The best phlebologists in Tula: recommendations and patient reviews

How to choose a good phlebologist in Tula? Few people know that this doctor is a narrow-profile vascular surgeon specializing in the treatment of varicose veins and other problems associated with the circulatory system of the legs. The list of the best phlebologists in Tula will help you choose the most competent specialist based on patient feedback.

Kuranov I.S.

Igor Kuranov

The vascular surgeon of the highest category Igor Stanislavovich Kuranov, successfully working in the profession for more than 30 years, opens the list of the best phlebologists in Tula. Judging by the reviews from different sites, many patients sincerely consider Igor Stanislavovich the best phlebologist of Tula, as his qualitatively performed operations not only saved many people from pain, but also restored the beauty of his legs, which is especially important for women who often have to go to phlebologists for help. Judging by the comments, he also helped older clients, who for many years believed that there was no hope, because years take their toll, to get rid of varicosity correctly.

At the initial appointment with the phlebologist Kuranov S.N. You can sign up at the "Status" medical center on Sovetskaya street, 67 and in the Regional hospital on Yablochkova street, l. 1A.

Osmanov E.G.

Elkhan Osmanov

A very good phlebologist is Elkhan Gadzhievich Osmanov, MD, a surgeon of the highest category with 20 years of experience, 150 scientific papers and three patented medical inventions. Reviews about this doctor are no less impressive than his qualifications. They write that Elkhan Gadzhievich is not just a doctor, but a real creator and innovator, since for each individual case he always comes up with a slightly different, improved and individual way of treatment. This not only brings the solution to the problem closer, but also significantly reduces the recovery period.

To the phlebologist Osmanov E.G. You can ask for help at the Lazermed clinic on Tokarev Street, 82.

Badaev V.I.

Victor Badayev

Reviews about the phlebologist in Tula Viktor Ivanovich Badayev, a specialist of the highest category, who is also a surgeon, radiologist and ultrasound doctor with 23 years of experience, are extremely positive. The reviews write that Viktor Ivanovich is not only a wonderful doctor and expert in his field, but also a very good person. Judging by the words of the patients, he is always in a good mood, able to explain in an understandable and extremely detailed way, to make a joke appropriate, to cheer him up, to set up for a positive outcome.

Phlebologist Badaev V.I. works in the Vanykin Emergency Hospital on Pervomaiskaya Street, 13, and also in the special clinic "Phlebological Center" on Dekabristov Street, 6.

Mednikov B.P.

Excellent professional data from the phlebologist in Tula Boris Petrovich Mednikov, namely the highest qualification category and more than 30 years of experience. Judging by the comments from the patients, the level and volume of medical knowledge of Boris Petrovich is so excellent that it cannot even occur to them that this specialist may not know something or say the wrong things, give appointments or make diagnoses. The results of the therapy or surgery, depending on the complexity of the case, speak for themselves - the patients are satisfied and again can fully live.

Phlebologist Mednikov conducts his reception at the clinic "FSK Clinics" on 29B Maxim Gorky Street. In addition, he makes a trip to the house at a price of 3900 rubles.

Kurnosov V.A.

Vasily Kurnosov

Vasily Anatolyevich Kurnosov is a phlebologist of the highest qualification category, practicing surgery and ultrasound examination of the vessels of the legs. In the reviews, mainly the comments of patients who were very afraid to spoil the appearance of their legs, but received a complete update. They write that Vasily Anatolyevich has golden hands, a talent for conducting painless operations, a very sensitive, attentive and kind attitude to his wards. Patients like that if surgery can be dispensed with, Vasily Anatolyevich will never insist on its operation, dispensing with therapeutic methods.

The answer to the question is where does the phlebologist Kurnosov - "Phlebological Center" on Dekabristov Street, 6, receive in Tula.

Kolosov I.V.

Igor Kolosov

The phlebologist of the first qualification category with 12 years of experience is Igor Valentinovich Kolosov. Patients satisfied with the work of this specialist predict a great future for him in medicine. They note not only intelligence and a great sense of tact, but also a sincere interest in the profession, in helping their clients. He carries out operations so gemly that on the second day, patients do not feel pain when walking.

Here are the medical centers where you can make an appointment with a phlebologist Kolosov:

  • Clinic "Lazermed" on Tokareva street, 82.
  • Medical center "Status" on Sovetskaya street, 67.
  • Regional hospital on the street Yablochkova, 1A.

Zybin A.V.

Alexei Vadimovich Zybin has been successfully working as a phlebologist and a vascular surgeon for 12 years, having earned a good reputation during this time both in words and in reviews on the open spaces of the network. Patients describe him as a somewhat restless, but very qualified, responsible doctor who works very quickly. This allows Alexei Vadimovich to quickly diagnose and prescribe a treatment that has an effect in the first week of exact adherence to recommendations. If it comes to surgery, Alexei Vadimovich is not lost and conducts it perfectly, without leaving terrible footprints on patients.

In Tula, the phlebologist A. Zybin conducts practice at the clinic "FSK Clinics" on the street Maxim Gorky, 29B and leaves the house at a price of 3900 rubles.

Evlashkina E.E.

Ekaterina Evlashkina

The list of the best phlebologists in Tula is completed by a young specialist with 5 years of experience Ekaterina Evgenievna Evlashkina, who, despite her modest experience, has already earned a reputation as one of the best specialists in the city. In the comments about the work of Ekaterina Evgenievna, one can often find the words that at first patients are very scared by her age and her seeming inexperience in such a complicated matter, but already at the beginning of treatment everyone is convinced that the doctor should not have any experience, and even more so knowledge in this area.

Phlebologist Evlashkina E.E. looking forward to in the special clinic "Phlebological Center" on Dekabristov Street, 6.

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