Why is drooling in a dream?

Setting up for a good morning is not at all easy if the first thing a person sees after waking up is a puddle of saliva on his own pillow. Increased salivation in most cases does not pose a risk to the health of the patient. At the same time, there is nothing pleasant in the fact that saliva flows in a dream. Why is this happening, how to deal with such a problem?

Hypersalivation - what is it?

drooling from the mouth

The medical term "hypersalivation" means increased salivation. The greatest discomfort is this problem during a night's sleep. Not to notice the increased production of saliva during sleep is simply impossible. Some people even wake up feeling moisture on their cheek or lips. Others with displeasure notice a wet pillow in the morning. Hypersalivation in itself is not a dangerous phenomenon, but unpleasant. Sometimes it is even more unpleasant to detect this symptom in someone close than yourself. Curiously, the problem of increased salivation may appear suddenly in a person of any gender and age. Why is drooling in a dream and is there any way to cure it?

Salivation is an important process in the human body

Isolation of saliva is a process inconspicuous for humans, but necessary for the normal functioning of many body systems. The salivary glands work continuously throughout a person's life. Normally, in ten minutes they produce about 2 ml of saliva, and per day at least 1.5 liters. Salivation has two main functions. Saliva facilitates the ingestion of food and is involved in digestion, and is also a natural antiseptic in the oral mucosa. In a healthy person, salivation may increase with certain factors. For example, if you think about delicious food or look at a mouth-watering still life. But why is drooling in a dream, is this normal?

Causes of hypersalivation in a dream in children

why in a dream drool

Increased salivation in children under the age of three years is considered normal. In the first months of life, the baby’s body adapts to environmental conditions. The salivary glands during this period still continue to form, while the baby only learns to swallow fluid in a timely manner. Hypersalivation is also observed with teething. In many children, drool from the mouth, as well as during wakefulness, flows in a dream. Nevertheless, parents should be attentive to any changes in the well-being and behavior of the baby. Sometimes increased salivation even at a young age is a symptom of some pathologies. Stomatitis and many gastrointestinal diseases occur with abundant saliva production. If this problem causes noticeable discomfort, the child should definitely be shown to an observing pediatrician. Hypersalivation can be observed in babies older than three years. In this case, the causes are most often quite adult, and a pediatrician consultation is necessary.

Increased salivation in pregnant women

drool during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, every woman observes many changes in her well-being. In some expectant mothers, hypersalivation is also observed. You should not be afraid of this symptom. Increased salivation is most often associated with hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy, all organs and systems of the body work differently than in the normal state. Another cause of increased salivation is toxicosis. Hypersalivation is always observed simultaneously with nausea. If it is not easy for a future mother to keep the food she has eaten, she will probably be bothered by increased salivation.

Respiratory dysfunction - the cause of hypersalivation

salivation reason

In a dream, drooling usually occurs in those who sleep with their mouths open. Such a habit may be a consequence of the physiological characteristics of a particular person. If excessive salivation worries a person periodically, this is probably due to respiratory failure. The human body is structured in such a way that all of us, with a stuffy nose, instinctively begin to breathe through our mouths. With rhinitis, sinusitis and other respiratory diseases, hypersalivation may occur. Another common cause of impaired nasal breathing is a curved septum in the nose. In all these cases, increased salivation is considered a “normal” side symptom. How to get rid of a problem? Everything is quite simple: you need to deal with the treatment of the underlying disease.

If drooling in a dream, the cause is tooth and gum disease

increased salivation

Hypersalivation can accompany diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. Often there is an increase in salivation with caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis. Another reason for excessive saliva production is the presence of a foreign body in the mouth. Hypersalivation worries when installing low-quality braces and dentures, tongue piercing. With increased salivation, all diseases of the oral mucosa occur. This symptom is especially pronounced in infectious processes and injuries of soft tissues. If drooling in a dream in adults, it makes sense to visit not only a therapist, but also a dentist. This doctor will help you more accurately establish the cause of increased salivation and get rid of all provoking factors.

Other causes of hypersalivation

a person is drooling

Excessive salivation may be associated with diseases of the stomach. All processes in the human body are interconnected. Saliva production is enhanced with increased acidity of the gastric juice or its active secretion. Hypersalivation is one of the symptoms of helminth infections.

Why does saliva flow in an adult's sleep if gastrointestinal problems are ruled out? In some cases, increased secretion of the salivary glands is caused by disturbances in the central nervous system. Hypersalivation in this case is observed against a background of sleep disturbances, insomnia or constant drowsiness. This condition can be a side effect when taking some potent drugs. Another reason for increased salivation is active tobacco smoking. This problem can also be disturbed when taking certain drugs that affect the functioning of the nervous system. In any case, if saliva flows in a dream, you must consult a doctor for advice and an accurate determination of the main cause of the symptom. Only after curing the underlying disease, you can get rid of its side effects.

How to normalize salivation?

drooling in adults

What measures can be taken at home to get rid of excessive salivation? You can try rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth and meals with decoctions of sage, oak bark or pharmacy chamomile. This procedure is completely safe and will be useful to everyone. Any medications must be taken exactly following the doctor’s prescription or the dosage indicated in the instructions.

If drooling very heavily in a dream, you can try to stick to a sparing diet. Try to reduce the amount of salt in food and avoid spicy foods. The temperature of the food also deserves attention. Warm food is best absorbed, but too hot dishes can harm the body.

You can also fight hypersalivation with the right choice of bedding. It is best to sleep on a sufficiently high pillow. With the correct position of the head during sleep, the mouth will not open spontaneously. Sometimes the problem of hypertrophic nighttime salivation is precisely the choice of a very low pillow or the habit of sleeping without it. With hypersalivation, you should try to learn how to fall asleep on your back. It is believed that in this position, saliva is less likely to leave your mouth uncontrollably and stain a pillow. Excessive salivation in itself is not dangerous. And yet, if this symptom causes discomfort, it is important to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to say with confidence why a person is drooling in a dream in a particular case. Whatever the reason, it deserves timely correction and treatment. Be healthy!

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