Avocado masks for face at home: recipes, reviews

Human skin needs constant nutrition and hydration, so it is so important to give it a full-fledged complex of vitamins and nutrients that prolong youth. One of such tools is an avocado mask , a huge variety of recipes for cooking at home. But for starters, it's worth figuring out why avocados are so popular in cosmetology.

avocado face mask

The benefits of avocado

First of all, it is worth saying that this fruit is not as popular in cooking as it is in demand in cosmetology. And all because it contains a lot of proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and other substances necessary for the human body. Their concentration in avocados is so great that it is extremely difficult to cite another such product as an example.

Avocados are an excellent means to moisturize and nourish the skin. In addition, its composition allows you to deal with inflammatory processes and unaesthetic rashes. The composition includes such useful and necessary elements for the human body as phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, calcium, copper, zinc, iron, etc.

In its homeland, the avocado has earned the nickname "Alligator Pear." It is a source of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Avocado face mask at home

Why is an avocado mask so useful?

"Alligator pear" must have been created by nature specifically for facial skin. After all, it is this product that provides proper nutrition, hydration and protection. Avocado masks at home are a source of beauty and youth. All vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances contained in avocados are simply necessary for the skin at any age. Lack of one of them can lead to premature aging and wilting.

So, avocados contain vitamins A and E, which are much faster absorbed with fats. Essential oils that are present in avocados easily penetrate deep into the skin, delivering nutrients and essential vitamins to the cells, thereby ensuring a natural energy balance. As a result, the skin acquires a healthy color, it is saturated with oxygen and moisture, which is so important for the beauty of a woman.

avocado mask

The effectiveness of cosmetics from avocados

Regular use of avocado masks allows you to achieve a good result. First of all, these are:

  • effective hydration of the skin, as well as its protection against drying and peeling;
  • quick healing of microcracks, small wounds, scratches and burns;
  • removal of inflammation with various rashes;
  • reduction in acne, acne and acne;
  • getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes and nasolabial folds;
  • skin aging prevention;
  • effective protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • optimization of the regeneration process;
  • delivery of necessary nutrients to each cell;
  • necessary hydration and nutrition.

Especially popular is a mask of avocado for the face, which helps to deal with many skin problems at different ages.

Avocado masks at home

Skin action

The mask from this product has a moisturizing, nourishing, calming, anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating effect. For this reason, a face mask from avocado at home should be the # 1 remedy for age and problem skin. Do not forget about the neck and decollete - these areas also need daily care.

Effective cosmetics are made from the "alligator pear", which protect the skin from strong winds and frost. Also, an avocado mask is made around the eyes, which allows you to get rid of facial wrinkles, including "crow's feet".

anti-wrinkle avocado mask

The benefits of nature for all skin types

To prepare a cosmetic product, the pulp of fresh fruits is used, which is kneaded with a fork or using a blender. Any mask is applied to the face, neck and decollete with a dense layer, it is left for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. In combination with other components, an avocado mask can have a diverse effect. So, often it contains honey, egg yolk, cottage cheese, olive oil, the fruits of other plants and much more. The most popular as an auxiliary component of nourishing masks is honey. In the event that there is an allergy to this product, it can be replaced with cottage cheese.

Avocado face mask at home

Masks for dry and sensitive skin

What is the main problem with this skin type? First of all, in the fact that it is influenced by a variety of factors, which far from always have a beneficial effect. For this reason, the products that make up the mask should have a nutritious composition and a soft consistency. Avocado meets all requirements. A face mask at home is prepared very simply. Here are some recipes for dry and sensitive skin:

  • a tablespoon of avocado pulp and the same amount of warm mashed potatoes, a teaspoon of olive oil and half a spoon of sour cream;
  • mix banana and avocado in equal proportions, add a teaspoon of honey and egg yolk (the mask is applied in a dense layer);
  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal (boil in water) and avocado pulp, add 4 tbsp. l milk - mix everything thoroughly.

For daily care, it is enough to apply the avocado pulp on the face, neck and décolleté, where the skin is especially thin and sensitive.

avocado mask around the eyes

Oily Skin Care

For this type of skin, you can prepare the following masks:

  • mix a tablespoon of avocado pulp, egg yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice (it is the last component that effectively dries and soothes the skin);
  • mix together a tablespoon of fruit pulp and 2 tablespoons of kefir (can be replaced with yogurt) and apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes (this composition not only eliminates oily sheen, but also whitens the skin well).

It should be noted that avocado masks should be used with extreme caution for those with oily skin. The fact is that the fruits contain a large number of oils, so auxiliary components should, as it were, reduce their effect. Lemon juice and all fermented milk products are the best option in this case.

avocado face mask

Cosmetics for mature skin

Avocado wrinkle mask is an effective cosmetic product that allows you to get rid of the first age-related skin changes. You can cook it in various ways:

  • mix the pulp of one half of the avocado fruit, a teaspoon of olive oil and the same amount of dry yeast (the mixture should be infused for a while, only after that it can be applied to the face);
  • grind one avocado and one carrot on a grater, beat with a whisk, mix it all with half a glass of sour cream and three tablespoons of honey.

There is another rather interesting recipe for avocado masks for the face from wrinkles. This product effectively smoothes the skin and gives it a healthy look. To prepare it, you need to mix the flesh of one avocado, two eggs, three tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of kefir, 2 teaspoons of soda and 2-3 drops of orange oil. All components should be thoroughly mixed and placed in a cold place for 12 hours. This is a very effective tool - the mask around the eyes of the avocado allows you to get rid of the first wrinkles.

Avocado Wrinkle Mask


Most women and girls believe that fruit masks cooked at home are completely harmless. This is actually not the case. Like any other fruit, avocados can trigger allergies. In this case, it cannot be called a safe component of nourishing masks for the skin. Moreover, many people use bones to make scrub, and it is in their composition that persin is contained - a potent toxin that can cause severe allergies. Therefore, before you start a set of caring activities at home, it is worth checking whether there is a reaction to masks from avocados. Reviews, by the way, suggest that allergies are extremely rare.

Nevertheless, there are several contraindications that should be considered when using fruits:

  • individual intolerance;
  • too oily skin;
  • combination skin.

Owners of the last two skin types should use avocado masks with extreme caution. The fact is that the oils contained in its composition can provoke even greater production of sebum. And it is best to add lemon juice or kefir to get rid of oily sheen.

How to cook a mask?

Beauty is a terrible force. Therefore, it must be protected from a young age. And not only to protect - it is important to maintain youthful skin and properly care for it. Even ordinary fruit masks should be prepared carefully and carefully, because beauty and youth are at stake. The slightest deviation from the recipe can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the following recommendations, which will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the fruits of avocado:

  1. Use only ripe and flawless fruits with juicy pulp (no rot, greens, yellowness and other signs of a spoiled product).
  2. Wash avocados thoroughly and carefully remove a thin layer of skin.
  3. For the preparation of cosmetics use only pulp.
  4. Grind avocados with a blender or grater.
  5. Add auxiliary components according to the recipe (honey and essential oils can be slightly warmed up - this will not affect the effect of the mask).
  6. The consistency should be creamy - the mask should not drain from the face.
  7. Before applying, you should steam the skin over the steam bath with the addition of fragrant herbs.
  8. Rinse with warm water without using additional cleaning agents.

After washing off the mask, a small amount of a nourishing or moisturizing cream can be applied to the skin of the face. How often can I make an avocado mask? Owners of dry skin can use the "alligator pear" twice a week, oily and combination - not more than 1 time per week.

Avocado oil: reviews

Pulp is far from the only product that is used in cosmetology. Avocado oil is also very popular. So, this component is part of nourishing shampoos and hair masks. If everyone knows about rejuvenating apples from fairy tales, then a few words will have to be said about rejuvenating pear.

According to reviews, avocado oil normalizes blood cholesterol, reduces the risk of cancer, slows down the aging process, has a bactericidal and wound healing effect, and also normalizes hormonal levels.

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