The correct weight, which is recommended by doctors - how to find out?

What woman does not dream to tidy her form. But do we do it right? Yes, it is clear that the first step on the road to losing weight or gaining weight is to identify the reasons for your weight not complying with the prescribed standards.

Eternal struggle

Women can interpret their appearance differently depending on their level of self-esteem and environment. One thing is certain: the numbers will say more about you. Therefore, as a first step towards excellence, buy floor scales. Accordingly, the correct weight, which is recommended by doctors, will be the topic of this article. Indeed, many women do not know how to calculate their proportions and are confused in terms. Let us dwell in more detail on the female physique.

proper weight recommended by doctors

Female body types

There are only three types:

  • Asthenic (or thin-boned) - characterized by elongated limbs, a long and thin neck, poorly developed muscles. Female representatives with this type of constitution are usually very active, lightweight and slowly gaining excess weight due to high energy costs.
  • Normostenic (or normal) - this type guarantees a woman a proportionately folded figure.
  • Hypersthenic (or broad-boned) - characterized by the presence of substantially large transverse dimensions, in contrast to the previous types. Owners of this physique have wider hips, legs and chest. Most women with this figure are prone to the rapid accumulation of extra pounds. Therefore, they have to monitor the diet and exercise more than, for example, asthenics. It is this category of women who is most interested in the correct weight, which doctors recommend.
    the right weight that doctors recommend for women

It is very difficult to lose weight in the last group of women, as their metabolism takes place at a slower pace, and the type of figure involves gaining excess body weight. It is so arranged by nature. However, there are methods to deceive her vigilance. For this, it is worth finding out your correct weight, which doctors recommend for a woman in accordance with her complexion.

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the type of your physique. To do this, you need to make simple measurements of the circumference of the wrist: asthenics have a wrist circumference of less than 17 centimeters, normostenics have a circumference in the region of 17-19 centimeters, hypersthenics differ in wrists larger than 19 centimeters.

The correct weight, which doctors recommend for height and age: the rate of growth

It is very important to take into account the woman's height when properly determining her optimal weight.

The correct weight recommended by the doctor is given real parameters
Over a long period, the classic division was the following: low growth - 150 centimeters and below, average is about 155-166 centimeters, high growth - 168-177, very tall people include those whose height is more than 177 cm. Acceleration of the end of the twentieth century, the average (normal) growth was considered the growth of 166-170 cm.

Proper weight recommended by doctors: body parameters

Having ascertained your type of complexion and the norms of proportions vertically, it is necessary to go to horizontal measurements. First you need to measure the chest, waist and hips. The well-known standard 90/60/90 - ideal only for tall girls. Short women who want to look attractive must strive for different standards. Here, the calculation goes to reduce a few centimeters in all circles, the optimal parameters are 88-58-88.

Ideal Weight Formulas

Thanks to scientific calculations, you can identify your correct weight, which is recommended by doctors. Real parameters are given: if you want to calculate your best weight, use the traditional formula of the famous anthropologist from France Paul Brock - you need to subtract 100 from your height, and the remainder will be your optimal weight. In principle, such a calculation method has already faded into the background. Brock's method is now used to calculate weight only in older women. It is replaced by the Ketle formula: weight in grams must be divided by height in centimeters. For women of any complexion from 16 to 40, it is necessary to multiply the growth in cm by a coefficient designed for the type of physique and age.

Thus, asthenics should have 325 grams of weight per cm of growth, normosthenics - 350 grams of weight per cm, and hypersthenics - 375 grams of weight per centimeter. The lower the woman, the less her weight should be. For example, the norm for a girl with a height of 168 is the correct weight, which is recommended by doctors, will be 61 kg, but in fact 58 is optimal.

Weight Loss Plateau

Very upsetting beautiful ladies when the weight is β€œstubborn” and does not want to go off the ground. Here, the girl lost 5 kilograms, and the last three can’t be squeezed. What is the reason? In fact, the effect of the plateau during weight loss occurs due to hormonal disruptions in the body, which lead to the accumulation of excess fluid.

the correct weight that doctors recommend for height and age
Not surprisingly, the accumulation of fluid in the body if a woman drinks too much water at night. You also need to beware of salt, as in combination with water it can contribute to swelling on the face and legs. The main mistake of losing weight is wide intervals between meals, while ideal weight loss depends on frequent meals throughout the day. Interruptions in nutrition for more than 12 hours should be avoided.

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