screwing the screen panels. They need to be installed alternately from the bottom up. They are fastened with special metal elements.

When installing, take into account the terrain, the strength of the winds in the region and the weight of the material from which the elements were made. Please note that if accidents often occur on the road section where installation work is underway, it is worth considering choosing a more durable type of structure.

As already mentioned, you can do all these work yourself. However, construction companies have all the necessary equipment and specialists with experience with such devices.

In this way, you can protect your life from excessive noise, and make it more convenient and enjoyable. Good luck

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