Gargling with sore throat and other diseases of the throat

Being an infectious disease, tonsillitis, as a rule, proceeds in an acute form. Most often, the disease occurs during cold and damp weather in the autumn or spring.

With manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to visit a doctor, since even its mild course can cause serious complications or provoke other serious diseases.

Gargling with angina is one of the main treatment methods. Along with this, the throat area is lubricated with Lugol and vitamins are taken.

Gargling with angina is recommended at least four or six times every day. In this case, the solution should be used hot (but not scorching).

Gargling with angina can be done in different solutions.

For these purposes, you can use a decoction of peel of onion (onion). Three tablespoons (tea) husks are poured with half a liter of water and boiled for several minutes. Then the broth is infused for four hours, filtered.

It is very effective to gargle with a sore throat in mild form or other colds of the throat with Kalanchoe juice. To prepare the solution, the leaf of the plant should be washed and crushed. Using gauze squeezed juice. In equal amounts, the juice is mixed with water. Gargling is recommended at least five times a day.

You can also prepare a solution from the root of the medicinal marshmallow. One spoon (tea) of the root is poured with 200 ml of water (cold), insisted for eight or ten hours. Filter before use.

An infusion of medicinal sage is also effective.

An excellent anti-inflammatory agent is honey water. A diluted teaspoon of honey in half a glass of water contributes to the disappearance of abscesses on the tonsils. Procedures should be performed at least six times a day.

You can also gargle with tincture of Rhodiola rosea. To do this, fifty grams of the crushed (dried) root of the plant is poured 1/2 liter of vodka. Insist should be for a week in a dark place. The infusion is filtered. For procedures, a teaspoon of infusion is dissolved in half a glass of water (hot). Rinse recommend ten to fifteen minutes. Then a short break is needed, then the procedure is repeated.

The simplest and most affordable rinse is salt water. Salt (teaspoon) is dissolved in a glass of water. You can add soda in the same amount as salt.

Sore throat is not the only disease affecting the throat. Some of them are not recommended to be treated independently. One of these diseases is tonsillitis. According to experts, this ailment should not be taken lightly.

As a rule, gargling with tonsillitis is prescribed using a solution of furatsilina, soda (food), decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula). Procedures should be performed as often as possible during the day. As a rule, three or four rinses are extremely insufficient. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to increase their number by at least five times. Very effective for tonsillitis is a solution of propolis. To do this, add a few drops to half a glass of water (warm).

Another fairly serious disease of the pharynx is pharyngitis. With this disease, mucus, germs and viruses accumulate on the tonsils. Gargling with pharyngitis helps to cleanse them and prevents the occurrence of various inflammations. Thus, recovery is greatly accelerated.

Antiseptic solutions are used to alleviate the throat and as painkillers.

Usually, aqueous solutions of boric acid, salt, baking soda and light raspberry-colored potassium permanganate are prescribed. In addition to these rinses, chamomile and calendula infusions are used. To prepare infusions, pour a glass of boiling water into two spoons (tablespoons) of flowers.

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